A career as a dive instructor - realistic or idealistic?

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it depends on the dc, dont has to be. a good dc will give you a fair chance and equal option on all courses, regardless of the level. if you would work for me its simple - you sold the course, you teach it (or you dont want to). if it is a walk in, its a turn thing and goes around. as far as the msdt prep, i partially disagree. in a "your local lds" its right, in a tourist / resort area you will have 25 certs in no time, be it whatever course, or dsd's (5 dsd's count as a full cert). with 25 certs you can apply for specialties. as you will be in thailand, dont get "sucked" into the msdt thing to much!

True, guess my perceptions are a bit coloured by my experiences... which as a part time instructor means I normally get the dirty end of the stick!

Still, paying for MSDT prep in UK pounds might be worth it in Thailand. I was lucky to get a good CD and taught real students "by proxy" - picked up a lot of useful experiences in how things can go wrong, and how to "stop teaching and let student divers discover" - hard for me, as I teach for a living so had a few habits to break.

Just do it Sirenita - don't live the rest of your life wondering what you would have done differently. Was it George Bernard Shaw who said "The only follies I regret are the ones I didn't commit when I had the chance"?
You are not going to be living a life you're perhaps used to working within the recreactional diving arena. Money is slim but there are a few things that can help.
Speak a minimum of two languages
Complete your MSDT and apply for the most common, tourist type, specialities such as DPV, Wreck, EANx etc.
Be prepared to travel, freelance. This is a good way of earning as there is always a laps time of year and providing your services to many of the other dive centres ensures you are kept busy.
The biggest thing I would stress is that if you have any debt (credit card etc.) then clear it all before you leave.

All the very best.

I have just made the leap myself. My wife and I moved to USVI to live a simpler life. Prior to moving, I completed the certs and training for my MSDT and several additional specialties in an effort to make myself a more valuable employee. So far so good.

I am fortunate that my wife will be able to help with the income. I do not think I could make it in the lifestyle that I enjoy on my instructor salary. I don't live lavishly, but I do enjoy having some nice things.

I have to say that I have not regreted a single day since the move. I lead three dives today in 80 degree water that was clear and blue. (It was 24 degrees and snowing in my hometown today) Just another work day in paradise.

Something else to consider and look into is the living conditions. Life in tropical environments is quite different. Salt spray eats at everything. Termites and other crawling things are a constant. We are living on the water(something I do not recommend) and the counters and tables have to be cleaned twice a week. A layer of salty dust covers them.Fortunately, we will not be living on the water permenantly. I am not trying to scare you away from moving, just make sure your eyes are open.

You might check and see if there is a message board for the area you are moving to in Thailand. The board for the USVI has been helpful.

Best of luck with living the dream.
Wow! I did the right thing when I signed up to this board! Just want to say a big thank you to everybody for the fantastic advice I am receiving! Much appreciated. x
I have been a regular here since discovering it with a search last fall. Please remember to post updates on your adventures and especially lessons learned and cool things seen. :) Get a good camera.

Oh My GOD! Today is the day I leave my home in the UK... I am so twisted up with anxiety and emotions at leaving my family. I have about 3 hours left to complete my packing! One thing is for sure, there will be tears before the afternoon is ended. I should be really excited, and probably I am, but the leaving home thing is the biggest thing on my mind right now.
<----needs a little reassurance! :)
Anyone who can find a need and fill it can do well. Don't be a typical instructor, work hard, market the assets that make you different and find the people that want those abilities. For instance someone who is fluent in Japanese can make quite a bit of money here in the PI.
You will have a ball. Ignore the nay-sayers. And if you end up staying on (or at least away) then all those people that you are going to miss so much will be clambering over each other at Heathrow to get on the plane to see you in their holidays.
I was in your shoes four years ago. And I have no regrets. I packed my stuff in the UK and headed off to Thailand. I was an AOW diver at the time and I only speak English. I am now an MI and have had four amazing years working in many different countries. Thailand is an awesome country too. Nice chilled out atmosphere, awesome people, and unlike UK, it's Hot. Even the sea hits 30 degrees !! Go for it, you'll love it !!

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