The Pasley May 06 Dive Report Thread

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You want to see Iris!!??? Come to La Jolla tomorrow. I counted 34 in an area the size of a coffee table on tonights dive. No BS....I actually counted. All in all, we probably saw 50 or more through the dive. It's an orgy out there right now.
You want to see Iris!!??? Come to La Jolla tomorrow. I counted 34 in an area the size of a coffee table on tonights dive. No BS....I actually counted. All in all, we probably saw 50 or more through the dive. It's an orgy out there right now.

They're all over OML, too. I just couldn't get the camera in there this weekend when I tried. I WISH I could come down this weekend to LJ. Plans changed and I need to stick around, dangit.

Send pics so I can drool. I got some pics last month at OML on the P&S... none with the big rig yet.

Send pics so I can drool. I got some pics last month at OML on the P&S... none with the big rig yet.


As fate would have it, I didnt take the camera last night. I was diving with a newer diver so opted to just dive sans camera. Kicking myself the whole dive.

I went diving today at Leo Carillo.

vis 5-15 feet. better farther from the surf.
Temp. 58*
Strong surf/swell/current but is should be dieing off today, through the rest of the week. ok, thats all...
Date: May 10, 2006
Dive Location: Redondo Canyon (Vets)
Buddy(ies): Merry and Shanon
Time: 6:28
Bottom Time: 42 minutes
Max Depth: 67'
Vis: 5-15'
Wave height: 3-4'
Temp at depth: 53F
Comments: I stayed up late tonight so I could join the DiveVets gang at Redondo. Merry, flanked by the Lime Green Drysuit crew dropped into the twilight waters where we were greeted by a thermocline at 30 feet. Shanon and I hardly noticed. Merry is going to order her drysuit tomorrow. :)
We slowly made our way to the Monument where we found several fish and an octopus in a 40 ounce beer bottle. Out over the sand we encountered a tiny, thumb-size octopus, a pipefish, Rainbow nudibranch, a few juvenile Horn sharks and baby Batrays in the shallows. They were hard to see due to the tons of kelp and surf grass mixed in the surf zone.




Shanon is dreaming about the dive...or passing out from the debriefing afterward.
You Had To Have A Seperate Strobe For These Pics.. They're Awesome. I've Dove There Many Times.. And Those Pictures Make It Look Like A Different World. I Must Have Missed Your Response.. What Camera Set Up Do You Have Again?
Date: 05/10/06
Dive Location: Scripps Canyon
Buddy(ies): Sean and Simon
Time: 19:16
Bottom Time: 36 minutes
Max Depth: 107ft
Vis: 5-25ft
Swell height: 3-5
Temp at depth: 50f
Surface Temp: 60f
Gas mix: 21%

Image Gallery:

Met up with Sean and Simon and half dozen other Deucers and we headed down the hill to dive the Canyon that is Scripps. Strong currents and rolling surf made for a longer kick out than normal but we all finally made it and dropped down near the buoy. Visibility started out pretty soup but got better the deeper we went. Sean was in the lead, and like a lemming, I just followed his fins and paused now and then to take photos. Tonight was the usual players of rockfish, octopus, anemones of various kinds, scorpionfish and sculpin, Gobies and more. At about 85-90ft we came upon what at first glance appeared to be sand falling down the canyon wall but as we got closer we soon discovered it was millions and millions of small copepod like creatures, each about the size of a grain of rice. There were so many of them that they covered the entire surface of the wall for nearly 25 yards. The constantly moving mass would pulse and surge along the wall like a great field of maggots in a horror film. Kinda creepy but fascinating to watch. My pictures really don't do it justice.

We eventually reached out pre-planned turn pressure and made the loop back north east toward shore. Surge was significant as we got shallower and I eventually surfaced in about 9 ft of water. Tide was way up so the beach was still some distance away. Inflating my wing, I started kicking.....and kicking....and kicking. Five minutes later, I wasn't any closer to the beach. Hmmmmmm. Rip Current. So I turned parallel to the beach and kicked some more.....

15 minutes later, I was noodle legged but back on the beach and looking at the big hill yet to climb...but I made it and didn't have that heart attack that I was sure was coming with each step. Most of the other teams were back at the trucks and the rest soon join us and we headed home.

