I thought I had seen it all...

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Scuba Instructor
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Virginia Beach, USA
# of dives
OK, I thought I had seen it all, until I saw this page:

Captain Dave Gratuity


Here are the quotes:

"On a single-tank dive for $65, your tip to the Captain should be between $6 and $9."

"On a $65 single-tank dive, tip your DiveMaster between $8 and $12."

So let's see. According to the Dive Quarters Website (the shop chartering the boat), the Morgan trip is $125 for a two tank dive. Following the logic above, a $65 two tank dive CAPTAIN'S tip should be between $12 and $18. Since the Morgan is about TWICE that price, I guess the CAPTAIN'S tip should be between $24 and $32. Now, let's do the DIVEMASTER tip as well. I guess a $65 two tank dive would be $16 to $24, meaning the Morgan trip would be roughly $32 to $48. So, for this $125 dive, the website is "suggesting" between $56 and $80.

Maybe I'm reading a little into it, but the website clearly suggests a total of 30% for a "tip" of BOTH the Captain and Divemaster, which on a $125 trip is at least $37. On a "tech trip for $210, that's $63.

SURE, I'll tip $37. When I get there, please unload all my gear, take it to the boat, set it up and make certain it works. Switch all my stuff between dives. Then, when we get back to the dock, unload it, wash it, pack it and load it in my car. No problem, I'll GLADY give you $37 tip for that...

Here's the deal. If you are new to diving off the east coast and reading this thread, a "good" tip is between $15 and $20 for a day of diving on a 6 pack boat. If they let you sleep on the boat the night before, I'll go higher. If the service is outstanding, I'll go higher.

If you can't live with that as a Divemaster or Captain, I'd suggest you get another job..

Sorry, but this kinda CRAP just pisses me off...
Just guessing here, but I'm thinking you did not click on the PayPal link on the Captain Dave Gratuity webpage and provide him a tip for the advice.... Yeah, I agree, and just a bit presumptuous of Capt Dave.

$15-20 tip for a day of diving with an accomodating boat crew is just about right. As a Charter Captain, I expected the tips to go to the crew who are doing the work. On a six-pack charter, I suppose things might be a bit different when you're working as Captain and Crew. For me, tips go to the crew servicing the boat and customers.

Safe Diving,
LOL, yep, now see, THAT'S good advice!

I'd tip $20 on either boat having dived with both of you.

THAT webpage, however, was just a little much.

BTW, Will, I have a tech guy who wants to charter for 40+ miles offshore, new numbers and needs side scan.

Are you up for it?


As long as you are not sending me Capn Dave....

I would be happy to get a group of divers together for an offshore trip. My comfortable distance is 100nm each way (leaves a 50gal reserve), 50-75nm is no problem. I have not done charters on my boat, not Skippered Charters in some time (5 years) though still licensed (USCG Master 100 ton). So, the trip would be a group sharing the gas bill, i.e. no charter. Got DAN O2 kit (2 tanks) and an AED on the boat - hope never to use them. How deep is he desiring to hook into - got 2 anchor rodes too (300ft and 600ft). The side scan is good down to +/-150ft and 360ft to each side - great for finding wrecks when the numbers are a bit off.

I am always up for offshore trips. If the weather (sea state) cooperates this weekend, will try and work some numbers off the Eastern Shore that came from a Commercial Hang Log. With just me onboard there is no diving just driving.

