Backup Mask - Ever Had to Use While Solo?

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Just a curious question on this slow day...

As part of the solo "standard" (PADI, SSI), one of the pieces of equipment you should carry is a backup mask, if, for some reason, your primary mask either breaks or becomes dislodged. While I carry a backup mask when I dive solo, I have never had to use it. So I was wondering, has anyone experienced the true need to use their backup mask while soloing, and if so, what caused you to have to use it?
Good question - I haven't had to use mine (although always carry it now), but I have only been solo diving for about two years.

I would imagine the mask strap breaking and falling from your face (maybe you can't retrieve it as its dropped to no or a deep bottom perhaps), could happen?

Or you splash from a boat or something and the mask comes off ... therefore needing another handy one?

I did have a blonde moment once before I started solo diving where I did a long surface swim to a site with my mask on my head (yeah I know ) and I lost it en route - would have been nice to have another mask in a pocket to help in my buddy's search for that mask (he found it for me actually) - but I lost out on that NYE night dive as I had no spare mask on me and by the time it was found I had to get out of my drysuit to pee and warm up.
only once- mask came loose and easier to swap than mess around
I always carry a spare in my thigh pocket. Never used it, but before I started tech diving I did have a mask strap clasp break mid dive. Kept the mask on by pressing it against my face and not breathing out through my nose until surface.
My spare stays on the surface. I have never needed it.

In the rare event that I push NDL while solo, I carry one eyepiece from a pair of swim goggles.
Never used one - never carry one on a dive - I do carry a spare mask to the site just in case anything happens to my mask topside.
I carry one but never had to use it - have heard stories of masks straps/clasps failing, almost all were rented equipment (not necessarily a correlation there). Will continue carrying one, simply because of the impact a failure can have, especially when diving solo.
You could probably say the same for any back-up you carry. Personally, I prefer to have a back-up mask that I don't need instead of needed one that I don't have. One thing is sure, your strap will break, (your main reg too) the question is when :) So the point, is can you afford of not having a back-up (i.e. assuming you don't loose your mask, you can hold it to your face till the surface) on a normal dive with a buddy. If your answer is yes, you may ask about the same situation on a solo dive. Like for aircraft, the big issues are made of a sum of small issues, not just one.
I guess you could also say when the risk of not wearing a mask is more than just needing to surface within NDLs and not with a Deco obligation - I will consider carrying a spare mask. Until then I am not in an overhead and I am not in Deco - I see no reason to carry an extra mask - your situation may warrant you to carry one. I can surface with my eyes closed without rocketing to the surface - I see no immediate danger for me or my style of diving. YMMV :)
Twice my mask has been broken and I switched to my back up. Once on the surface when gearing up my primary was broken; not sure when I hit it though.

I'm use to diving with an extra mask because of my full face mask and tech training.

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