Open Water - August 20th

Will you go see "Open Water"

  • Yes, it looks good to me

    Votes: 13 34.2%
  • No, it looks like crap to me

    Votes: 11 28.9%
  • Yes, I am a geek and want to see the gear used in the movie

    Votes: 14 36.8%

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  • Poll closed .

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I just saw this today. I enjoyed it, but definetley thought that there were some parts that weren't so realistic. The filming was a lot like the Blair Witch Project.. and is not for the person with a sensitive stomach. At the same time, I think that there was a lot that was very realistic to diving. From a divers point of view, I think that it was a lot more interesting. There was a group of people sitting beside me at the theatre that when it ended had no problem expressing the fact that they thought it sucked, and was not scary at all. I have to agree that it was definetley hyped up too much in the fear department... the only thing that made me even a little nerovous was dealing with the sharks in the dark. I'm not a huge fan of the dark anyway, so I was probably a little more scared there then most

I also think that there were a few scenes that just weren't needed. Like the nude scene. What was with that? It didn't go anywhere... and all it did was show what she looked like under her wetsuit. I don't know.. I just didn't find it necessary. And the bug scene in the middle of the night didn't keep my interest either.

ScubaTexan and I just had a long chat about this on MSN and we agreed on everything that he posted about... I definetley think that for as few people that there really were on the charter that someone would have noticed that the tanks, or the people were missing, or that there was gear without an owner. Who knows.. they whole system seemed pretty lax to me. Not that I have a whole lot of dive charter experience... but I really don't think thats how their run.

The ending was kind of a shock to me. Since it has already been discussed what happened I can talk about it and not spoil it. I think that I would not have been able to feed myself to the sharks. I would have had to wait for them to eat me first... I think that even that many hours later I would have been thinking that SOMEONE would realize we were missing. However, I hope that I never am put in a position to decide that. Its hard to say what would happen.

Oh, and don't you think that those mints would have dissolved after 12 hours in the water? I'm not thinking that they would have been so great...

I also think that I would have tried to swim for one of the boats in the beginning... at least try. Who cares if its not your boat, its A boat, and thats all that matters. I don't think that they realized at that point just how much in danger they were. Sad thing is, in the end, if she would have just held on for a couple more hours the search teams probably would have found her. Who knows?

My big question is how can it be based on a true story if they both died? There was no one around.. so they couldn't possibly know. I suppose they never claimed it was a true story, just based on true events, so maybe its a few people's stories put together, with a little speculation here and there. We will probably never know!

Well, I think thats all I have to say for now!

Oppinions on this movie...any one seen it yet..
I saw it last night....I will wait and give my own oppinion...curious to see if anyone thought the same way I did...
It is a low budget movie and it gives me abit of motion sickness
and I don't really like the story line. The only good thing about this movie is it remind me the importance of dive alert and smb :p
very low budget....but yeah..the story line was not many things they did wrong...I always have a safety sausage in my pocket...( havent had to use it on my own...but it's good to have in a case like this or have a whistle or something..attached to your bcd..) the ending was terrible...and it is really all one knows what truely happened..
The dive boat they were on was filthy...and the dive op didnt even check or clean the boat until the next day...(thats when they found there gear bags)...I wish they would have disclosed the operation...People should be aware of what they are getting into...
Just my 2 cents on the movie
Being left behind is enough, adding the shark attacks to this "based on true events" movie is alittle over the top. Once again sharks are getting a undeserved knock. The bodys were never found and there was no evidence of a shark attack.
I also wish the ending had included an analysis of the whole event. Maybe an investigators conclusions. The plot line was a little sparse too. But I guess it might get people talking about scuba.
The movie lacked acting, character development, it was rushed and then slow as heck.....there was a bit of skin in it, but it really wasn't needed nor did it belong in the plot. Then they hit the water....give me a break! From a diving standpoint, either as the diver or as the operator, there were so many mistakes and issues with that whole scenario it was not short, with some precautions the movie wouldn't be.

Granted it did happen since it is based on a true story, but what gets me is how do they know what happened in the water once the boat left? The whole thing is just a speculation, there were no witnesses to see what this whole thing is just another silly Hollywood idea of scaring people.....and it wasn't even that scary. Yes it had a few psychological points to it, with loosing a loved one to a fish, but gimme a break, they 'killed' the actors in 2 minutes.

Over all the movie sucked! It will/might have a small affect on the industry, but then again so does water pollution. As a movie it lacked the development, the framing, the shots, it lacked a proper story felt like a LB movie with two actors just reading lines. You couldn't really feel in one with the actors to experience their pain or feelings.

AND I love the controversy surrounding their 'deaths'?! Could be an insurance scam, a fraud, suicide? Why was no gear damaged? Then the dive slate 2 months later......I call BS! (did a bit of research on the characters and it's shady)

Non the less the dude who made the movie will rake in his $$$$ well beyond the $120k due to human curiosity and thirst for blood!

If you haven't already done so, DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS PoS!

I give it 5 thumbs down.
I totally agree on this one....Save your money...You mentioned that you did some research on the characters? What was it that you looked up? I am a bit interested in the real thing here...
Haven't seen it and probably won't. It just sounds lame to me. I did hear an advertisement for the movie which quoted "A different kind of shark movie". That pretty much summed it up for me. Another lame try to make a few bucks and capitalize on peoples fears.
:06: Open water has got to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Read that it was filmed with a handheld Beta on weekends. I had to leave the theatre and check my eyesight, the entire film was blurry. At the least they could have shown some better underwater video. Will tell all my friends not to waste their money, it might be worth .99 cents at the corner video store
I know that there are quite a few threads on the movie floating around here... I made a pretty long post in one just last night.... you might find some more answers if you search for those!


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