What's the purpose of your diving?

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Stress relief. No pagers, no cell phones, no talking...

And I think I like the idea that it is so toy intensive. And I like the fishies!
Everything...A combination of everything...exploration, fishes, corals, rock formation, wrecks and many many more...

BUT the most important of all is this...feeling ... this ultimate, unique feeling of just be underwater...

Really I can dive somewhere, where I would no see nothing, just for the feeling...

Manogr !
Originally posted by ScubyDoo
When I display my enthusiasm for diving to my parents, when I describe the wonders it offers like floating weightless in crystal clear water while the sunlight filters over the bottom below, the sounds of marine life echoing in the distance. An environment which is probably very similar to a mothers womb....I see in my parents eyes...on thier faces......the disappointment that they will never experience these wonders.

That's funny. When I tell my mother about my diving adventures, and describe what I see, I get a very different reaction. It is something like the look you get when you realize your dog no longer likes cheese, crossed with the look you get when you hear that Puff Daddy won a Grammy. It is a look of confusion, along with a look of you can't be serious, mixed with a little bit of this is crazy.
To experience Wonder.
Diving to me is a great excuse to go to exotic locations, were you can experience new and different cultures.

You never know what is around the next corner or what you'll see on the next dive. Still looking for the whale shark.

Ed B
I love to lug all the gear to the van load it up. Then drive( hardly ever fly too much gear,arms get tired) for 1-24 hours to the dive site. lug the gear out, take an hour to get it ready.( might take longer if a boat ride is involved) Take a half hour to put it on. Get in the water and make BUBBLES for hopefully an hour or more. Then get out of the water take the gear off, lug it back to the van. Do it over again,ya gotta make 2 dives. Drive 1-24 hours back home. Lug the gear out of the van wash it off. Dry it. Pack it up, ready for next weekend. All this exersize who needs the gym:) The hour or so of Bubbling in the Blue(most places I dive are Brown or green) makes all the work seem like fun. :jester: It doesn't get any better than this:thumb: I am one of the people that get to experience the other 70% of the world. The quest into the unknown. I have been doing the same thing almost every weekend for over 20 years. Why change now :eek:ut:
I dive to explore a piece of the planet that I had previously only seen on TV. Once upon a time I was an athlete...now I'm a tubby 52 year old, yet in water I am as agile and as physically talented as my 21 year old daughter. I love having the sense of wonder about my surroundings that is usually only within the purview of children. **********:smilie(':eek:ut:')
Sticking out tongue
When we are on charter I shoot video of our guests and sometimes do instruction. When we are off we go bottle diving in the harbor and we belong to The Ocean Consevancy and do reef condition survey dives. I enjoy all the diving I do. I thought I would get tired of diving by now, but NO WAY!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
As the shirt I bought in the Caymans says
No phone
No pager
No boss
A different kind of pressure at 130 ft..

I also like looking at the little fishes.

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