A Question that Really Happened

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LoL cath Ive never responded to a post like this, but anyone with half a brain knows how to respond to this situation, let alone anyone with ANY dive training and regard for life....
NO S**T !!!! If you check back on ALL my posts I'm a mega friendly guy, but this is the dumbest post Ive ever seen on this board. its common sense and not worthy of a post. Sorry but that has me slightly worked up. Any DMs / Instructors replying to this as anything other than aborting the dive pls identify yourself......


I mean, there are no Disney guards down there..so you have to take the initiative to optimize the situation. I would want the same if I am some newbie rock climber.

Every now and then I have clowns who think they should try and keep up with me riding a motorbike. I have several choices. Bow down to the Lowest Common Denominator and slow down to a speed that I think they can handle. This will ruin my day. They will continue doing dumb things.
Or drop them. This will not ruin my day. At the next gas stop we may get a chance to chat. Perhaps they will now listen to what I have to say.
(Yes, that really happens).

I don't treat diving any different. I pay extremely close attention to anyone I'm diving with and try to put myself in a situation where I can help them immediately if they need it. I refuse to be responsible for everyone else in the water. I'm not a lifeguard.
I have never been to Vortex and am not a cave diver but if I understand the OP correctly there is a cavern where the yahoos are and then the entrance to the spring. Given what these guys were doing I would suspect they were not cavern certified either. Best bet was to report them to the management, chances are they would be banned from the place and learn their lesson.
let alone anyone with ANY dive training and regard for life....

okay scuba crazy, enlighten me.

Tom is probably right, don;t waste the gas. But I feel pretty confident that if it was, say, Nitrox or air, then two of us could protect the entry.

Like I said, I know there are places down south where the boys can get pretty full of them selves. In most places I have been, two divers at the entry of a cavern or a wreck can control most reasonable people who may get the idea to peek, enter, whatever.

report them to the management,
hey..if you have "management", do that. I have never dived anywhere that had management. Those Florida caves I went in with my dad, did not have management then. or gates for that matter, that I recall.
You can be right a lot, Tom. So..you would really leave? If the group was six or four and the depth was 60 ft?

Don't most of these places have an endless supply of divers showing up?

Dan, is there a rule about not opening the gate with "specatators"?

The kid deserves special consideration, Jeckyl. That could have been me at 8, scared out of my wits getting dragged around by "Moose", my dad.
Alright I may have come across as aggressive on this post, so i apologies, but i cant imagine how there is even debate on this subject. You head down into a cave enterence...there are a bunch of jokers who, it appears, are not cave certified, seem to be dangerous divers, and are planning on following YOU into an enclosed overhead environment. What do you do....

do you leave one of your dive group (which one) by themselves (with no buddy) at the entrance to this cave with the purpose of stopping a large group of (who knows, drug dealers, serial killer convention, does it matter) from following you into a cave. What a responsibility!!! Lets say he fails (I dont move that fast underwater and cannot control a group of large men) and the group follows you and your best friend, your brother and your sisters husband into the cave.....wonderfull situation, sign me up!! I'm sorry if i came across harsh but there is no debate as to how to deal with this dive. Abort, ascend, report to an authority (if available) and live to dive another day....

Is is even POSSIBLE to argue with this??
Yep, I would leave without a second thought. Now I might pull out the wet notes and ask them to leave 1st, but I doubt they would. Heck yesterday at E-Beach we had a couple of unkown tag alongs. Saw them entering the water as we were swimming out and could tell they were not completely comfortable. Imagine my surprise when I turn to check on the rest of the team and they they were right along with us. No big deal since it was open water, but I can imagine that kind of shinanigans happening in cave. Bad news!!
The kid deserves special consideration, Jeckyl. That could have been me at 8, scared out of my wits getting dragged around by "Moose", my dad.

I already agreed that strenuously pointing them in the direction they needed to go was 100% ok.

But I relate this to diving on wrecks. The ones I've dived on, there are no gates. And if you shoo someone away from one entrance, how do you ensure they don't go in somewhere else? A: You can't.

It's always a tough situation when you have people who think they should 'tag along' especially because they are clueless not only about the risk they put themselves in, but also about the risk the put _you_ in.

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