Would/Do you loan out your gear?

Would/Do you loan out your gear?

  • Yes, always willing to help a fellow diver.

    Votes: 39 28.3%
  • No, my gear is my life...

    Votes: 55 39.9%
  • Not sure... depends how cute they are.

    Votes: 44 31.9%

  • Total voters

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Everyone knows about those long forms we all sign when we go diving anywhere but our very own bathtub right. Those let anyone on the boat, shore, earth, or orbiting in space that might even be remotely related to anyone else, off the hook if you or I should die. Cause you should have known better! However, if that rented reg freeflows and you die, Wife gets a new house! In most cases that there is a settlement it normally has to do with faulty equip. All I am saying is that if you do loan out anything that could fail and have catastrophic results, it had better been inspected and have its repairs up to date, i.e. a current warranty etc. Personally I dont loan out anything that falls into that catagory to anyone other than family. :armed:
The only people privy to my gear besides me is my close friends. I have no problem lending a friend a piece of gear if they need it and I don't at the moment. As far as strangers and my friends buddies, no. I worked hard and spent alot of money on my gear. It is not community property. I don't do many charters because I'm fortunate enough to have access to boats with my friends.
There are only two people in the world I will let use my gear, both are long time friends and dive buddys who I trust with my life and equiptment...........period.
Is 'stuff' really so important? Attachment to 'stuff' only leads to suffering in your life

Letting someone use a piece of gear under your direct supervision, i.e. neading a mask is ok. By the way OK comes from an old war term, when the men returned to their bunker, if all returned it was reported 0 (zero) K (killed)

I have learned more then once not to lend gear.

I have a lot of gear as I was an instructor until this year, I did not renew.

While living in Hawaii in the mid 80's I have three tails

I lent a Nokomis II to a friend, he droped it, dammaged the lens and did not even offer to have it repaired.

I lent a reg to someone. On my next dive I put my head into a hole, pulled it out and sucked water. I started to ascend. I had the mouth piece in my mouth. the second stage was not attached to it. The tie wrap that held the mouth piece to the second stage bothered my friend, so he cut it off. When I pulled my head out of the hole, the hose caught on something and pulled the second stage out of the mouth piece.

I was diving with some friends. I often brought tanks for them as they had none. Of course they never even offered to pay for the air fill they used. On one dive the burst disc went on one I was lending someone. Costing the air fill in it. $12 for the burst disk and another air fill. Again no monies were offered. The next time we went diving they wanted to know why I did not bring tanks for them?
I don't loan gear out. I don't want the responsibility or the worry.
I just p!ssed off my sister-in-law and her husband. They manage a pool at a country club and called to find out if they could borrow "a mask and a tank" from me. Apparantly the pool has a leak and they thought I should just lend them the gear so they could fix the leak at the drain. I said "absolutely not". Neither of them are certified. I offered to come over and fix it for them but I guess that wasn't good enough. They now declined to come to our family picnic this weekend. Now I'm looking like the badguy.

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