How Long has it been.....

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Ocean dive: 20th of last month. Pool dive: yesterday. Next ocean dive: 22nd of this month.
How do you do it? I understand sometimes life gets in the way, but zero dives in over 270 days? How many times did you get arrested?

I know, I know.... what can I say? I wish I had gotten arrested 'cause then I would have an excuse.:dancinglock: I've kinna been on lockdown.
T-minus 4 days and counting....
Well my BTBD (Mean Time Between Dives) will come in around 3.2 days for the year including the winter when dives are scarce. My last dive was Saturday.

Let me ask you though is diving really a priority for you? I know a lot of "divers" who fit a few dives in between other activities and that's all fine and good. If "Biking, Rock climbing and Waxing the Jeep" are happening then why not diving?

If diving is not a priority for you don't be discouraged by those of us who are obsessed or nearly so.

I fully expect that something, someday will cause a lapse in my diving and I hope this one passes soon for you.

Weekend before last. If you want warm water come up to Mt Storm. It was 86 on sunday. Do you have your own gear? If so then there's no excuse. What kind of sales keeps you out of the water all year? I almost applied for a road sales job. Sell junk to people during the day and hit any convenient body of water afterwards to wind down.
3 has it been that long already? daaamn ok time to start planning.
Let me ask you though is diving really a priority for you? I know a lot of "divers" who fit a few dives in between other activities and that's all fine and good. If "Biking, Rock climbing and Waxing the Jeep" are happening then why not diving?

I fully expect that something, someday will cause a lapse in my diving and I hope this one passes soon for you.


Ya know, I have not had time for Biking, Climbing or waxing this year either:(.
Just one of those years I guess. And I TRUELY hope this slump ends soon!!!!

Really looking forward to getting back again!!!!!!

Just wondering if anyone else has ever been "landlocked" like this 'cause I'm going nutz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sd3:

paying kids college tuition

blah blah blah
Saturday, er, Sunday. Heading out again this weekend.


A better question might have been "what is your longest 'dry spell'?"

This might put it in perspective and demonstrate that sometimes, LIFE does get in the way:

I was certified in '76. My biggest gaps were 2yrs. (in '88-89, with no good excuse) and another 2+yrs., from 1996- late 1998, when our 15mnth old baby was diagnosed with cancer. For much of that time after Dx, I commuted between the office and the hospital. Lemme tellya, there's nothing like hospital food and a sedentary life to help you put on weight and lose interest in doing ANYTHING. I gained 70lbs. Still need to lose that last 15lbs, btw.

It took about a year to come back physically. Since then, I had limited myself to 2-3 trips to the Flower Gardens each year and one long (2 wk.) trip to Florida each summer. That meant no more than 20-30 dives/year and only about 5-10/yr once or twice. (those 1000+ logged dives are mostly from when I was a kid and in college, majoring in marine biology.)

FYI: The kid is doing great after a long-awful battle. I still don't dive as much as some, but I spend a lot of weekends doing volunteer work, mostly with cancer related charities I connected to when he was sick.

My older one has gotten me back to diving more often. So far this year, we've only gotten in about 30 dives, but the pace is picking up. He was just certified in July. The younger one, the one who fought so hard, will be diving with me next year. His doc shook his head and gave me "the look" , but couldn't come up with a reason why he couldn't. He's a natural and I think he'll keep both his brother and me diving a lot.

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