..and speaking of TWICs....

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Mike Campbell

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Coastal North Carolina
I am due to renew in April and am printing out all my forms. I notice that there is a new form regarding TWICs that may dictate that if you previously or currently have one that you can sign out (not renew perhaps) while renewing the license....

I used to think that keeping my old renewals as go bys would be beneficial....the government seems to out think me every time....
They pull the photo for your MMC (what use to be your License) from your TWIC. So in short you have to have a valid(in date) TWIC to renew your ticket. And yes I keep a copy of original and renewal paperwork to help wade through any changes come renewal time.

I heard that they were going to merge the 2 when they went with the passport credential. But that little book has a plastic pocket in the back for the card.

I thought when I ugraded last summer from OUPV to Masters that it would set my renewal clock back to zero but it didn't so I am due in the fall. Mike I may be calling on you for the short cuts.
I did not get a reset of the renewal date when I did updates in the past. However, once when the renewal was within the year of making an upgrade change I requested of the REC that I not have to come in or sit for anything due to the recent review and change on my MMC. They surprisingly said, sure no problem, and all I did was send in some forms. So try giving the rec you work with a call and see if it can shortcut anything.

And yes, keep a copy and file of everything you do and who you talked to! Probably the most important thing.
Here's some new guidance from the Coast Guard:


The gist is that TWICs are no longer required for skippers/crews of vessels not requiring a Vessel Security Plan (VSP), meaning most of the smaller charter boats. Nor is it required any more for getting, holding, or renewing your license if your service is limited to non-VSP craft. This also assumes you're not going to dock anywhere where a TWIC is required for unescorted access, such as most of the larger Waterfront facilities.

So, a lot of 'ifs', but there you have it.

Thanks for the insight! Very timely!!!!

Like anything the govt does, I'm sure this will change again...especially if we have a regime change in Nov. I'm not due for a renewed TWIC until 2013 and MMC renewal in 2015. I'll wing it until then. Might renew the TWIC to keep my options open.......never know when I'll leave the snow belt!

Ken I don't think there ARE any shortcuts. You can be sure I will let you know if I find any.....

I had an off year as far as diving this past...I intend to remedy that this year...seems like every dive I do is a working dive of some sort or the other...

We have around 200 students signed up for next semester...THAT'll keep me busy for a bit I guess....
I think all of us here in NC had an off year after August. Maybe this year will be better and you and Ken will be able to get down here to dive some with me. Now that I'm retired from chartering, I'll always have room on the boat for Yall.
Hey Tom....yep, it kinda went downhill pretty fast there. I am holding out for a decade like we had in the late eighties and early nineties when the water was warm and blue all the way to the inshore AR's nearly every day....At least I SEEM to remember that...of course, at my age I ain't sure how many decades I can hold out for...;-)...Are you done complete? Or are you still friending charters?
I've been comtemplating buying a skiff and doing inshore fishing charters forthehelluvait....
I'd love to dive with you and if ye be up in Beaufort drop by....
I remember those days also, Mike, it was some pretty awesome diving. Know what you mean about our time left, if you believe the VA stats, we only have a few years left. Yes, I'm done(other than a very few hold-over trips I owe some groups that were weathered-out this past summer). I plan to do nothing but pleasure diving, so you welcome to go with me anytime. I haven't had a chance to get on the wrecks down here in a few years so I'm ready. Don't know about the fishing charter idea; I decided early on that dive charters were easier to run.
I'll give you a call when I'm up that way.

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