Am I a brat?

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Wel- if you really want to nip this completely you can- just know that in the process you will hurt A LOT of people's feelings. Refer Auntie and Mom to Miss Manners or Emily Post. It is in poor taste for a RELATIVE of the bride to hostess a shower, these should be given by friends, not family members.
You could always come up with your own games--scuba related of course! Won't your aunts look so cute sitting there with toy masks on their faces :wink: The best defense is a good offense so hand them the mask the minute you see them. Drinking from a snorkel, hmmm, that could be a fun party game! Balance a ping pong ball on a snorkel and walk an obstacle course--man am I ever evil!

Good luck, glad my family wasn't into the whole "shower without permission" thing. I got to skip that nonsense :biggrin:
Ber :lilbunny:
"Proper Etiquette" states your mother should not throw the shower. U may find this site quit helpful - they are great to ask for things you are unsure of.

Also, if it were me, I would ask seriously who is planning the party. Let them know while you appreciate, the offer this is something that is distracting to you and not what you envisioned for the time surrounding your wedding. I don't care for being the center of attention either and would feel extremely uncomfortable - not just on that day but the stress/build-up surrounding it. Make sure they hear your wishes and know they are not meant to hurt them - which I'm sure u would. Sometimes people "hear"what you say but don't think you really mean it and they don't want to let you down. Let them know that is not the case.

Now if you decide to go with the shower remember most cannot stand showers. So think of making it a couples shower. I threw one for my girlfriend and it turned out fabulous This past weekend I threw a baby shower for my girlfriend - also couples. To entice the men i sent the invites in a bottle w/ a cork (not a baby bottle) with a message rolled up inside. Inside the bottle i also threw in some sand and a few seashells. On the invite I but something about Jimmy Buffett, Reggae, and BBQ. 55 people showed - it was awesome. I guess what i am trying to say is if you add a "spin" to it you won't be so much the center of attention as people will be laughing , talking, eating, doing other things besides waiting for it to be over.

hope that helps. I must say though I love the scuba gear idea. That is the best yet.
Oh, and ask the games be skipped. It is becoming more and more popular that couples go to showers and no one plays games. Thank goodness, lol
"Proper Etiquette" states your mother should not throw the shower. U may find this site quit helpful - they are great to ask for things you are unsure of.

Actually- according to Emily Post it's "Mother and close female relatives of the bride" I would consider that to include aunts and sisters... at least it does here in the south.
LOL...Marry Me :wink:. I like the way you think...
haven't you been reading the thread about what scares me?!?:11:

kraken, what gauntlet? what did i do to offend? let me make it up to you, whatever it was!:10:
This has always been my understanding - that the mother is helping with the wedding so it is not her job. Traditionally, the shower is hosted by the maid of honor or bridal party, If not one of these, a sister or close friend should handle hosting duties. It’s considered poor etiquette for the mother of the bride or groom to host a shower as it’s seen as requesting gifts on behalf of a child.

Anyway, times are changing, and this is your family, so if you choose to have a shower and your mother does throw it...I have a feeling you won't be lynched and will make it to the wedding. Heck they may be like us and not have a definite clue either way, lol:0
Devolution - now don't be a stick-in-the-mud. Let them throw the bridal shower so all the hens can get liquored up and enjoy the male stripper someone has no doubt already hired.
You get some goodies plus some really memorable photos if you're cool about it, and everyone has a great time.
Of course, none of my wives ever had a bridal shower, but how bad could it be?
I think that is the bachelorette party u r referring to Tom. :06:
Come to think of it none of my wives had a bridal shower either. :D You bad Tom

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