Would you tip a dive crew on the boat even if they did nothing else but hook the anchor line? On the last trip I took that's about all they did.
Here is my two cents worth on this topic. I generally DO NOT tip the captain. When I charter the boat I pay him a fee. That fee should include whatever money he hopes to earn on the charter. The one exception so far to this. Is when I had a captain go to 4 diffrent wrecks to get my group a good wreck and a good viz. That was something I considered above and beyond. I was very grateful and paid the captain extra.
As for the mates, it starts with the tip being 10% of the total charter fee. If the charter was 1500, then the mates are looking at a 150 dollar tip. This goes either up or down depending on what the mates do for my group. Much less if all they do is set the hook and go diving. More if they actually help with gear and the like.
Captain Dave,
I think you were trying to add value to your website by linking tipping advice. Me, personally, I disagree with tipping and always have. Just the curmudgeon in me I guess. I would think that dependence on tips would cause your revenue to fluctuate directly dependent on the group on board, weather and ocean conditions. Some people blame the crew for everything. You get the "Why did you cancel the trip" crowd bitching and the next week they are " Why did we go out in this". A direct hit on your revenues. I would have a big "No Tipping" sign on the boat and just add the gratuity into the price. It might cost a litle more but as long as price equals service you should always have a full. " Capt Dave runs awesome trips and does not allow tipping" Just my 2 cents.
Obviously you have never dove with Drewski, he is an awesome diver that most of you would hope to get on line with.
As far as Dave, I have been on his boat & found it to be a good op, both times though his DM has been lacking, the 1st time I was set to do 1 long dive going in last & doing my dive & deco then finishing about the same time as the 3rd group doing their 2nd dive. My total run time to 100fsw was to be 1 hr 46 min which I hit to the minute, but I was 1st in since no one else was ready & I was dying in my drysuit. So I ended up finishing my dive before the 2nd group even hit the water for their 2nd dive. So I spent quite a bit of time sitting in the boat waiting. Luckily I am not seasick prone so it was no problem.
The 2nd time Drewski was with me, we once again were ready to go way before anyone else so we set the hook, & ran a reel to the site since we were on a piece of debris some 30ft from the wreck, leaving it there so the other divers wouldn't need to waste precious bottom time looking for the wreck.
After our dive everyone else (including the DM) bailed on there dives since they spotted some sharks schooling under the boat. So Drewski & I had to do the 2nd dive to untie & recover the reel. No problem for us, we were there to dive & it turns out they were Dogfish.
I also have a problem with booking Pelican through DQ, now this is no knock on DQ I use them for basically everything & have a good relationship with everyone who works there, but it is tough to go from paying $85 for a trip to $125 on the same boat for the same charter. Not that I won't, but it does suck.
Drewski says plenty of good, but doesn't hesitate to speak his mind the other way also, it just seems that all people remember is the negative.
I also tip well & Drewski usually out tips me so all we ask for is some decent service, personally I don't want anyone touching my gear & this includes checking my valves to see if they are turned on. I usually have more experience than most mates, especially with my own gear.
Oh & Drewski & Wil, I sure hope I will be on that trip.
I don't know the Captain or Drewski... so here is some 3rd party input with no ties to either one...

Tipping is always optional and is not a given. Those of us that have dove enough know good service from bad service on a dive boat... and those who have not dove enough... probably at least know good service from bad service - in say a restaurant.

Now I'm no cheap lad... but I have on two occassions left my waitress a big fat nothing and once I left the boat crew at a dive resort a big fat nothing. Those were greatly deserved moments for those who received nothing.

Generally speaking the tips I leave are standard fair 15-20%, but when a waiter or boat crew exceeds my expectations, the tips they receive always exceed their expectations.

There are boat crews - who as suggested do absolutely nothing except hook up and pull the line... then there are crews who do carry your gear onto the boat, set it up, watch you get in and out, provide surface look-out, are there to help you out of the water etc... What you tip is entirely up to you and should be based on the service you receive.

The Captain is indeed part of the crew and if he's providing service as a crew member, he should take a share of the standard tips... but certainly not expect a tip all to himself simply for driving the boat. He should already be getting paid for that - and if he isn't, perhaps he ought to start looking for a new job. If I wasn't getting paid at my job, I sure as hell wouldn't be there very long. Posting a Captains tip... is in my opinion tacky. Posting suggestions for crew tips is not.

Both Drewski and the Captain were wrong in this thread. Drewski for airing something so petty in public... and the Captain for his snide comeback. With that said however, I have no doubt both are fine gentleman. I wouldn't let what either of them said here sway me to support one vs the other...but rather I'd say, lets all lay this puppy to rest and go diving!
I'm a yank, living in Singapore and, in general, I am confounded by tips sometimes. Over here, if I agree to pay $1,000 for some guy to paint my house, when he is finished, I pay him $1,000. If he was expecting $1,150, he should have said so before he started the job. If he sends his Burmese workers to do the job, I may give them a little pocket money (not near 15%) if they do an honest and good job but that's it.

Maybe I've been here too long but I don't really understand the expectation that someone would pay more than the agreed amount for a personal service by the business owner.

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