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..."It is unlawful ... that a reasonable person of normal sensitiveness residing in the area is caused discomfort or annoyance. (Prior code § 27.25)"
(emphasis added)

You may be in trouble, Peter, because that obviously includes the last years of American Motors products, and Willys was unfortunately part of that family. Gremlins could be used by the fire department to train vehicle fires. Pacers should be used by the SWAT team for large-weapon practice, since those guys probably have seen a lot of other hideous, disgusting things.
Peter, it looks like you found the answer to the "problem". As an officer, I routinely ask the same question you did: Why can't people talk to each other before jumping to call the police?
I think it's outrageous for most of the neighbor problems we have. People just don't talk anymore...they need a "grown up" to do it for them.

My neighbor is/was the head of our neighborhood association. I was in violation of the "lampost policy" (I didn't have one installed). Instead of walking over while I was outside and letting me know...he sent an official letter from the association with all kinds of warnings if I don't take care of it..blah blah blah. Whatever happened to talking?
"It is unlawful ... that a reasonable person of normal sensitiveness residing in the area is caused discomfort or annoyance. (Prior code § 27.25)"

That type of mumbo-jumbo psychobabble is exactly why laws get overturned upon appeal and the phrase "unconstitutionally vague" came into the lexicon of the legal profession.
Seriously, almost all interrogations nowadays are at least tape-recorded with the majority being video-taped; this is to refute allegations of "coerced confessions" by the defense. And no, we don't use rooms with a single bare, dim bulb in the center (makes it hard to read your notes).

Yes, and just before the tape is turned on, the suspect is told that by admitting guilt, they will go much easier on him or her and it will help them...then when they agree, the tape is turned on. That is nothing but a sophisticated non-evidence leaving version of coercing a confession. But that is ok because their is published holdings that it is ok for cops to lie to people, fabricate forged signed confessions, etc.

The way prosecuting attornies engage in treason is to deliberately overcharge you, conceal exculpatory evidence, and ignore it when they know your innocent, the goal is to get you to plead guilty to something....and if you dare defy them by pleading not guilty and commit the heinous crime of requesting a jury trial, the result often is they add a bunch more fake charges against you in retaliation.
Are we still asking's a really long thread, so forgive me if this has been asked:
I will meet friends for dinner and sometimes have a beer with it.... I am overly paranoid of getting a DUI and won't even drive if I have more to drink. If as I get up from the table, I drink that last mouthful, head home and get stopped, will having that the last thing I drank affect the Breath test? I'm not impaired, but I'd imagine the beer would still be on my breath. As for a field test....I don't have the best of balance, but I haven't ever attempted one, but I am an inherently nervous person, so it probably wouldn't go well. Do y'all run into this much? What's the best way to approach this situation?
The last swig you take won't affect the breath test. The Intoximeter test can only be given after a 20 minute observation period. This is to make sure there isn't any residual mouth alcohol that may interfere with the test. Also, the machine will stop the test if residual alcohol is detected (ie: someone upchucks in their mouth a little).

As for your balance...the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST) have more than just balance. There is the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN), which is the smooth/jerky tracking of the eyes (no balance needed). There is the one leg stand (balance needed), and the heel-toe walk (some balance...if you can walk, you can do this test).
Also, the officer will probably notice if you eyes are glassy/bloodshot, if your speech is slurred and the odor of intoxicants on your breath. Oh, one more thing...when asked how much you had to drink...don't give us the standard response of "two beers". :)
Thanks, I don't BS, honesty has always been vary highly valued for me....which gets me into trouble at times. One more question, I got a ticket 3 years ago, forgot about it and paid it off right before the deadline. I was told I had it handled(called after I mailed the check), but a few months ago my mother got a notice in the mail that I had a warrant for a failure to appear on that ticket. I called them and made arrangements to pay it, but forgot and went back home last week. When I called to get the status, the Clerc said it had been paid. Should I read into this more? or let it go? I thought about calling the police station and seeing if they would run my DL # to verify, but I forgot to.
Kevin: Ultimately it is your responsibility to make sure everything has been taken care of. I would check with your local PD to see if you have any outstanding tickets or local warrants. Also, you may want to get some copies of the clerk of courts papers showing that your ticket has been paid in full. I've seen people pay their tickets, but not the court costs, and end up with warrants. If you're afraid of the local PD having a warrant and picking you up, I'd be happy to run your info for you. Just email PM if you are interested.
I cant comment to much on the noise situation. I used to work on my Jeep in my garage using airtools, I'd usually quit about 8pm or so. I always hated people who just throw loud parties, I mean REALLY loud. Always more than happy to respond to those. Usually get a couple of underage drinkers out of each one too. I always used to make stops for playing car stereos too loud. Law said if you could hear it more than 50 ft away it was in violation. Never really wrote a ticket for it, but great probable cause to stop a car and get a DUI, drugs or maybe a warrant.

As for the beer with dinner thing. IT takes more than one or two beers, on most people, to be above the leagal limit so I really wouldnt worry to much about it. I'd be totally full of it if I said I didnt have a couple(no more than 2) of beers with a dinner out and then still drive. Most of the Field Sobriety Tests that we use are attention dividing tests, so its not just balance we are watching, there are other things in there as well. I've had people completly fail the balance portions, some people(me) just have no balance. There are so many other things that we look for to build our opinions on.

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