Alleged censorship on ScubaBoard

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Rec.scuba didn't implode, nntp:// did. It did so because http:// exploded.

If you know what those acronyms stand for, you'll get my point.
dear lord.jpg :D:cool2:
Charpai, I understand the acronyms. Be that as it may, rec.scuba imploded for the very reasons I stated. One can still pop in should one so desire but why?
I'm not sure what's more interesting/disturbing. That you...
a.) Find the need to clarify specifics about why you hate Nazis
b.) See the need to stipulate the fact that "the Holocaust did happen"
c.) Then ask people to "remove the Holocaust from the equation" for purposes of evaluating Nazis

---------- Post added August 6th, 2013 at 05:31 PM ----------

But, you will go?


There are many nutjobs that do not believe that the Holocaust happened. Because a few here just labeled me a conspiracy theorist, with all the baggage that term conveys, I thought I had better make it clear that I thought that Nazi Germany did commit genocide and the Holocaust was real --- Once I clarified this, there is a sociologic value in looking at the Propaganda Machine of Nazi Germany, and how they got the population to do what they wanted.
Unfortunately, this may be lost on people that have their mind explode when the word Nazi is spoken or read.
I'll say this another way.... If
Goebbels was alive today, he would be working for the Obama Administration and be in charge of the News Media.....but ...he may not be as effective as the people that actually are running the US News Machine/propaganda machine. This is the point I was hoping to make.

The other point, the one on culture, is rarely in anyone's awareness. The Germans, in the 20's and 30's, had strong family values, and they felt the country was their family. There was a deep feeling of pride in their family, and a duty to protect it--just as if you were in highschool, and someone was hurting your sister, YOU would physically insert yourself and "fix" the situation...that was the German way, and it was the American way.
Goebels capitalized on this feeling of family, and of Duty, and some amazing posters and art began spreading everywhere in Germany in the mid or late 30's with depictions of Strong, heroic German 20ish males, in a situation where they had to defend a beautiful German girl....They Created an art form, a genre, almost a Love Story with a conflict, and they embedded this pride and duty into the key generations of German youth.
This would prove to become a powerful TRIGGER in future NEWS stories where the Jews were depicted much like the way that our News media in America, just fictitiously depicted in the Zimmerman trial. The playbook was and is the same.
The end game, is a government controlling the actions of it's citizens by spinning the PROPAGANDA. WE in America, have the greatest Propaganda machine in our Network News Media, the world has ever known.
It is controlled, corrupted by corporate ownership, and nothing like it was back in the days of Walter Cronkite. Once upon a time, we were a great nation. And now, we have all the people with their heads in the sand, unwilling to think about the obvious changes, and who will benefit. I am as guilty as you are....I will not spend my life with attempts at activism. On the other hand, I will call things the way I think they truly are.

Nothing in your linked definition says an acronym has to be pronounceable.
.. wait for it, wait for it! Ah, there it is: The Nazi card! We've made the jump to hyperbole, ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy the ride.
One would have a very hard time just popping into any usenet group these days. Most ISPs don't even have a news server anymore and it takes more and more effort just to did your way. If you did pop into Rec.scuba you'd find 99% spam. Hostility didn't kill rec. scuba. That's what kill files were for.

But what do I know.... Time to do see if I can find a fidonet node and read some echo mail. (Which was also killed by http not fighting.)
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