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I have to relate one of the funniest Narced stories I have heard.

One of my instructors told us a story of his buddy became narced bad enough he didn't know which way was up. He would tell his buddy to go up and the buddy would dive. He finally caught up to his buddy at an unstated depth staring off into space. On the surface his buddy told him he was watching the little pink in tu-tu's line dancing and didn't understand why my instructor didn't see them.

I have seen the result of me diving HE and someone on air between 100- 180 ft. My buddy swore he was not narked .

Kinda like being sober at the bar.

There is an instructor posting on this thread that was narked at about 100. If you have the feeling of being narked at that depth and are considering taking students down on their deep dives I sugest you switch to HE.

Your friend with the mix station should be able to blend you up a batch. Do the dive as you normally would.

Works great. Make sure the blend has at least 32% HE.

For a little comic relief , talk to your students after taking a few sucks off the reg

It was to be and still remains my deepest dive, and I wish that I owned my Cobra at the time, as there are questions as to what/how it happened.

We dove a deep wreck... we were just going to the deck to check things out and then back up. We were told the deck was @ 140'. I had done 130' and did not believe I was narced, so 140' made sense. My buddy had 200 dives more than me and was WAY confident that he could handle anything. On the wreck I noticed (at least I think I noticed) that the deck sloped downwards. We hit at 140' but everything we wanted to look at was even deeper. My buddy starts drifting down to look and I follow... a few minutes later I realise that while he is breathing he is not moving at all... perfectly catatonic. I check my guage and we are at 163' 163'. I felt trapped, but I grabbed his tank valve and started the ascent. It was hard and slow... I was still over weighted, but we made progress. @ 120' or so he just came to life. I gave the up signal and we continued the ascent.

Everything else was uneventful... but I was FLOORED by his first comments on the deck...

"163', but hey! I didn't feel a thing!" And yes, I still tease him about that to this day. If you are looking for a feeling to indicate that you are narced you might be disappointed. I am thoroughly convinced that narcosis starts when you hit the water, causes some effects by 80', you have slowed responces by the time you hit 100' and it becomes dangerous by the time you hit 130'. My buddy waited for a feeling and zoned right on out. He didn't "feel" a thing. If it weren't for me he would be dead. I will never violate the 130' depth again. Well, not until I learn Tri-mix.
Narc'd? Everyone is narc'd below a certain depth. Sometimes you notice, sometimes you don't. I was seriously narc'd during a dive on the Duane once and scared the bejeezus out of Walter. It took me several months to realize what had happened. I had been narc'd. On our New Years Eve millinium dive, I was narc'd and knew it. It was a scary and confused feeling that made me feel like I was having a hard time breathing. Walter and I ascended to about 60 ft, where I could think. I explained to Walter that I felt my wet suit was contricting my breathing. He unjipped my shorty to the waist (duh!) and after my head cleared, we completed the dive. The rest of the dive was fine, but I stayed near the line, just to make sure. So at midnight at the moment of the millinium ending, I was at 109ft on the Rodeo 25 off of Pompano, FL.
I agree with Netdoc and dennis. Watching this guy beside me try to navigate after 80 ft was just amazing.

The only signal I gave during the whole dive was the up signal.

He told me after the dive that I was sure giving some funny hand signals . He will not believe he was REALLY narked.

He is qiute a know it all as he is a "master instructor" and I am a lowly msdt.and he does not need Helium to function at depth.


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