Why do you like diving?

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I love the tranquility, and one with nature when I dive. Adventure and discovery are always there. So much to see, so little time. I also like the challange of improving my survival skills that allow me to resurface and rejoin the dry world.
It's exploring a new world with exciting sites, fish and animals never seen by me before.
The challenge.
Meeting people who I would probably never know expect for diving.
Learning something new every time I dive.
The excitment of going to a country I would usally not go to if it wasn't for the diving.
Being part of sport that everyone says "I allways wanted to do that!"
And having the ability to teach how and getting them addicted.
me i LOVE to dive, when i'm fed up being a chicken, i'm going to be a fish full time, if there was a way of sleeping down there i would, even when there is nothing to see, some of the diving i have done there has been nothing to see, just being weightless, being able to be upside down without hurting your head, and then there is the fish and marine life that is down there to be seen smiled and waved at, and sometimes photograph
i am never more relaxed than when i am diving, i can forget all my worries
my constant aim is to conserve my air to make each dive last as long as dive will allow
if i could afford a re breather and had a buddy with one i probably would get one to make my time with the fishies longer
my time will come :wink: :wink:

I went from being afraid of the water 6 years to learning to swim 5 years ago to learning to dive 3-1/2 years ago. I am now a PADI Divemaster and working with an instructor to introduce other people to the sport. I have found my niche. It is the greatest thing I have ever done. I don't care if I am in the ocean, a spring, or a quarry where the visibility sucks. There is always something to see. It's the best thing I have ever done for myself.
My on-call pager, cell phone, etc. don't work underwater. :D

It really is one of the few places I've found where I can disconnect from the hectic, work-a-day rat race that makes up the majority of my daily life.

I only wish I'd gotten certified 20 years ago, when a friend first tried to talk me into it...
Diving for me reduces stress and is relaxing....You meet a lot of cool people also..Some of which are a little narked out of the water which makes it interesting... I have never ran into a diver that I did not get along with. There is a world to see under water....
Why dive? Wow, what a question. I used to watch Jaque Cousteau(sp?) and think: " I'm going to do that." Well, now I do. Perhaps not to the extent he did. Did Ya'll know that he started out diving to hunt fish? Yep, He did. But, then he saw how it was impacting the fish population and re-evaluated what was going on and stopped killing "huge" fish. Good decision, good management, I say. What if everyone that dives today did this? Hmmmmmm? Off topic? Maybe.
Today I dive to see, "What's under there?". Now I know. I'll never leave the underwater realm. Never.
Do Ya'll agree?
So why do you like diving?
If I didn't dive I won't have a reason to post on ScubaBoard. :wink:

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