Touch contact navigation procedures in low-zero viz

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Freeze my rear off in a wet suit temps.... low 40's. This year I am extending my season into October and Nov. The 30 lbs I put on this year may help but we will see how its gonna work out. My plan is to get 200+ dives in this year. I am at 60 so far. Lots of cold SI's around the corner !
Freeze my rear off in a wet suit temps.... low 40's. This year I am extending my season into October and Nov. The 30 lbs I put on this year may help but we will see how its gonna work out. My plan is to get 200+ dives in this year. I am at 60 so far. Lots of cold SI's around the corner !


I have a buddy and we have been planning the same thing you've been doing. Hit up Juturna and look for the bottom. I will definitely plan on diving dry for those dives! :)
I don't understand why you are not trying to run a line to aid in navigation and mapping of the site. I just had an Underwater Navigation class run over 1200 feet of line in decent to low vis over a series of dives that is going to result in some decent maps.
I have 800, 400, 150, 125, and 50 ft reels and a 450 ft exploration spool. With the right technique, you can maintain and use various touch contact protocols with the line and get fairly accurate results at the same time. Overhead protocols for zero vis work in open water as well.
Jim agree but I dont think we are at that level of competency as a buddy dive team. Right now we are trying to work on the basics of staying in contact and practicing drills. Eventually I agree your suggestion makes sense. We are limiting variables to manage at this point.
Do you have a picture of the quarry before it flooded? Is it deep in the middle with access roads at the sides? Maybe surface swim to the middle and both of you drop down one SMB line?
was up till 1:00AM last night on google looking up just what you stated Ken. I cant find jack. All I know is it was owned by the Portland Cement Company. We have anecdotal information regarding a road that snakes its way down all the way to 220 in a spiral type fashion but imagine trying to find a winding road in zero viz. This layer of near zero viz is everywhere that we can tell. Hit 70 and its there. This last dive on Sunday was towards the furthest end of the quarry where apparently the spring is feeding in so we were hoping to find better viz but no go.
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I hopped back in the water, and reversed course. Only this time the visibility was zero because of everything I kicked up on the way across the lake.
I’m not trying to be arsey but why did you kick up everything?
I’m not trying to be arsey but why did you kick up everything?

I was diving in a 5-6' deep lake in near zero visibility- unable to see the bottom, which being very silty was easily disturbed when my fins got close or even made brief contact with the bottom.
Dont get my wheels turning regarding a shot line because I already spoke to the owner to see if they are willing to run one down to 100-120 foot range. I am not sure they are going to want to do it as I am sure they are not too keen on folks diving that deep. So I already came up with a portable floating shot line system. Going to talk to the owner this weekend if he is around and see if we get the ok to deploy it. That would make it really easy to map depth. If there is no better viz below 70 I don't see how dives below the 80-90 mark are going to be done without, at least in my opinion, introducing too much risk. There were some tech divers out a few weekends ago. They told me they were going to try to get down there but they turned back at 75 and change as we have been doing.

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