What Browser do you Use?

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Scuba Instructor
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Oshawa,Ontario - Canada
I just downloaded Mozilla Firefox as a browser and am quite impressed with the speed of it and how it works in general. Especially since it sits in its own little folder and doesn't bother anyone and has less chance of getting a Virus or CSS Hijack.

I know from looking at my website stats that most of the world is using IE (Internet Explorer) as their browser of choice but Mozilla is rising in popularity and after using it for a day I can see why.

Here is a sample of what we have seen from people visiting our site in the last 2 weeks:

Internet Explorer - 89.8 %
Mozilla - 4.1 %
Netscape - 3.1 %
Unknown - 1.9 %
Safari - 0.5 %
Opera - 0.2 %
Firebird less than 0.1 %
Konqueror less than 0.1 %
UP.Browser (PDA/Phone browser) less than 0.1 %

So is anybody else on the board using Mozilla or something other than IE and what are your experiances with it?
MSIE at work, Mozilla at home.

Been using Mo in one form or another back when it was the only GUI browser. You know, back in the days when Yahoo! was the bottom rung of the search engine wars behind Webcrawler. Mo is vastly superior to MSIE. Faster, more stable, and tabbed browsing. I can have ScubaBoard, DiveNews, and Scubadiving.com all open at the same time in the same window. I LOVE IT!

Now if only work would use it....
I just put Mozilla on my Prof's Mac [spit] because IE for the Mac [spit] doesn't play well with some certified secure sites and our clinical/research database requires 128-bit SSL. It also has 'issues' with java over SSL... 8^(

Obviously everything works fine on a PC...

On Windows I recently started using Mozilla for browser and email and I've been pretty happy with it. Before that I used Netscape since forever but I dumped that as it's not progressing well anymore and I had too many bugs and stability problems. Mozilla also does a little better than Netscape on some IE-centric sites. For various reasons (including the lack of tabs) I avoid IE whenever I can, only use it when I have to test something there or a site doesn't work in Mozilla. (Still happens far too often, but fortunately Scubaboard is fine!)

On my Mac I use Safari which seems even better than Mozilla on IE-centric sites. (Scubaboard works well in Safari too.) Occasionally I find something that doesn't work right in Safari and my Mac fallback is Mozilla. I almost downloaded Firefox recently then I decided I really didn't need any more beta software in my life.

I've also used Opera on Windows, Konqueror on SUSE Linux, and a few others I can't even remember at the moment, but not enough to have an opinion. I know a number of people who swear by Opera though.

(Yes, I have WAY too many computers.)
I use IE everywhere, unless I'm using lynx for something. It works, the core of the program is always running, and I never run into incompatible sites. I do have Moz, and it's a nice little browser, but it's one more fairly large program to run and I still need to fire up IE sometimes for sites that don't seem to work very well. So I don't use it.

Ever since I started using OpenBSD as a server, I've seen less and less use for "alternative" software on the Windows platform. I guess I get my fix by using an "alternative" server and the programs associated with it.
I started off with Netscape before IE was born, kept using it most of the time. I was ticked off when AOL bought Netscape; it really took a dump after that. Glad they got bribed by MS & let go the company, it's recovered nicely. Had 7.1 on my windoze box but a lightning strike took care of that machine.
Now I'm running Lindows flavored Linux & 100% Mozilla & phasing out products from the Evil Empire.
The tabbed browsing & multiple email accounts are a dream.

Internet Suite 1.5
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20040225 Debian/1.5-2.0.0.lindows0.0.65.45+0

If anyone wants to do a test drive of the LindowsOS, a CD is available that'll allow you to run it right off the CD drive, never reads or writes anything to the HD at all. Gives you a taste of the OS without making you "take the big leap" right away.
Drop me a PM if you're interested
i use IE at work, Netscape at home. but Netscape has been crashing and locking up
a lot lately, to thinking of going back to IE at home (against my will)
Mozilla but recently I've been playing with firefox.
mozilla/FreeBSD, been using that combination since sometime in 2001. before that it was mozilla/Linux and before that netscape/Linux (and before that netscape/Irix or netscape/OSF1 or netscape/Ultrix)...

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