Would/Do you loan out your gear?

Would/Do you loan out your gear?

  • Yes, always willing to help a fellow diver.

    Votes: 39 28.3%
  • No, my gear is my life...

    Votes: 55 39.9%
  • Not sure... depends how cute they are.

    Votes: 44 31.9%

  • Total voters

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OK, let's see where this goes... Here's the scenario:

You are at your dive destination and done diving for the day, someone you don't know or never dove with before asks if they can borrow a piece of your gear (dive light, fins, something like that).

Do you do it?
If they want to use my sea drops, go for it, snorkle - have fun, need to borrow weights, o.k. You want my regs and computer...not going to happen. It would also depend if I'm on vacation with other dives planned the next few days, where a missing peice of gear would cancel the dive.

Just my .02 worth.
well maybe my extra strps, fins , or mask , mask defog something of that nature but not my regulator , computer ect this is my life line and cant trust sorry but its my gear !!!!!
Will I let you borrow my $$$$? No way!
Will I let you borrow my man? No way in hell!
Will I let you borrow my gear? There's no f%&#ing way!

Ive got doubles and triples of most things so I lend them sometimes!!
List of some of my stuff:
3 sets of regs
3 bcs
6 tanks
2 wet suits
1 dry suit
3 sets of fins
4 knives (but only 2 sheaves)
etc etc.
Rick L
Me and my buddy have stuff and keep extra stuff specifically for lending out:


Older BCs
Backup regs
a few aluminum tanks each (we typically only dive steels now)

The idea is that it gives you more opportunities to dive and gives other people an opportunity if you want to dive with them and they dont have gear or cant afford a rental.

No one really gets to go with the main gear sets but us. And likely when the next set of gear gets purchased, this set goes in the loaner/backup category.

I guess I am not the norm because I have loaded my gear to several people.

Some who wanted to check out a particular BCD, reg, computer and others who wanted to dive but didn't want to pay the rental fee.

I am in a little different situation that most of you though. I am pregnant and can't dive right now. I have loaned gear in order for my husband to have a buddy and be able to dive without me. I have never been burned by loaning out my gear. It has always been returned clean and in good shape.

I also want to say that my first dive with the BCD and computer that I bought were as a result of someone who already owned those products letting me try before I bought. I think it is a nice service to provide a fellow diver and something I recommend often.

I also like to tell people that my MX-10 has been to Saba and Dry Tortugas even thought I have not because I loaned it to a friend to take with her. I loved seeing the pictures!

:bunny: KC_Scubabunny :bunny:
Like others, Flo and I have backups for all our gear. When we purchase new gear we place the other in backup status(unless we have someone pushing money in our face to buy it). When we do leand gear we usually know the person borrowing as they are usually with someone we know or on a dive boat diving with us for the week. Like KC_ScubaBunny our gear has always been returned clean and unabused. I like to think the Scuba Gods will smile upon us for allowing others not to miss a dive because they left something behind. Again this is our backup gear, we would not lend our primary gear to anyone. This is our life line and it is a guarded commodity.
Most seem to say they would donate their backup gear...

What if something happened to the person that was using it?

Again, just a thought. I don't want anyone to think negatively about being generous by any means, but have you ever thought about this? Curious about what you all have to say.
Well, if I'm diving in a wayout place like the Bay Islands off of Honduras and I have a full week to go, my primary equipment is for my use. However after being to these type of places. I have started packing extra equipment like spare analog gauge set mostly because my first computer took a dump in my first week of diving, and in Guanaja you just don't have access to dive shops without a half of a days flight.
So I carry extra batts, analog guage, flash light, straps and small items for use by myself and/or others just in case.

I think when you do this ((carry spares)) it reflects to the people around you that you have ((and they should have)) a plan for problems that can happen durring a dive and/or vacation and this makes you a better diver and hope makes the people around you better divers.

If I was not going to go diving for a while, month plus I would consider loaning my primary equipment to somebody I knew very well and could trust to return in prime condition.


Hey BTW I think a good survey might be how many people carry extra reg/guages in there equipment pack and have had to use them.:)

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