Aeris computers

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Ok, I'm finally trying to get all of my gear together and purchase and now it's time for the dive computer. I've read numerous posts about the Suunto Cobra and Vyper. But I have not seen many on the Aeris computers. Rodales gave them a tester's choice for all models. Should I consider them?

I need a computer that is safe and reliable and can handle Nitrox, that's it in a nutshell. Don't know if really want AI or not.

Boy, deciding on equipment is difficult to say the least!

Here are the one's that I am looking at:

Aeris 300G
Aeris 500AI
Mares Surveyor Nitrox
Suunto Vyper
Suunto Cobra

If there are any others that I might have missed with similar features let me know.

Thanks for any input

Pearce & I both have Atmos Pros. They deserve the rating(s) Rodales gave them. They are Nitrox compatible, easy to use/read, have multiple functions, VERY readable at night, fit in most consoles, and have a battery that is user-replacable (and readily available). They also have good dive log capability.

Cons: you must turn them on BEFORE you get into the water (not a biggie but sometimes overlooked when you are in a rush); the FO2 default needs to be reset at the beginning of each set of dives *if there is more than 24 hours between dives*. Again, not a biggie, and something that we have learned to encorporate into our routine when doing our pre-dive safety check.

Hope this helps,

I've been very pleased with my Atmos Pro for both air and nitrox. I also use the download and it is very useful for post dive analysis. I especially like the display size and graphics. It has been trouble free and reliable.

Thanks for the reply's. Haven't really thought about the Atmos Pro. Is is the same as the 300G basically without the analog pressure guage and audible alarms?
I am using an Aeris 500AI and find it great. I like the ease of the all in one system. Find on the dives it is very realiable for air pressure, time and water temperatures along with being my depth gauge. I also like the alarm features and logs. All in all I am happy with this computer. It is Nitrox compatable also.

I'm not well versed on the Atmos Pro vs. the A300G, but from a cursory look at the Owner's Guide, it would appear that those are the only differences. Yes, you read that right.. .there is ONE manual for BOTH computers... so they can't be THAT different!

Whenever there is a feature that the 300G has, it is marked as "Aeris 300G Only"... and I have only found a couple of places where that occurs (eg: Audible Alarm).


I've been using and love my Cobra, but I am very familiar with the Aeris line as well (since they are really Oceanic's) and can say that they have also worked very well for me in the past. Though I will still have to say the Cobra is the current king of the hill. AI is definitely worth the extra bucks.

Sea you in the Deep Blue!

The type of computer you decide to buy should be commensuate of the type of diving you do. Pelagic Pressure Systems sell computers through different manufacturers, such as Oceanic, USD, Sherwood, and so forth. They are all easy to use, track the essentials, are relatively inexpensive, and are user friendly. I have dove with an Oceanic Datamax Sport for years and have had no complaints other than it has reached its useful life in comparison to my diving style. I recently upgraded to a Suunto Vyper. I did not go with an air integrated computer due to the configuration I dive. I went with this computer after looking at both the Suunto line and the Uwatec line because of user replaceable batteries. When looking at a computer, one must consider features, but more importantly the model it uses for computating nitrogen (and oxygen with nitrox) saturations and deco times. The PPS line of computers use a modified Haldanian model, very similar to the DSAT dive tables (ie PADI, SSI, and others). The Suunto uses their Reduced Bubble Gradient model which is more useful for more aggressive dive profiles. Uwatec's model is considered by many proponents as the best in the industry due to what they consider real time tracking. For a more technical side of diving, many consider the Dive Rite line more appropriate.

Just some thoughts to fuel the fire.
I use the Aeris A300G and love it. The buttons are a little slow when changing the mix and navigating my dive log is a little confusing but the display is real nice. I just wish the light woudl stay on longer during night dives, esp during ascent.
I bought a used Aeris 500ai after a while it needed service the depths were off from known points. I contacted Aeris sent it to them for service, they replaced the computer reestablished a warrenty for me and that alone made Aeris my computer choice for the future. The fact that they will back thier product no questions ask I think is great. Kinda like craftsman tools.

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