Medium-short hair woes

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Hi girls!
I can relate to all of your hair dilemmas. Hair bands (the elastic ones) always fall out underwater and so I just always wear a hood. Even in the tropics. I know it sounds crazy but I get cold easily anyway and it takes care of all problems at the same time.

My hair looks terrible wet so I've given up on looking good in between dives! Wonder how hair extensions would hold up under water...
I have medium short hair, can tuck it behind my ears, but can't get it in any clips. This is a bad length for diving as I like to have my hair out of my eyes. Does anyone have any good advice (besides a hood, which I use in cold water) on how to deal with it?

Suggestions would be much appreciated.

Try a bandana - it looks cool and your head dosnt get sun-burned!
yes- I just use simple bobbie pins across the band and into my hair- and the headband is pure lycra. It dries quickly and doesn't slip. I bought it from K-mart I think- in the 'teenage girls' section.

good luck!
I put mine in an ugly little tiny pony tail (at least my bangs)... think Pebbles from the Flintstones. That or I use little tiny pinchy clips... looks awful but works...

I have just let my hair do what it wants.. I have almost ear lobe length hair.. the only problem I have with it is getting the small pieces out of my neck seal on my drysuit. I dive in cold water and do use a hood, but I have dove a few times without it.. Just a major ice cream headaches sometimes.. anyway.. one thing you minght want to try is cut the legging of a pair of nylons off.. and make a head band out of it.. you can bunch it up and you can make it any size your want... because of the variation in size from the thigh to the ankle.. and heck if it wears out then you just cut another one.......... not use the entire leg.. just a section.. or tube... it's cheep and easy... if you don't understand what I mean.. I will make one and post a picture.
hey firediver- thats a great idea- I am going to try that next dive to see if it is better than my lycra one- thanks
No prob.. I have used it and found that closer to the ankle gives a tighter fit.. and over time it does stretch... and they also get gunky so to speak. At least you can throw it away and not have to worry abuot loosing a lot of money.....
My wife and both use Dee Rags. Several different patterns, they fit well and really stay on...gotta love 'em :D
Shower cap?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

My wife uses a 'doo rag' that bikers use. It's light weight, and perfect for tropical environments.

Strong suggeston though - don't get the type that are on the web designed for divers. Just go to a swap meet or flea market and get one off the shelf. They run less than $2 bucks each - lots cheaper than the ones for divers and come in a lot of fun colors.

I'm interested in the pantyhose approach. I think I understand, but a picture would be great.

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