What makes a master diver?

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Im casper, the friendly ghost..
I have only PADI AOW and Ive done deep, wreck, nav, s&r, cold, drysuit, drift, cavern, night and OMG! SOLO! dives.. Ive gotta be dead already...

Oh, and some of them even being combinations, maybe even throw in a BOAT in the mix.. Geeze im lucky to be alive come to think of it.. Im going to another alphabet soup to get resurrected..

According to this board you've beaten the odds!! Better buy a lotto ticket!:)
PADI bashing is common and not just on this forum .

i recieved my ow and progressed from there to aow . i then left and went to CMAS . the padi system is a good system its the fact that its $$$$$$ run and their is no enforccement / monitoring of progression .

its the fact that o diver with 5 dives does not know enough about his own gear let alone his buddies to be let out into the big blue world alone with his mate who was in the class with them ,
Paco II:
What is required for Naui's Master Diver? Tried to google for the answer, but the descriptions I found all seemed fairly similar to SSI's, and definitely not to the level as described below ('a diver who has the same level of diving skill and knowledge that is expected of a NAUI Instructor without the teaching and course management stuff').
NAUI's offerings are integrated classes not "collect the specialty cards and then pay a fee." NAUI's Master SCUBA Diver course uses the same level exam as the Instructor Training Course and the skill evaluations are the same as for the Instructor Training Course. NAUI does not make that real clear on their web site. They only allude to it when they say in the course description, "Hone your diving skills to the level of a professional NAUI Leader."

The point of the course, and the reason for the name, is recognition that the diver can operate as a diver, at the level one would expect of a NAUI Instructor.
A master diver comes from within, not a credit card not any green back $ but just yourself, alot of dedication, determination and hard work. Weather it B SSI, PADI,NAUI or whatever.
The OP asked for an opinion and thoughts, don't ask for opinions of this or that if your not willing to take both positive and negative.

BTW, fifty dives even from PadI does not make a Master Diver, not sure exactly what makes a Master Diver but it is not a credit card and fifty dives. Fifty dives could not possibly cover the complete spectrum of diving. That would be like reading the course synopsis for a college Master of Science degree and then claiming your the same as if you had actually taken the course work--NOT. Sorry, it can be a rough world out there, prepare to meet those who have differing opinions.

A true Master diver in my mind would be what Gary just described from his Navy days.
No, That would be a Navy or Military Diver.
Isn't that alone, enough?

Just the mere mention of Navy Diver brings up certain images.
Does Master Diver do that to anyone.
We are arguing over symantics
I think the card should say RECREATIONAL MASTER DIVER. Tech diving requires FAR more training and equipment and if something goes wrong surfacing is not a viable option
What makes a master diver?
With 40 dives over 2 yrs I still consider myself a new diver. Recently I decided to get my AOW, thru my local dive shop.This is mandatory for some of the dives I want to do. On 2 seperate occasions I have been buddied up, by the instructor, with people going for their master diver cards. I should mention that I dive in N.J. where wreck diving can be disorienting with bad viz. Both times my buddies had a minimal number of dives and none in the Atlantic. Should it be this easy to be able to call yourself a master diver? My local shop advises people to do their AOW and master diver at the same time. One of the guys had only ever dived in a quarry before being my buddy.

The OP asked for an opinion and thoughts, don't ask for opinions of this or that if your not willing to take both positive and negative.

BTW, fifty dives even from PadI does not make a Master Diver, not sure exactly what makes a Master Diver but it is not a credit card and fifty dives. Fifty dives could not possibly cover the complete spectrum of diving. That would be like reading the course synopsis for a college Master of Science degree and then claiming your the same as if you had actually taken the course work--NOT. Sorry, it can be a rough world out there, prepare to meet those who have differing opinions.


Actually I don't see where in the OP it says "hey let's bash PADI and crow about how good all the others are." I also don't see where he asks how much money it should cost. What he is asking is what makes a master diver.

Is a Navy SEAL a Master Diver? Ask his peers! Does a NAUI or SSI or the YMCA cert make one a Master Diver? Ask the diver's peers! Is it defined by skill? Yes but not exclusivly. I think like others have said that it is a combination of skill, technique and attitude.

I don't mind different opinions (even if I think they're wrong:) ). But if you look through the majority of the threads and posts available on SB you'll see a pattern. PADI =BAD Any Other=Good or Best Thus my original response to this thread.
To the question: What makes a master diver?

Answer: Simple Arrogance

I have many card from DM to Cave to Trimix (No Navy or PSD though). I don't consider myself a master diver, not even in some environments I really like to dive in. I still have much to learn, much to experience and much to share with others.

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