Do you dive with a snorkel?

Do you use a snorkel?

  • Always

    Votes: 42 26.8%
  • Mostly

    Votes: 23 14.6%
  • Seldom

    Votes: 32 20.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 60 38.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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I am an agnostic. Since I have a phobia about removing my mask I prefer not to wear one, however, a lot of chaps/chapesses have suggested that I use a snorkel with my face in the water in apool or bath tub and I have to say it's getting easier but in open water I prefer to manually inflate the BCD before entering the water and then lie on my back and relax while others get in to the water. I seem less stressed that way.

A few weeks back in Cuba, I'd got in the water before my buddy (my dad! You can dump a buddy but not your dad surely? :))
and as he backrolled his snorkel came off - he's starts to yell where's my bloody snorkel?
and immediately 4 people (me included) yell back - it's behind ya!
(bit like a pantomime really)
Well, it was funny coz my dad's hearing is not what it once was so I had the amusing sight of seeing my dad stressed at losing his snorkel (it floated behind him but he thought it had gone under but he looked as if he'd seen a great white )- another time Dad starts to descend and forgets he is using his snorkel and takes a gobful of blue water while I am below a few feet wondering if he's in trouble!

BTW once we are under the water I am the stressed one ! so Dad gets a good grin in revenge.

The one thing I hate even more than mask removal is swallowing sea water and I found it a lot easier keeping the reg in my mouth with a little swell than using a snorkel. As i get more experienced maybe that'll change but I suspect I'll be one of those who prefers to dive without one.
Well, this is getting really exciting, this poll. The no-snorkelers still own the vote. Let's get some more votes in. Way to start a good thread.

Excuse me, for those who keep writing that I should improve my gas consumption, get a new buddy, make sure I do a buddy check, etc etc. I wasn't talking about myself or anyone else in particular. Me? I like to do chinups on the bow-line when its rough, waiting do go down :wink:. My gas consumption is 0.6 ft3/min which I think is good for a 235 lb human.

Sounds like I could make some good coin teaching basic snorkel use to alot of people. Face the waves, don't be too negative, and close the snorkel with your tongue if you feel the wave go over your head. Then blow and breathe carefully.

I still insist there are people that will breathe 13% of their tank before the dive due to their big size, current, and/or delay on the surface, and the air could be better used on the safety stop. Is it possible people don't want to be seen as a "Newbie"?

Yes, I used a long hose during classes once, it is totally a pain during teaching Basic Scuba because you constantly keep winding it up again.
Good your instructor insisted on Standards being followed.
Yes when I am when I am diving for fun...except at Laguna Beach where there is a city ordinance against diving without a snorkel.

Manfred once bubbled...

Never mind PADI what do the DIR people have to say about this?

That was my point...I dive DIR. If I was required in the "format" of a class to "have" a would go in my thigh pocket...the standards indicate you have to HAVE a snorkel...not wear one on your mask.
I would like to have a vote on the poll, but there is no category for HAVING a snorkel.

I have to admit that, with the diving I do, I fell into the "Snobbery Trap" at one point. I remember thinking: "Well, all the diving I do is technical in nature. We never use snorkels. So, I guess I won't carry mine!"

This became a perfect example of the old adage: "As soon as you get cocky, it'll get ya!" The next thing I knew, (and the gettting there makes too long a story), I was floating a l-o-o-o-o-n-g way off-shore, with the boat no-where in sight, and heavy seas slopping over my head. After a very short while, it became apparent, shall we say, that having a snorkel to use would be a GREAT idea!

While most of my diving is done with a full-face mask these days, needless to say, I ALWAYS have a snorkel available to use. They sure can be handy!!!:)

As Mr. Natural used to say: "Get the right tool for the job, kids!":D
I think if you HAVE a snorkel with you, that equates to the category of being ready to USE one. I used to shove mine in with the knife until I lost it, so now it is mostly on the mask ready to go where it belongs.

Never seen one of those collapsible ones but my BCD pockets are full of softie weight anyways. Snorkel abstainers are down to 63%.
Could be usefull for starting resuscitation in water if the need ever arises...I like having snorkel...makes me feel special!:D
...When I'm snorkeling. If I've got on a wetsuit and a weightbelt, fins and a mask, and nothing else... I take a snorkel so that I can go snorkeling.

