Solo shore diving...

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I'm no expert - but just.. Don't Do it

WHY..... Because you base this on facts ? Or because that is what you were told ?

Would I shore dive solo? Under the right circumstances, absolutely, and I have. Would I do it as a new diver, without the right gear and in an unfamiliar
NO.... DON'T DO IT.... YOU WILL SURELY DIE..... :no:

OK, I got the standard internet warning out of the way..... I started diving 40yrs ago... SOLO... First dive was solo.... Your not looking to dive 100+ on a wreck, You want to play around in 20' ft of water 50'ft from shore.... This is not rocket science... If you left the tank and asked to snorkel no one say anything about it... And that's what you will be doing more or less.... You should read John Chatterton's Blog about being a self reliance diver...

Before the "Nanny State" of life started, solo was no big deal and almost every diver did it.... Now if you don't have a C-card and a specialty course you're gonna die.... I'm sure they will come out with a "FIN" specialty course soon.. You know how many different fins that are on the market... You need to be trained on their use...

Take it slow and use your head... If that little voice inside starts talking.... LISTEN.... :wink: OH... And have fun....:)



I started diving 100 +dives ago, learned from internett. Yeah. :)
And around 80% of my dives i do solo shore diving in cold dark water. Much night dives. im a slr uv photographer from first dive.
I never solo dive deeper than 10meters. Take Well care of gear, lots of selfservice, trust it, and em very aware!
Use your head, proper gear(backups,etc...), dont go deep, be aware and alert. Then you will be fine. Im now a aowd diver.

My reason for solo?
When i started, there was NO rec divers around here. So kinda had no choise. Diving became a lifestyle from first dive!!
Today i got a handfull of buddys into diving, but they arent into it as much as me (2-4 dives aweek), so i still solo. as i do lots of makro photo, i tend to stay in one smal area alot aswell, not so fun for regular buddys.

My 2bucks

~Dive smart.

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These are the reasons I doubt I will do a night dive. Being in the total dark with little experience seems way riskier then being within a swim of shore during the day.
For many, many years, I had only done about one night dive after the one I did for my AOW. I was worried about banging into coral heads and not knowing where I was going. Finally, I encountered a DM who took me to a popular night dive spot for a couple of dives in the day time. Once I felt comfortable diving it in the day I also felt quite comfortable doing it at night. It turned out it was all a thing in my head and once I did it, I was just fine there and at other sites. Maybe you could try that approach.
These are the reasons I doubt I will do a night dive. Being in the total dark with little experience seems way riskier then being within a swim of shore during the day.
Night dives at Cozumel aren't that scary. Nowhere near. The water is very clear and you have lights; there is no more risk of running into things than there is when you are walking around outside at night with a big flashlight. There is less risk of the boat losing you than there is during the day because divers' lights are plainly visible from the surface.

It only sounds scary until you do it. I have been on night dives on moonlit nights where I turned off my light for long periods of time because the moon was plenty bright to see by. Try it; you'll like it.

Not solo, of course. :D
WHY..... Because you base this on facts ? Or because that is what you were told ?

Actually at this stage of his diving experience, it is a good recommendation. Let us consider the two fatalities in the last year or so of women who reportedly became separated from their buddies.

What lead to them going missing and ultimate death? I do not know but one possible factor is that panic set in.

We should acknowledge that the training to dive in pairs only combined with not uncommon apprehension when dive experience level is low, may result in panic if a buddy team is separated.

So if learning solo diving concepts and simulating solo diving under proper supervision gets divers to the point where they will not panic if a buddy separation occurs, then we may lower diver deaths in Cozumel.

The OP may be hiring a divemaster for a shore dive. That is a chance to simulate ascending alone. It will not be much but he can face away from the divemaster, ascend to ten feet and perform a safety stop, then listen for boats and make a "solo" ascent, all while the divemaster is watching over him.

Becoming self-reliant is not a bad thing. Taking a rescue diver course is a great thing in my opinion.
So if he wanted to go snorkeling in 10 to 20 feet of water 50 to 100 feet from shore, You would tell him it's not safe to snorkel ??? We have had people that solo dive the very spot he wants to dive and they "ALL" say it safe and should be no trouble... No boats or waves to deal with.... This sounds like a GREAT place for him to play and get a little solo time under his belt.... He'll be a better diver ...

Jim, the last I understood issues (and I am not an expert) is that he can certainly drown or have lung expansion issues in that area. I have no idea what his temperament is as it relates to panic. Self-reliance is a good thing. The question is whether there is a reasonable way to achieve it as opposed to just going out with minimal experience and hope that everything works well.
To add to my post.. I never sola dive deep waters (walls,++) and never places there are boat trafic.
Thats not smart!

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