Regs serviced. now what?

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My newly serviced Grumman American Tiger, circa 1984, I took off from Arcola Field near Houston with my wife aboard for a trip to New Orleans. I had done my preflight, checked my oil etc., everything one should do. Just about 1/2 mile from the end of the runway climbing through 2,000 feet there was smoke in the cockpit. I did a 180 back, announcing Mayday, Mayday and my intention to land against traffic, this being a non-controlled field. As soon as I knew I had the runway made, I chopped power, dead sticked in and rolled to a stop. I always accuse my wife of moving slowly, she was not moving slowly now! I jumped down and went to the cowling and saw smoke coming from the engine air inlets. So I popped the cowling top off and low and behold but a nice, new roll of paper towels sitting below the right side of the engine cylinders down on the exhaust! SMOLDERING and smoking. I grabbed it and tossed it in the ditch beside the runaway, surveyed the situation deciding all else was well, my wife looked at me with a quizzical look and if to ask now what? Well, we are going to be late and catch that front if we do not get to making good time. And away we went.

If I did not do the work, I check it with a test ____________ (you fill in blank) and if I serviced it I still check it before committing to ____________ and if it is a SCUBA system that means I pester the guards at the Y.

I would hope any reputable dive shop would actually test the 1st and 2nd stages after servicing to make sure they are operating with spec. I know mine does.
I would hope any reputable dive shop would actually test the 1st and 2nd stages after servicing to make sure they are operating with spec. I know mine does.

Trust, but verify.

I am sure any reputable dive shop would actually test the 1st and 2nd stages after servicing to make sure they are operating with spec, however mistakes happen. I'm sure you can look around Scubaboard and find a number of threads about problems immediately after service. I choose to test after service in the conditions it will be required to operate, before relying on its proper operation is those conditions. Yes it may be considered overkill but it is a couple of extra dives for my peace of mind when I'm solo and/or deep.

Doveryai, no proveryai.
Ronald Reagan

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