Would/Do you loan out your gear?

Would/Do you loan out your gear?

  • Yes, always willing to help a fellow diver.

    Votes: 39 28.3%
  • No, my gear is my life...

    Votes: 55 39.9%
  • Not sure... depends how cute they are.

    Votes: 44 31.9%

  • Total voters

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A guy I work wtih just suggested carrying a 10 page release form around with you! (waterproof, or course):jester:
Maybe my defog, but no way they are going to use my reg, computer, etc
NO matter how cute they are!

Because I have a friend who has dove with my new computer that even I haven't gotten to dive with!

My husband bought me a Suunto Mosquito for our wedding anniversary in April. 3 days after our anniversary, I found out I am expecting our first child. I saw no reason for the computer to be returned because I did want it as a gift. My friend Tami has dove with it for her AOW class and at least one other weekend.

My husband has also taken my new computer out for a spin and I hope will explain to me all the advanced features when I do start diving again next year.

I guess I would like someone to explain to me why their computer and reg are so sacred that not even a friend or family member could use them.

Am I missing something?

:bunny: KC_Scubabunny :bunny:
As far as my computer goes, it has my log information, my nitrogen and o2 information. Having carried all required gear to my destination, it would stink if I loaded my fins and one was lost on a dive. My computer is air-integrated (non quick disconnect) so if I loan my regs computer goes with it.

If I wasn't diving for an extended period of time, I would loan it to someone I trusted to properly care for it. But 100+ miles from home, with more dives scheduled for the trip, no.
Only to students I was teaching.
Computer lending? Difficult as I have both of them on!
Never a borrower or a lender be. Old Grandmother saying.
MNScuba once bubbled...
OK, let's see where this goes... Here's the scenario:

You are at your dive destination and done diving for the day, someone you don't know or never dove with before asks if they can borrow a piece of your gear (dive light, fins, something like that).

Do you do it?

A stranger walks up and wants to borrow gear? Depends on what they want. But other than o-rings and defog, I'm not giving anything to a stranger. If I'm through diving, I'm likely leaving the dive site anyway.

We keep lots of extra gear, most has just accumulated over the years. If someone wants to try out fins, BC's, even regs, for a comparison when deciding what to buy, they can come diving with me and use anything I have except my primary gear. But if I'm not onsite the only thing I'll loan out is fins, and then only to a limited few that I trust to return them.

If someone in our group has just forgotten a piece of gear, like lights, I'll loan them a spare. We've all done that. But strangers, sorry. It still amazes me the b*lls some people have to ask strangers to borrow gear in the first place!
I'll lend fins, snorkel, lights, spare hoods, gloves and so forth to almost anyone who needs it, as long as I'm around (and don't need it myself, of course). I'll lend any of the above to someone I know personally, even if I'm not around.

I'd lend a BC to a friend who I knew could use it properly and take good care of it. I would be EXTREMELY hesitant to lend my regulator to anyone, but there are a few people who I know well enough, long enough, and who are responsible and experienced enough divers, that I would let them use my reg in a pinch. These people are mostly DMs and instructors, and for the most part, I can't imagine them needing to borrow one. BUT, if we were doing a certification weekend, and their gear was stolen overnight or something like that, I would let them use my reg when I wasn't using it. The same short list of people could borrow my computer for a trip where I wasn't going to be diving at all. I guess I'd also swap gear for a dive with one of these people if they wanted to try mine or I wanted to try theirs.
I lend equipment to my friends all the time. If a friend is going for a Safari next week and he haven't received his regulator from service etc. I gladly lend one of my own sets. Of course, I know that they will treat it as good as I would, and they won't ask if the knew they can't take care of it.
If I was in the middle of Safari and a stranger asks for a piece of gear? Well, most ships offer rental services, but suppose they don't: the reg and computer are out of the question! For the rest I think I would lend it, hoping that if it happens to me next time (I usually take back-up for important gear) then I'll find a generous divers who'll help me too!

Liabilty? Hmmm, I don't know, but I think ANY diver is ALLWAYS responsible for checking the gear before using it...

BTW, just a curiosity: people are not always polite when asking for gear. Some just take it without asking: A friend of mine was doing his 3m safety stop when someone (freediving) snatched his mask and got out of the water $%^&%@#X*!!! By the time he realized what happened and got out of the water, the "mask-robber" was nowhere to be seen.
Can you believe that?
The group of people I dive with lends gear to each other all of the time. Stage bottles, singles, doubles, scooters, HID's, etc etc. We all bring enouh gear where if one of us has a problem, the other has a solution.

Would I lend out gear to someone I don't know, No. I will give you a fin strap, or a mask strap, or orings, but I will not let you use a reg. My gear is very serious to me. I will only lend my vital gear, to other that I know, and trust with my life. Because in effect, that is what you are doing.
KC_Scubabunny once bubbled...
I guess I would like someone to explain to me why their computer and reg are so sacred that not even a friend or family member could use them.

It depends on the context in which this occurs. If I am on a boat, just finishing a dive and someone else is about to get in the water I would not loan them my computer. First of all, the information for them would not be accurate as it there wouldn't have been an adequate SI to clear it. Secondly, by throwing that repetitive dive in it is going to show increased nitrogen loading for me and possibly cut any remaining dives I have short.

I personally carry a waterproof copy of US Navy Dive tables that are good to 200' and include deco information. If my computer failed, my backup is the tables. I would recommend that everyone else be familiar and comfortable enough with tables that they could do the same.

If I was done diving, and the person was someone I knew and trusted I would let them use my computer. But at around $700 it is one of my most expensive, yet most easily damaged pieces of equipment. And since most of the divers I see on trips are dragging consoles and bouncing off of reefs, I am afraid I would just have to decline.

As far as the rest of my gear goes, I have swapped gear with buddies who wanted to try my stuff out and I have lent a few non essentials like back up lights. Usually however, I know most of those whom I am diving with, even when in larger groups. We are generally well prepared and I have tried to help them remember any 'special' equipment that may be needed prior to the trip (such as extra lights for night dives).

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