Cozumel changed to spearing destination

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I just want to dive,shoot vids and have a good time, but not see a bunch of killing going on.
Be careful wherever you go. There have been cases of fish killing other fish! Just avert your eyes if you come across it--it might be a little bit hard to take.
Don, I appreciate the 'safety factor', but honestly on my 08/2010 week long trip I enjoyed those dives where the DMs (who are probably bored out of their minds) got to do their thing (fun hunting), and they left me alone to do my thing........I didn't miss the usual tank-banging dog-an-pony show one bit!
Yeah, varies with the site I suppose. Some sites need the DM to lead, some not so much, and I can do without tank banging.
Ok, so you have not dived with a DM who spends all his time looking for targets...?

Well, not that, but we have stopped and focused in on killing a lionfish. Of course my DM knows I am all about the lionfish eradication. I can understand people who don't want to wait on that. If it is a problem, you should check with your op on its policy I guess. If I didn't enjoy stopping a minute for the hunt, I guess I would still be ok with waiting as my little contribution to the health of the reef.
All it takes for evil to take root is for a few good men to do nothing.... :ijs:

Well I agree, but if they are 'sensitive' surely someone will accommodate them and NOT shoot the beautiful little cockroaches of the ocean on their dives......
Well, not that, but we have stopped and focused in on killing a lionfish. Of course my DM knows I am all about the lionfish eradication. I can understand people who don't want to wait on that. If it is a problem, you should check with your op on its policy I guess. If I didn't enjoy stopping a minute for the hunt, I guess I would still be ok with waiting as my little contribution to the health of the reef.

I don't care for a DM to be hunting lions as I prefer s/he focus more on leading, finding fish and special sights, and of course back up safety. It'd be good to ask the dive Op to be put on boats without hunters, depending on the Op.

On my last trip to CZM we had a DM that was a very nice guy but he spent the whole dive (no exaggeration) looking for, killing and then stripping, scaling and packing his LF catch in plastic bags to take home to eat. This turned into a constant occurrence on every dive.

On one dive he stopped right in the middle of a swim thru (trapping all of us behind him) while he went after a large LF. I was second in line, right behind him. The LF almost got off his spear coming within an inch (no exaggeration) of my face before he got control of it and killed it. There was no place for me to go. I was not a happy diver !!

There were only 5 of us on the boat for most of the week and we were all experienced divers. Even though nobody said anything at first, you could tell we were all thinking the same thing. So after a day or so of this pattern we had a chat with him and that ended his hunting for the week.

We all finished out the week with great dives and everyone was happy !!
I like Dandy Don's reply and truthfully, I don't care if the DM is "bored" to death" to bad - I'm paying a fee for a service. I expect him to do his job. For some of the time I'm bored on my job, that's why I go on vacation. If the DM is so bored, please find something else to do or do it on your day off.

I very much understand the problem of Lion Fish as an [FONT=&quot]envasive[/FONT] species. However, I do question all you "Eco-minded" divers that are killing for the good of the environment. Kudzu is an [FONT=&quot]envasive[/FONT] species as well and does a lot of damage - if you're so eco minded, how many of you have stopped by a field full of Kudzu and started mowing?

I don't want to go on vacation and like one writer posted get nailed in the face by and injured fish or have some inattentive person put a spear in my leg.

Requesting spearless boats is an option that I will ask for
Better yet just ask to do dives where you don't have to use the DM and plan and dive your own plan. Simple. Or dive more locally. I don't eat fish much but I would not have problem with the DM killing them for himself. I like to find my own interesting stuff and be responsible for myself. If the DM is leaving me alone to do that I'm much happier and they will get a bigger tip. It's like tv, don't like watching the DM kill lionfish? Turn around and go in a different direction or look at something else. I don't think that as weird (and sometimes unsafe) as some of the stuff they do with OW divers there is, they don't hold a gun to your head and force you to watch their every move.
Wait until they get stung a few times, they may decide that hunting Lionfish isn't worth it after all. I have never been stung, But I have now seen 3 people get hit, one guy twice. The guy who got hit twice swims the other way when he sees one. I am more curious WHY you dont want to be on a dive with Lionfish eradication happening. Something tells me its not a distracted DM that's bugging you, so lets hear it.

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