Transpac II

Winged BCD or Back inflated? **whats your pick**

  • Winged BCD

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Back inflated BCD

    Votes: 13 54.2%

  • Total voters

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BP setups are not just for twins.

I also agree that citing what gear "famous" divers use does not prove a whole lot. They could probably make a BC out of milk jugs and pull off dives like that due to their great skill. It might not be as efficient without the proper gear but, they could probably still do it. The right gear helps a lot but gear is not the most crucial factor.

A BP setup will require different techniques of adjustment/removal vs. the typical jacket or TPII setup. This may seem very complicated to someone just starting out but, it's really not all that different that the learning curve on other setups. I've trained people who used a jacket BC at the start of the class, only to switch to the BP/Wing by the end of the class. After I explained how to set everything up, they had zero setup/usage problems and actually performed better with the BP setup. These are basic OWI students who are not naturally inclined to be good at diving. With proper training, anyone can be taught to properly assemble and safely use a BP setup.

People need to try the BP and compare it to other BC types out there. It's obvious that I feel the BP/Wing/DIR system is a better setup so I'm a bit biased. I don't really see the point in using anything other than the BP, but others may not like it as much as I do. However, you should use whatever you are comfortable with. Honestly, most people could care less what type of gear you dive unless you are diving with them.
People's BOD are not the issue here.

Let's all try and have a civilized discussion about pros and cons of BP/W and TP II, rather than insulting each other.

As I mentioned previously, different divers prefer different gear setups. There are many reasons for this. There is probably more than one way to Do It Right, although some hard core DIRers will not admit this. But this is not really the issue here.

It seems that the "BP/W vs. other setups" discussions end up someplace else too many times. Let's try to stick to "What I think works for me" rather than tell everybody else what will have to work for them.

Ari :)
lal7176 once bubbled...

At least im not ashamed to post my information , how about you? If you cant read my DOB maybe you should get your eyes checked. So you gonna tell us why singles aren't no good with BP's there mr.rocket scientist

You have such anger. Did you notice the double negative changes the meaning of what you are trying to say?
Personnally i'm happy diving singles, you know the old adege big car small, well you know what i mean.

Anyway i heard that halcyon are now offering an operation to have two studs surgically implanted on your spine so you can do away with the backplate all together, sounds a much more secure approach.
What about bouyancy i hear you ask, well the people having this done have actually got a big air space between their easr thus solving the prblems of wings, can i sign you up for one LAL?
Albion once bubbled...

Yes there is a good argument for using b/P or TPII and that they can be used from day one all the way up to advanced dive situations, however for 90% of novices this is not the case.

Actually if 90% of the Novices you know can't handle a back inflate BC. The training there is horrible. A back inflate isn't unmanagable if trained on it. If thrown into it afterwards you'd have a relearning curve. Where better then in your first class to get associated with one. They aren't for everyone. But It's not 90%.

Albion once bubbled...
1) They will problaby never get twins

Back inflate isn't only for Twins. Neither Transpak 2, Ranger, BP/W.

Albion once bubbled...
2) lack of releases may be great when carrying twins and a lot of gear but for a novice this is not good. what happens if they have to remove it at the surface in choppy conditions (now going to get a list of how to do it right), this maybe something YOU do without thinking but for a novice it may not be quite so simple.

Bust one of those releases on the boat and jump in. How is the diver gonna deal with that. Since he's a novice. Better if he has trouble and needs help getting it off then on. Then a release isn't attached right, or breaks. I have both Transpack 2 and BP/W. And giving a novice to much to mess with isn't a good thing. And I've seen the plastic buckles break on a boat alot.

And I don't need a list. It seems you're talking about stuff you're unfamiliar with. Talk about what you know.

Albion once bubbled...
3) They may not be so comforatble with back inflates as a novice diver. Not everyone who learns to dive has a much passion about it as some of the people posting on this board, and understands the nuances of this style. The jacket BCD whilst it may be a compromise (in mose cases) under water does offer better surface comfort in its standard form. Most novices hit the surface and fully inflate, doing that with some back inflate bcd's will put you on your face if you dont know what you are doing, or have your weights incorrectly positoned. Try telling a less than confident begginner that on the surface he only needs to partialy inflate his BCD and see if he does as hes told.

You're right, some people who aren't trained on a back inflate may have a problem with it. If that's what you were trained with. The instructor wouldn't pass you till you're comfortable in the water now would he.

Heck, I've seen women in class that wouldn't let go of the ladder in the pool. And thought they were diving... Shallow end.... They actually became good divers. But it took alot of pool time. And the instructor didn't pass them till they were comfortable.

Albion once bubbled...
Personally I think a TPII is a good solution for a novice it has flexibility and it also has releases and pull strap adjustments, however a jacket may still be better if they are not so comfortable in the water. The B/P maybe more stable but without releases it less flexible and it does take some setting up.

Without the releases it's one less failure point for a novice to have to deal with... And on set up. If you took your training with it. You'd know how to set it up... It's easy once shown... And what better place then you're open water class...

Jackets are good for positioning for photography. Although I can get into position. It's more convenient in a jacket. And on the surface you can blow them up till they squeeze you to much. Which a back inflate won't do by the way. But saying people can't be trained in one or the other isn't accurate.

If you train in one you'll be fine in one. Please talk about what you know to new divers. It's fine if you're asking a question. But telling people how things work that you don't use. Doesn't help them. It just confuses them.
Albion once bubbled...
Personnally i'm happy diving singles, you know the old adege big car small, well you know what i mean.
My turn to play bad cop :upset:


Crudity has no place on ScubaBoard. Despite its rampant presence in the past, the tolerance for this sort of stuff has dropped.

To all,

Personal insults also have no place on ScubaBoard's public forums. If you want to insult each other, take it to PMs or personal emails.

Another off-topic post and this thread will be seriously messed with.
Mverick once bubbled...
Jackets are good for positioning for photography. Although I can get into position. It's more convenient in a jacket.

Just the opposite for me. Maneuvering for photography got easier for me when I moved to back inflate and even better when I got into a BP/wing. My jacket BC is history and I'll never willingly wear another one.

I'm putting my bad cop hat on with Scubaroo. :upset: :rolleyes: If ya'll can't accept that everyone has a different opinion on BC's, stop calling people names, throwing out insults, etc. we'll start deleting and closing threads. Your call. This crap is no longer going to be tolerated. Take it to PM's and settle your differences or go somewhere it is tolerated and you can fight to your hearts content.
I think the poor newby has been scared off.

Is this one of those questions that should form part of an FAQ ? It always ends up with the same information, a mixture of facts and opinions that gradually descends into namecalling etc.

Would it be possible to create a BCD FAQ thread at the top of this forum with factual input from those that have dived a given rig ? Ideally it could be read only witha 'read this before posting' banner.

play nice


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