Roatan Best Diving/Best Resort

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Wow, all this math and calculations and numbers and taxes and ratios, I feel like I'm back in school. That or the nitrox class, but at least in that class we had tables.

Small picture = who is right in this thread and who is wrong.

Big picture = you have options in Roatan.

Maybe I'll drink some more coffee and then maybe I'll be in the mood to do math. :coffee:
Medium sized picture:
Most people staying in West End are not trying to do 4 or 5 dives a day. Its more like two and perhaps a third if feeling really pumped. The drop off dives at Coco View are kind of short and might not add up to one good 55 minute dive.

Coco View is dive dive dive. West End leaves time for socializing or just getting lazy. If I go to West End for two weeks it costs me about what Coco View would for one week and I wind up doing about the same number of dives either way. For me that is perfect, because I have a lot of time. Its a whole different thing on the same island. The 'apples to apples" comparisons above really do not make a lot of sense.

I stopped going to the AI's a while back because it was not relaxing. Too many Type A personalities who carry their compulsion into their diving. Same goes for the Aggressor live aboard boats.
roflmao at her .....yes, math is tough!

Roatanman, has left some factors out of the equation.

First, at CCV you can do a dawn dive before breakfast each day provided there isn't some more appealing option. Thereby, increasing the total number of dives possible to 29 plus.

Realistically, this is beyond the capabilities and desires of most vacationing divers. I believe the average diver at CCV, does 3 or 4 dives a day, with an occasional day of 5 or 6, thrown in for good measure or bragging rights.

Secondly, and more important to me personally, is the total number of minutes of BOTTOM TIME that I rack up on a dive trip.

I rank this far above the total number of dives per day which I can do.

At CCV, we ask diver to limit their time on the boat dives to 60 minutes out of consideration for their fellow divers who have queasy stomachs and higher air consumption rates.

On the drop off and beach dives, bottom time is limited by your profile and air consumption. It is not uncommon, to see 90 to 120 minute dives.

Coupled with the service, physical layout, and convenience there are very few land based dive operations worldwide, that offer the same bang for your buck!

Usually, to get the equivalent bottom time, one has to turn to a live aboard which are much more expensive then land based operations. Although, worldwide there are perhaps 6 to 12 land based dive ops where you can get the equivalent amount of bottom time.

In fact, IMO, CCV has become a benchmark and business model against which dive operations worldwide are measured against.

We have never made a secret of the fact, that what we do is dive and that we are for the most part, a simple dive camp for divers.

The real secret to our success is that we do it to the best of our abilities.

Whew...I'm so glad I didn't have to do any math and got through the battle between Roatan man and the other guy who seemed to know it all. I have to agree with rtbmediver, CCV offers a lot, but the most important is the staff. When I lived in Roatan I dove on Sundays at CCV. I felt like I was with my cousins, always welcome and very much at home. There are so many repeat divers at CCV because they feel the same.
Wow, this thread has got way too intense! I bet poor Franz has been put off going to Roatan since it now seems that all the local posters want to do is bicker amongst themselves and try to validate why their resort/shop is better with crazy mathematical equations.

Would it not be better for you all to work together on Scubaboard to encourage people that Roatan is a great place to visit rather than get into a bitch fight and try to prove your place is better than all the rest??! It's really not a good image. I know Roatan fairly well, and what you are portraying by arguing amongst each other is giving the whole island a really negative impression - don't get so hung up on petty details or you'll scare all the divers away!
I know Roatan fairly well, and what you are portraying by arguing amongst each other is giving the whole island a really negative impression -

Anybody basing their impression of Roatan from what goes on in an Internet Forum would have some serious issues with Judgment!!!:rofl3::rofl3::rofl3: I'm sorry, but I think most poster are smarter than that.

But even though you are right that bickering is silly, I understand the desire to defend your oppinions when someone comes along and demeans you by saying you are misleading people, etc.... etc... etc... Especially when some of those people put in considerable amounts of time and effort to help other out and give them good info. I'm not saying it's perfect and obviously each person has their own oppinion which is based on their criteria. But nevertheless showing (mathematically:rofl3::rofl3:) that someone is wrong is better in my oppinion than telling them off.. Which obviously isn't permetted here...

Hey, but thats what forums are like! Full of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly! And if you ask me, despite the sometimes less "elegant" posts, scubaboard is still a great place for divers to get info as well as for diving destinations to get good publicity! I never would have discovered the Bay islands if it weren't for Scubaboard and some of the great people who help out here!

bicker amongst themselves and try to validate why their resort/shop is better with crazy mathematical equations. .... a bitch fight and try to prove your place is better than all the rest??! - don't get so hung up on petty details

ScubaRafiki, I see you are a boat captain on Cayman, so the basis of the discussion might have been lost on you. On Cayman, the current dive options are all very similar, not so on Roatan. Because of the tremendous geographical differences in location as well as wind and weather as well as population concentration, this is a real big "petty detail".

In the 1970's and into the Eighties, there was the "standard Seven Mile Beach Cayman" and then there were the divers who went to the East End. Nowadays, and likely in your career span, the East End of Cayman is no longer the last outpost. It is all pretty homogenized and, although the quality of diving is nowhere near as it was in the 70's (what is?) it still attracts a huge crowd of vacationers who want to dive.

So, even on cayman, the dichotomy of available dive operations existed. Due to location and population center, this was a natural occurance, just as it still is on Roatan today. Maybe not in ten years, but today- there are differences.

"Petty details" are what should (and do) interest vacationers. On Roatan, there are places that are all diving, all the time, and there are other options that are more leisurely. Call them "petty details" if you wish, but when you are expending up to $2000 for a week with air, "petty details" get important.

Unfortunately, a lot gets lost in emotion. With the use of a mathematical breakdown, you can try to quantify some of the "petty details". As I said, though, no one can quantify things like ambiance and atmosphere. On Roatan, either far flung option has understandable equal draw.

It was not one specific company versus another. The backbone of the discussion was AI vs. ala Carte. Petty details that become extremely important when the bill arrives.

each person has their own oppinion which is based on their criteria. But nevertheless showing (mathematically) that someone is wrong is better in my oppinion than telling them off.

I tried to give facts that might be taken by anyone (The Vacationing Diver or the Diving Vacationer) so they could examine those "petty details" and figure out which option is best for them.

MarcauMarc chose to speak of the one operation he knew best, arguably one of the hottest and best run day-dive ops on the West End, Coconut Tree Divers. To speak of what an AI resort had to offer in comparison, I laid out the plan at CoCoView.

In terms of internet communication- yes it is hard to gain a feeling for what is being intoned- it's hard enough to talk in person, much less over a keyboard.

At the same time, when a question is posed (four different times) and one proponent walks away from the thread without providing the simplest answer- the mathematical key... what good is that? Just providing a simple time line of boat operations for the day dive operation would have made it all crystal clear. But instead, there was deflection and finally "walking away".

Petty details to some, but providing a simple timetable of day-dive boat operations wouldn't be all that hard- I did it for the AI resort.

Have no fear- I think no one will be dissuaded from visiting Roatan from this or any other internet exchange. Some people actually read through posts, others get lost internalizing emotions, others get everything from Trip Advisor.

Are you a Vacationer who wants some diving, or off on a dive vacation?

That's the point of all of this. Roatan will be Caymanized soon enough, but until then, there is a petty detail or two to be considered.
This is getting too complicated for me. I just jump in the water and hope a few turtles swim by.

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