If Not Here, Then Where? Basic vs Advanced

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I was in the process of answering your PM when you posted this, so I'll just post my response here:

1. The definition of "basic" is subjective. In at least two of the threads you referenced, the OP specifically indicated looking for more knowledgeable response. Who would you think they would rather get feedback on boat crews from? Advanced divers who have a lot of experience, or people in the New or Basic forum who might not have done any boat dives yet? Below is a previous quote from Pete that may help you understand things better.

Agree - but therein lies the rub -- If a diver hasn't any boat dives, or very few, would not s/he still be in the 'new diver' arena?

With all due respect to Pete and posters' vitriol levels, the definition of Basic versus Advanced should - IMO - be based on Rick's definition.

Basic - a recreational diver, and those that work with, mentor, train etc recreational divers, to include Nitrox, Rescue, etc.

Advanced - looking to move beyond Recreational, but not tech . . . The recreational trimix, the Advanced Nitrox / Deco Procedures, etc. Most dive two tanks at this point.

2. Nothing has changed - Like the description says "The baby steps to becoming"

One would think that by the time one is tech curious, they would not have to ask about others setting up their tank or draining the air from their BCD.

3. Those are technical diving boards, so I'm not sure what your relevance is to a basic/advance discussion.

Relevance is that if a tech-curious person doesn't have a ready avenue here to ask 'almost tech' questions, then one would reach out to a technical diving board. Or, into the technical forums here which might get you shot . . . . down. :giggle:


I've been really pleased with the responses in here, but it seems the level of questions and such has gone back to AOW.

If that's what it should be, C'est le vie. :idk:
Sure. Why not?

In some recent threads in the "Basic" forum, I've read a number of posts by advanced/experienced divers who have given somewhat advanced/technical responses to the OP's query. Not sure whether they really thought their responses were what the OP was looking for or if they were just looking to "flex" (e.g., "show off") a little. For example, check out this recent thread about the reasoning behind not re-descending to conduct a missed safety stop on a recreational dive profile. For whatever reason, several individuals thought it appropriate to begin discussing the oxygen window, 80/20 gas mixes, and breathing 100% O2 as a deco gas. Poor judgment IMO. Raising those concepts obfuscates the simple approach that a beginner diver should be focusing on if faced with the given scenario. In fact, I could see how a novice following the advice of some of those thread participants could actually get hurt.

Agree! Part of that would do well broken off into the Advanced Forum.
It's just "grade" inflation.
On the other hand, I don't see talking about which forum topics belong in as a good, productive use of time either. Some folks are just not as good at housekeeping as others ... ain't no big whoop. Topics end up in places that make me go :idk: all the time ...

.,.. Bob (Grateful Diver)

It is somewhat handy for research if the forums were a little structured, but maybe that's just me. :)
For whatever reason, several individuals thought it appropriate to begin discussing the oxygen window, 80/20 gas mixes, and breathing 100% O2 as a deco gas. Poor judgment IMO. Raising those concepts obfuscates the simple approach that a beginner diver should be focusing on if faced with the given scenario. In fact, I could see how a novice following the advice of some of those thread participants could actually get hurt.

That's where the report button comes in.

Report the post so it can be reviewed and staff will make a decision. You may not agree with the decision, but at least we will be aware of it so we can can keep an eye on it.

What we don't want is for users to start taking things into their own hands and telling people where they should or shouldn't post. Part of the reason we have staff is to make such determinations.
People are lazy and will often post in the first convenient forum they come to. But, yes, a gentle reminder from the mod stating that it should have been in a different forum or simply moved wouldn't hurt. The expectation of those visiting the Advance Forum is that questions of an appropriate topic will be responded to by experienced divers with serious, plausible replies. If the question is inane enough the reply may be quite sarcastic, but that would be appropriate for an ill-conceived inquiry.

Technical might also include multi-gas as well as overhead.

Advanced could include multi-tank (not spare air) and/or deco and the other topics normally include in an AOW class.
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So where would topics like Spare air vs 40 cuf pony or splits vs Jets would go?
One is the basic and another is a baby step to the dark side
I've been really pleased with the responses in here, but it seems the level of questions and such has gone back to AOW.

If that's what it should be, C'est le vie. :idk:

No it's not.

Hence my reply, go diving and come back after a 1000. Advanced has NOTHING to do with a c-card.
It's all about the dives, different kinds,locations, conditions and the likes.
Everybody can pick up a book and do some training and collect a card.
Dir/tech and all others are not the holy grail, a lot of dives comes closer. As long as they are diverse.
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. The expectation of those visiting the Advance Forum is that questions of an appropriate topic will be responded to by experienced divers with serious, plausible replies. If the question is inane enough the reply may be quite sarcastic, but that would be appropriate for an ill-conceived inquiry.
I wouls expect that the questions in the basic should be responded even more seriously as the posters might not have experience to evaluate.

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