What do the ToS mean to you?

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Originally Posted by livinoz
Let me state that I have no problems at all with the ToS. I think they're excellent as is the moderation on a board with over 100,000 members. My point was that a few people seem to be unaware of the ToS, or don't care to follow the "spirit" incorporated into them, or choose to ignore them completely.

It is unfortunate that a precious few want to spoil it for the rest of us. If they want to be off topic, then they can go to the Pub!

Originally Posted by livinoz
I agree, that reporting material users deem offensive is probably best, but I was also trying to say in a very roundabout way that the voices raised in anger often are the loudest, and it is off-putting to those who are new here. I speak for myself there but also for a few other people who have said the same thing to members of this board. Constructive criticism is fine, but when it degenerates into personal attack, or if someone wants to push their own agenda, then the point can be lost entirely.

The best way to de-escalate a situation is to use the
bad post button. There will be less for us to clean up. Quote:
Originally Posted by livinoz
Thank you for clarifying the issue. I was rather feeling that if I, as a "newbie", went ahead and reported posts I personally felt were problematic, then I would be viewed as a whinger or a trouble-maker.

For the most part, when you do this, we think that you care!

Originally Posted by livinoz
May I also apologise for the way this thread was hijacked, and say thanks for keeping it on track.

I cleaned it up once more. It appears the trolls are out in force.

Quoting specific lines eh? You'd better watch yourself bub... I know the guy who owns this place!

For what it's worth, and everyone may want to gather round me as I say this because I am speaking with oracle like wisdom (you just can't tell because it's the internet). The community is worth more than the sum of its parts, that amidst 100,000 perspectives, truth is somewhere in the middle. The ToS provides a framework, which is agreed upon by virtue of membership to the community, whether a member has read them or not. Everyone's input within this framework is valuable and necessary because the mean spirited ridiculers balance the sappy goodie goodies and vice versa. Everyone is important in their own way. Now, hopefully someone will come along and say something ridiculously absurd to balance out my remarks.

I might be a troll, after reading the description.

Some people are born that way though. yea..I like attention, I like to get a response. Is that bad? ..at least I don't crave authority.

You can learn a lot around here about more than diving, too.

I don't feel comfortable reporting people---it feels like telling the teacher, to me.

What truly differentiates a troll is that the attention is ALL they are here for. They're not here to learn anything, or because they actually have an interest in discussing diving. They might even actually dive, but their whole reason for participating is to stir up controversy and trouble.

If you say blue, the troll will say red, not because they really believe red, but because they want you to argue for blue. The troll will shout religion to the scientist, and science to the religious. They'll jump on incendiary topics because people get emotionally embroiled in such discussions and are easier to get all spun up. They don't really care what you think or believe, and don't care to truly convey what they think or believe; they only care about causing trouble.
On the forums that I've moderated before, I often repeated the mantra "Do not feed the trolls". Trolls thrive on the attention they receive, and will "push people's buttons" just to get the reactions. They love it when people argue with them and try to insult them, because no matter what you're posting, you're paying attention to them. If they can manage to chase regular users away from a forum, they feel powerful (something that is very likely lacking in their real-life existence).

The best way to make trolls go away is to just ignore them. Let the mods handle the nasty posts, and otherwise do not respond to them. If they cannot get the attention they crave here, they'll go find someplace they can get attention.

I agree with you completely, but ... but ... but ... it's difficult to let the obnoxious stuff slide by unchecked. The obvious attacks comprised of insulting pot shots tossed unprovoked at undeserving members are hard to watch and do nothing about. Bullies roam the threads of online forums, just as they did the halls of our schools, with predatious intentions. Pounding them down now is just as much fun as it was back then. I know, in some reverse psychology way that makes me a troll too. So, I will endeavor to reduce my desire to slap the trolls ... but the bully basher in me still wants off his leash.
(to Hoom)

I follow...

but maybe they think science vs religion is a worthy debate?

and it all come down to defining "trouble" doesn't it? I think your point about seeking attention was the best one---I might have to ponder that.

There are always those that chase trouble and danger to various degrees of comfort.
(to Hoom)

I follow...

but maybe they think science vs religion is a worthy debate?

and it all come down to defining "trouble" doesn't it? I think your point about seeking attention was the best one---I might have to ponder that.

There are always those that chase trouble and danger to various degrees of comfort.

It isn't so much the value of the debate as it is the way it's prosecuted.

I think it's also a bit in differentiating between a debate and an argument. In a true debate, you have point/counterpoint and a certain degree of respect shown between sides. A respectful debate has no room for insults; it's all about the presentation of the facts and the interpretation thereof.

If we were to debate, for example, whether Ishtar was the worst movie ever made, or Heaven's Gate had that distinction, our debate would bring out the various aspects of each movie that we felt distinguished it as the worst movie ever made. It wouldn't be based on whether I could come up with the wittier line about your mother than you could about mine. It would also be based on what I actually thought about the movies, rather than what I thought would get you most spun up.

You see, the troll isn't so much arguing for their position, so much as arguing against your position.

There is a terrific quote attributed to Elizabeth Kenny. He who angers you, controls you. The troll wants control; they want to sabotage the discussions, and they want to anger people so that they can control them.

We choose who we allow to anger us, and by doing so, we choose who we surrender control to. We don't have to allow the trolls to control us if we don't want to.
The troll wants control; they want to sabotage the discussions, and they want to anger people so that they can control them.
Hoomi "gets" it. Thanks for such a lucid description of a troll.
He who angers you, controls you.
yea, that is a good one.

That was the message in A Mighty Heart, the Dannie Pearl story.
Hoomi "gets" it. Thanks for such a lucid description of a troll.

I think I'd be just as happy if I hadn't enough experience to "get it". Dealing with some of those trolls gets very old after a while.
We choose who we allow to anger us, and by doing so, we choose who we surrender control to. We don't have to allow the trolls to control us if we don't want to.

Isn't this why "NetDoc" pointed out the
so when you have a problem/troll you can hit the
button and let us deal with it.O BTW the
is in the lower left corner in every post.

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