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Originally posted by greg somers
I know it well grasshopperette.Been there twice and completely understand the visibility.I swam on the beach on Sentosa and got a rash from all the oil spilt from an oil tanker leak in 1997.But is was soooo hot and the water park was closed and noone thought to put notices out on the beginning of the cable car before we went across.Who cares...had a great time.I want to check out Kurong next time.Did the night safari.Awesome.My friends and I were feeling rebellious so in extreme danger to our personages we decided to shatter the no littering laws of Singapore in fear of a $1000 dollar fine and launched hand folded paper planes from the 16th floor of the hotel onto the road below.
Some soared...others dropped like a stone...but the rebel inside stood tall and proud....Neeeahahahahahaha!
Welcome aboard ADG.
Cheers Big Ears,
The one and only,

hahaha you're a riot Gasman tat is what our politicians are lacking at the moment: a sense of humour! should come back and teach them a thing or two
Alison, sounds great! Was reading your other thread about the whale shark...I am so envious hehe yup, i prefer to dive in a small group of less than 5 or so. When we last dived at a popular spot, there were about 22 people in our group, and another group of 5 from another dive company. My goodness, we ended up seeing more divers than fishes! At another dive spot with v. poor visibility and strong currents, 1 DM ended up losing his whole group!! duhhhhh

yup i heard all about Koh Tao - how divers were all over the place, standing on corals and destroying them and the DMs who were not bothered at all...about the internal politiking and *****ing among the various dive operators...

Re the condescending DM, the group we were with was very small, hence they wanted us to combine with another group to make it easier (the DM was from the other group) anyway, AOW may not mean nuts if u r a lousy diver :) met an OW diver with 300+ dives, and who has refused to take AOW simply coz "it's not necessary, and they just wanna make a quick buck out of us" - his exact words...he proved to be a much better diver than our DM heheh

Sure!! Will plan a longer trip to Thailand real soon..time to break my piggy let me know if you plan to check out Malaysian waters - it's great too!

aaaaaarrrrghhhh.... don't talk to me about the whale shark! That story will haunt me until I do get to see one (hopefully in Similan...)

Last weekend we were at the same spot and saw a cobia which my DM (the one who played with the w.s.) had great pleasure in telling me should usually accompany a whale shark. Of course, for the rest of the dive, couldn't help continually glancing over to the blue to see if it might be lurking there! Grrrr....

Let me know if I can help you with anything if/when you decide to come over. I would love to go to Perhentian and Tioman one day - I have friends in KL who dive there regularly and rave about it.

If you are interested in where I dive, check out this site:

(And for those of you who are wondering, no I don't get commission, but I do get very special discounts on dives by sending lots of people there...! ADG, I have recommended this site lots of times already, but you're the first person who might actually have the chance to get to Thailand in the near future. :p)

Are you Singaporean?

Sampai jumpa nanti
While most of us decided to hang out at a local bar with some 'new friends' we made, one of my buddies decided to do a walkabout... in Singapore! Needless to say it didn't take him long to walk from one end of the country to the other before he joined us.

Hey Alison,

Do let me know if u are interested in diving Malaysian waters....i am trying to commit 1 trip per month, rounding up interested divers's really hard to get local (Singaporean) divers to go together due to work commitments and financial that my German dive buddy is going back home, it's gonna be tough finding another dive buddy to make frequent trips!

I'm going to Pular Aur (near to Tioman, but much nicer!) this weekend, and the waters off Tioman next weekend. I'm trying to slot in another trip to Redang this August, and maybe hit the Thai waters next...rite now my little piggy bank is hurting real bad, especially after i bought my dive'll take some time to recover heheh i'm really dying to check out Sipadan, Layang Layang and Mabul, maybe next year :)

Yup, i'm singaporean, know anyone here? not sure if i'm correct, but read somewhere that you are half Thai?

Mario hee hee, FYI, you can walk from one end of the country to the other...though u better have great stamina!! it takes about 1 hour by train, if you wanna walk guess it can be done within 8-10 hours :) wanna try it together?? bring along some dive gear, and after the walk, we can check out the underwater beauty near the southern islands :D

Philippines? I know it's beautiful there, but would not want to be there right now.... Abu Sayyaf etc.

How is the situation there?
The situation in the country, overall, is ok. But in that isolated spot south of the Philippines, not very good at all. But like all places in the world, people have to realize that events taking place in one area does not necessarily affect other areas.

Of course I understand the kind of effect on impression in this country by the bandits. Nothing much I can do there.


Happy diving!

Guess I can understand that as I lived in Bali for 3 years and we were always annoyed at the lack of tourists due to the political situation in other parts of the country.

I would like to visit one day - and Boracay is the name on all my friends lips! Is that where you are? exact sentiments. I would really love to dive in Indonesia as well, some really great sites there...but friends and family have refused to even consider it (or nag me half to death if i even dare) to put their mind at ease...better to try other "safer" spots...if they worry too much, i doubt i'd have peace of mind when travelling anyway...

oh well, i still wanna dive sipadan despite the unfortunate for Philippines, maybe take some precautions or just wait till the media situation dies down...

great to know whom i can look for should i decide to dive in Thailand or Philippines !!! :)

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