Fins, Fins and more Fins!!!

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Martha's Vineyard, MA
I may be opening a can of worms here but I am interested in you readers input since y'all appear pretty knowledgeable. I am looking to buy my first pair of open heel fins. My question it worth springing for the new split fins (ie. scubapro twin jets) or stay with more conventional designs... Mares Avanti Quattro's - these are the fins my diving friends say are the gold standard.

I am relatively new to diving-but will be diving in current as well as calm, cold and warm water. Recreationl primarily. I am not interested in speed but efficiency and comfort are considerations.

Thanks for you input.

If your gonna dive in currents then I would go with the Quattros because they move a large volume of water giving you the propulsion needed to get through the current. The split fins your limited on diffrent types of fin kicks but are great in calm waters and will perform in slight currents. The split fins do reduce the amount of effort needed to move through the water thus giving you a little bit more bottom time due to less air comsumption. Overall if you can afford it get a pair of split fins and a pair of Quattros but if you can just get one pair I would get the Quattros. It all depends on the type of diving you're gonna be doing. Thats my .02 and I hope this helps.

dbteel,Get the splitfins,any brand but the Farce Fins.I am 5'10" 190 and in very good shape(sub 5:30 miles and leg press >750 lbs per leg)I dive 150-200 dives a year from springs to rivers to offshore and currents from none to 3 kts,every kind of diving and for the past 2 years I have constantly been amazed at how well these fins outperform in every way(except price)every other fin I've seen.They cannot be "over-kicked"and there is no need to modify your kick.That is all media hype.I tried to "over -kick" these fins wearing 2x95cu.ft. lp tanks and 2x72 cu.ft. stage bottles.Wearing 180 lbs of gear in the shape I'm in they couldn't be "over-kicked" Everyone I dive with either dives commercially,as an instructor or 100+ dives a year.60% to 70% use S-P Twin-jets and are of the same oppinion regarding thier superiority.New technology is often met with much-deserved skepticism in the dive community Re:nitrox 15 yrs ago and Weight-integrated B-Cs even 10 yrs ago.Ask 20 divers from the shop you go to that have'em if they lov'em.
Everyone has his preference, BUT our Quattros have been gathering dust for the 9 months since we got Appollos! I tried on every split fin that our dive shop had and was pleased with the performance of virtually every brand. We settled on the Appollos because they were more comfortable to our feet--pure circumstance that both Barbara and I found them comfortable.

We have used them in all sorts of conditions: calm, surge, stong and week current, and pussy cat waters. They have been just fine. One person we dived with worried about how well they would perform in strong current--say, having to swim up or cross current to get to the boat--but we had no trouble. I am not saying that I would like to race someone wearing Quattros, but we would not go back for our kind of diving...

If your dive shop will let you try them, go for that first. They are not cheap!

Here is another idea. Most of the shops around here rent both kinds of fins....Rent both and see which you like better. Seems like the shops will knock off the rental if you buy from them. This way you don't make a mistake either way you go.
I second the motion to try the fins out before you buy. Your stength, swiming style and dive profiles are unique -- taking a test drive first will enable you to make a better informed decision.

That being said, I am a strong advocate for the Mares Quattros. I don't think you will be able to beat the amount of thrust they have. If you are on the large size and have strong leg muscles, I think they are a good choice. The buckles, while somewhat clunky looking, are among the best in terms of ease of donning/doffing your fins in any conditions.

One counterpoint -- given their stiffness, I think it is important to remeber that you have to keep your legs in shape to use stiff blade fins. If you jump in the water with them after not diving or swimming with them for a long time, you will likely end up with leg or foot cramps. Of course, this may be true of any fin, but I find it is more of an issue with stiffer fins.

My $0.02 -- hope this helps.
. .
I own a pair of Mares Advanti Quattro. I'm 5' 10". They are powerful and offer good control. If you've got well-toned leg muscles and 'normal proportion' sized feet/ankle, then the Quatro will be nice.

Please buy your booties together with your fins. Match them to see them fit nicely, snugly and it shouldn't be moving inside the fin pocket. Remember, after a while, the booties' neoprene gets compressed. Adjusting the strap only changes the pocket depth but not the pocket ceiling. I'm having that problem now, coz my feet is too small for my height.

So, rather than going for which is the best fins... go for the one that FITS, and suits your physique.
I think the most interesting aspect of the Quattros are the buckles, but it's really only an issue if the boot sticks out so much that grabbing and adjusting the straps is a problem. There are some out there who hate Mares straps, but I'm not really sure why... they seem functional to me - perhaps they are more prone to failure? If you like the idea of installing aftermarket spring straps, then it's a moot point.

As far as split fins are concerned, if you don't want to spring :) for the Apollo Biofins, the Aeris Velocity Duo is a reasonable budget choice. For non-split fins, besides the Quattros, I would also try some Turtles before I purchase.

And boot fit is definitely very important. I'm about to throw away a perfectly good pair of 7mm boots because they won't fit properly in my XXL Velocity Duos.

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