If I'm diving (which is most of the time I'm in the water), I don't wear a snorkel. Like ElectricZombie says, they get in the way, get tangled on junk, and pull on my mask. Our area is often frought with currents, and snorkels become a real pain.

...So I own one... And I use one; just not when I'm diving.

The question was posed, "What do you do when it's required?"

Well, I have a simple answer for that: I don't let others tell me what gear to dive with. If they have a different setup than I do, I might take notice, and I might even discuss it with them - you know, listen and learn. But the bottom line is that it's my life, and thus it's my life support. *I* make the final decision, whether I'm on their boat or not. Period.

...And by the way, snorkels may be "boat rules," but when I'm in the water, I'm not on the boat... So they can shove their "boat rules."

...And next time I'd find another charter - one that doesn't tell me how to manage my life support. The bottom line is that it's my life, my life support, and my charter money. If they don't like that, then they lose my business.

There's lots of people out there with boats, folks. I try to avoid the captains that think they need to tell me how to manage my life support - whether I chose to dive with a snorkel or not.

If you like snorkels, then by all means - that's your choice. If you don't, then it's also your choice. But the concept of having to have one - or not - because of someone else's "rules" is unforgivable.

Tell them to take a long walk off a short plank, and put your money somewhere else next time.

I personally have never had to make a big issue of it... The few times it's been mentioned to me by a captain or crew member, I simply told them that they aren't to make any comments on my life support, just as I'm not to make comments on how they manage their boat. Simply put, when I'm in the water, I'm in charge, just as they are when I'm on their boat. I simply remind them that I am qualified to make my own choices. In the past, the "situation" has ended right there - with a mutual respect. They don't tell me how to dive, and I won't tell them how to boat.

...But if it really came down to it, and I had a super-insistent crewmember or captain, I'd thumb the dive. Sorry, there's enough issues - even in rec diving - that I don't have to deal with the psychology of the crew as well. And yes, I would expect a complete refund, unless "snorkels" were specifically mentioned on the liability waiver. Believe me, taking a case like that to court would fall in favor of any diver with a certification. Imagine a judge's position - a qualified diver comes to him and requests a refund because the captain wouldn't allow him to dive the way he saw fit for the conditions...

Man, talk about abuse of power... Get some of these guys out in their boats, and they think they rule the world. Unbelievable.

YOU make the decision on how you dive, and what you dive with... 'Cause only you have to live - or not - with the consequences. Period.
Well, I think that settles that. Boat captains, lay off the snorkel abstainers or you will get one up the wazoo!!

Nice videos, Seajay. If you dive like your buddies, obviously you don't need a snorkel cause you have enough air to last until WWIII blows over.
crispos once bubbled...
Well, I think that settles that. Boat captains, lay off the snorkel abstainers or you will get one up the wazoo!!

Heheheeee... I'm glad that message came across loud and clear. :D I wonder if I can use that next time, instead of having to explain to them the whole "I'm in charge of my life support thing?" It's not as diplomatic, but it should be equally effective. :D

Nice videos, Seajay. If you dive like your buddies, obviously you don't need a snorkel cause you have enough air to last until WWIII blows over.

I'm flattered, but the truth is that only some of the videos are mine. Many of them were taken by others who were kind enough to allow me to use them for the site. Fifth Dimension in Washington, for example, has allowed me to use the DIR training videos... You know, the ones with the kick demonstrations and the horizontal ascents and descents...

The most impressive videos, in my humble opinion, are the "Shipwreck" ones... Those were taken by Mike, owner of the Association of Underwater Explorers. Mike hangs out at The Deco Stop, the "offshoot" of this site... And manages his own impressive mailing list.

Personally, my skills don't look all that different than the ones demonstrated on the FifthD videos... In fact, in some cases, my skills look better. But Mike's shipwreck videos are beyond my skill level at this point... I am not trimix certified, and thus can't do the massively deep dives that he does in those videos. You can tell he's on trimix when he yells out and sounds like a duck. :ducky: :D

...So I'm flattered, and should just shut up and take the compliment. But the truth is that some of those videos are beyond my skill level.

By the way, one of those Shipwreck videos has the infamous WreckWriter in it... :D

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