Good dive operators?

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Well, asking for best dive op suggestions on this forum is like asking about ear problems on the medicine forum. Here it turns into a cheer squad thread tho; there it turns into favorite equalizing tools thread. Reading is more rewarding that typing.

However, if one always makes sure that a [QUOTE] command before a section is followed by a [/QUOTE] after the section then the quoted section is clear. :D
Sure, a search may or may not answer the question and it may or may not be a current thread he finds..but this IS a forum on Cozumel and the purpose of such is for people to exchange info. Also, the search function is a bit of a pain to use if you want to search just this forum instead of the entire massive site. It should also be considered that not everyone lives and breathes on the internet, so perhaps the search feature is not a tool he is familiar with.

When I first found this forum, I'm pretty sure I came here to find suggestions for a dive op and I don't think it's too much to ask of us to answer the guy's question. For one reason or another these threads always turn into a twisted up mess...maybe he did search and found thread after thread of pointless bickering, either over someone giving an opinion that someone else didn't like or people arguing over whether or not the question should ever be asked. It would seem to me that it would be easier on everyone if people either answered the question or left the thread alone instead of opining about whether or not the new guy is living his life according to scubaboard cozumel internet etiquette.
Well, asking for best dive op suggestions on this forum is like asking about ear problems on the medicine forum. Here it turns into a cheer squad thread tho; there it turns into favorite equalizing tools thread. Reading is more rewarding that typing.

However, if one always makes sure that a after the section then the quoted section is clear.
Hi Don this forum is for questions and if we want to answer the person who is asking the what is the problem? This is what the forum is for is it not? The style of answer is up to the person asking the question to descern. Why can't the coz forum protectors let people ask the questions? Who gives a rats patoot about 'search'. If people dont want to answer, dont. But please dont shred the person for an honest question with 'why dont you just use the search forum, your question is ask over and over. We are sick of you people out there in internet land using our forum for questions, we just want to talk to each other and not have to bother with you." At least that is what comes across nearly every day I log on to the Coz forum. You people make Cozumel Island seem inhospitable and should only be used by people who know how to use the 'search' button. kev:wink:
Sure, a search may or may not answer the question and it may or may not be a current thread he finds..but this IS a forum on Cozumel and the purpose of such is for people to exchange info. Also, the search function is a bit of a pain to use if you want to search just this forum instead of the entire massive site.
Oh, I like providing help when I can...

1: Click Search at top to be the pull down menu and select Advance...

2: Search for Keyword desired only in the Coz forum...
Hmmm that is a little blurry when reduced to 640 wide but didn't want to stretch the thread. Try clicking this thumb...
ScreenHunter_02 Sep. 26 10.29.gif

Hi Don this forum is for questions and if we want to answer the person who is asking the what is the problem? This is what the forum is for is it not? The style of answer is up to the person asking the question to descern. Why can't the coz forum protectors let people ask the questions? Who gives a rats patoot about 'search'. If people dont want to answer, dont. But please dont shred the person for an honest question with 'why dont you just use the search forum, your question is ask over and over. We are sick of you people out there in internet land using our forum for questions, we just want to talk to each other and not have to bother with you." At least that is what comes across nearly every day I log on to the Coz forum. You people make Cozumel Island seem inhospitable and should only be used by people who know how to use the 'search' button. kev:wink:
Are we having fun yet? I love these cheer squad threads.

Yeah, I ask for dive Op suggestions at new destination too, after first searching any leads I already have. But in Cozumel, the differences just aren't that great. I thot my reply was adequate...
As far as "great time, fast boats, no crowds and all the good sites" goes, that's most of the Ops on the island. Some do run larger, slower boats with heads and some divers prefer those, and - some boat loads don't go to the best sites because of :newbie:s onboard, but it is easy to avoid those two cases. All of the Ops and all of the DMs work on commission so they all try to please.

Green eel-remember these guys there?
The memorial for Martin, when you go ask your dm to take you.
Sure, a search may or may not answer the question and it may or may not be a current thread he finds..but this IS a forum on Cozumel and the purpose of such is for people to exchange info. Also, the search function is a bit of a pain to use if you want to search just this forum instead of the entire massive site. It should also be considered that not everyone lives and breathes on the internet, so perhaps the search feature is not a tool he is familiar with.

When I first found this forum, I'm pretty sure I came here to find suggestions for a dive op and I don't think it's too much to ask of us to answer the guy's question. For one reason or another these threads always turn into a twisted up mess...maybe he did search and found thread after thread of pointless bickering, either over someone giving an opinion that someone else didn't like or people arguing over whether or not the question should ever be asked. It would seem to me that it would be easier on everyone if people either answered the question or left the thread alone instead of opining about whether or not the new guy is living his life according to scubaboard cozumel internet etiquette.

Miracles do happen! I actually agree with you 1000% Bill :) That was a great post, thank you!

Are we having fun yet? I love these cheer squad threads.

I haven't seen any of that in this thread - only honest answers and opinions(which everyone is entitled to) from those who have answered the ops questions - and then of course there are the few who feel the need to "police" the board on what is and what shouldn't be posted. It's an internet forum people - if people want to ask questions that are asked daily or weekly, it's OK - let them - what's the big deal???
I think the reason why the search is suggested is threads with this exact same title or very similar come up on almost a weekly basis. There's little reason to re-hash the same info over and over and over, when a person could just go read what was written last week. Odds are the dive op options haven't substantially changed in a week or two. Then after they learn about all the options and narrow it down so they have specific questions, then a new thread can really be helpful for them.
I think the reason why the search is suggested is threads with this exact same title or very similar come up on almost a weekly basis. There's little reason to re-hash the same info over and over and over, when a person could just go read what was written last week. Odds are the dive op options haven't substantially changed in a week or two. Then after they learn about all the options and narrow it down so they have specific questions, then a new thread can really be helpful for them.

Well, as Bill said - not everyone is as internet savvy and not all know about the search feature. Some also don't have much time, and it's easier/quicker for them to post a question or two than to sit down and comb through everything. A polite suggestion or introduction the the search feature isn't a bad thing - but some are very condescending with the way they go about this.

We've all had our "snarky" (stolen from BTravlin) posts at times - but I think we could all be a little more welcoming and friendlier to people who are newcomers and/or are not regulars in this forum. There are A LOT of lurkers out there - so being a new or irregular poster does not give anyone less credibility or rights to post questions or opinions.

On a similar note (since a few seem to have problems with this) - myself, Dave and the other shop/business owners and island locals have just as much of a right to post and participate in forum discussions as those who are visitors :)
I think another valid reason for starting a new post rather than just searching the old ones is that it's listed under the "new posts" heading which I invariably go to immediately upon entering Scubaboard. As a new post it may get responses from people who did not participate in the old posts and may have new ideas or opinions. I know I was trying to decide between a Zeagle Ranger BCD or a Scubapro Knighthawk and I was glad every time a new post about which BCD to buy came up. I would go to them and often my two choices were discussed and sometimes I would get a new opinion or fact I hadn't had before. Besides, if you don't like a repeat question in a new post, just don't click on it and read it. All information is good and sometimes a new poster might state his information in a more logical or thought provoking way.
I have posted on SB asking for information about various things in the past and have gotten some good advise. This Cozumel part of the board has some of the most self centered, self absorbed, rude, opinionated and counter productive people I have ever encountered. You know who you are, you are too full of yourself to try to be helpful and provide current information. Searching the past is just that....the past. If I wanted information from somewhere in the past I would have found it. I was looking for current info that you are "too good" to provide.

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