Terry aka Divinman
A Southern California Dive Community





Date: 05/11/06
Dive Location: Vallecetos Point
Buddy(ies): Janet, Bill, Jen
Time: 19:17
Bottom Time: 55 minutes
Max Depth: 69ft
Vis: 10-20ish Nice and clear in the canyon
Swell height: HAAAHAHHA.. None
Temp at depth: 51f
Surface Temp: 56f
Gas mix: 21%

Met up with everyone near the flag pole. We were all set but then Bill discovered that his tank was a bit underfilled from the Chalet. Hard to get much bottom time with only 1900 psi in your AL80. He opted to pay a return vis to the fill station for a few "words" with the fill monkey. So me and and J & J went diving. We kicked out from V street and dropped in just west and south of the orange buoy. Vis was murky down to about 20ft but then just kept getting better! By the canyon edge we had a good 15-2o and half way down the wall we had a solid 20. COLD. Three distinct thermoclines. All very apparent to Jen diving wet and Janet diving wet in her drysuit with leaking neck seal....Brrrrrrrr Been there, done that. No thanks.

We explored north all the way around the point and up the north wall until our air and NDL drove us back up and across the sand.

Lots of life out tonight. Pictures are in the album as usual. Thanks to everyone for the dive.






Date: 05/11/06
Dive Location: Weekly Thursday Vets Divola
Buddy(ies): HBReefChic, Josh
Time: 8:04 PM
Bottom Time: 81 minutes
Max Depth: 69
Vis: 2-20ft
Swell height: zip
Temp at depth: 52f
Surface Temp: whatever - I'm in a dry suit
Gas mix: 21%

Another spectacular dive at Vets. I went in search of Scott Fiji's d.Iris... all we found were its eggs.

But we saw 4 or 5 other types of Nudis. I've been diving Vets once or twice a week for almost a year now - and I've never seen more Nudi's than I did this Thursday.

The entry was the easiest of the year. The three of us literally walked in without breaking stride, finned up and kicked out. It was nice and clam (errr... calm.) I loaned Josh my waterheater so we could get a little more BT (he's been diving with the Princess' HP100.) Dude is a complete sipper. Even though he was quite the popsicle at the end of the dive.

We moved at my pace - a photographer's pace. This means you kick your ankles once or twice every 4 or 5 minutes... and at 52 that can get cold. After about 35 0r 40 minutes at 65 feet we decided to head up to warmer and shallower depths (read: move from 52 to 54 degrees)... just as we came up canyon we stumbled on Hermissenda city. Unreal. I counted about 40 within a 3 meter square, then just stopped. The place was stupid with 'ssindas all night, but this was their central command.

Moustache Nudis, Blue ones with stripes (HBScienceChic can fill in the names), Hermissendas, Fakeyssendas, Naxanax and more. On one small kelp leaf we saw 5 Nudis spanning three species. It was a nudi fest, with a quarry of rock fish (full size and mini's), a cocktail of shrimp, a deck of flatties, a closet of skeleton shrimp (now that I know what to look for, they're everywhere) a constellation of stars, buckets of crabs, oodles of octos and more. Even the bed of nickel-sized Sand Dollars!

As we were coming up, we thumbed it at about 13 feet in the ooz (albeit warm ooz, as Vets is want to do... ) I looked at my BT, and it said 79 minutes... so I asked HBDG to stop and gimmie a little more time. She's all looking at me funny - I mean, a thumb is a thumb. But I waived it off (I NEVER DO THAT...) we hit the surface a minute later, and she's all "what up, giving our thumb the finger? (paraphased)".... Josh looks at me and said "he wanted to hit 80 minutes..."

Boo-yah. I figered if the boy drove from OCal to dive with us, and was going to come out all bombpop, the least I could do was get him into the 80's! Josh, you are stellar, and I'm glad you're diving with us. You totally rock!

Great dive. So mellow. So much to see. Perfect exit. Hot chocolate and cake and picture viewing afterwards... I love my Thursdays at Vets.


Baby Rocky

Teeny Blue Stripe Nudi

Clydesdale-Legged, Bus-Schlepping Hermit Crab

Classic Vets Fakeyssinda

d.Iris Eggs (missed 'em by that much...)

Two On A Bulb

Moustache Nudi

Senseless Snail-on-Snail Violence

Vets Octo (they fold their arms under and get all coconut... weird.)

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