Advice to new divers: Never buy a integrated VELCRO only BCD

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Sounds like maybe your buckle has an issue. They should be pretty easy to work with.

Maybe it was just being unfamiliar with it. This was a rental, and I know I wasn't the only person in the class who had trouble getting the buckles to snap when we were in the water.
In thinking about systems for dropping weights we should consider first what system is easier to do WHILE PANICKING-- my vote is velcro because its easier to find and pull that handle than the cartridges that slide out and take a lot of force if you can even find the small handles burried at your waistline under a bunch of gear.... if there is plenty of velcro it will be strong for years and not drop velcro is still like new though only about 50 dives on it. But safety first--velcro is easier in a panic.
I've lost weights twice with my Velcro BC (bought in 2005 used). Once because I had stepped on the buckle and didn't know it broke. The other time because I was a newbie and inserted it wrong into the BC so the Velcro flap simple opened up and the 10 lb. weight itself fell out.. While the Velcro to close the BC pockets became useless years ago, the ones on the weight pouches still work like new. Of course I rinse thoroughly after each dive. I guess it varies with BCD.
Good advice is timeless!

Here's advice for a new diver: Don't buy *anything* not required for the course. Rent, borrow, and steal as wide a variety of equipment as you possibly can until you figure out what works for you. Then go buy that.
Velcro is a pain in the whatever if you dive in conditions that'll clog up yerevan velcro. I don't want to brush my velcro clean all the time. I also don't want velcro weight pocket closures nor drawstring.

I've never had to drop my weights but have had to help other divers at depth, who've dropped weights because of velcro or drawstring failure. Generally, this was due to improper set up but IMO don't start with velcro or drawstring and you won't have to be concerned.

Our "OP" that reopened this 2013 thread . . .glad your 50 dive velcro still looks new. :p
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