Breathing Techniques

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Inhale... Exhaaaa ggghhh cough / hack/// cough//

been sick for two weeks... errrrrrr...

Anyhow, you just gotta breathe man. Just stay calm and try not to actually think about your breathing... if your body needs air... well then your body needs air.. bottom line..

Get in better shape/ eat right and DIVE... you will use less air with time..

Good Luck :D
Stephen Ash-
I'm going to elaborate on the subject a bit, but what I say will never be suported by any agency, becouse of a-- covering, so dont try any of it:

First of all you got to seperate 2 kinds of breath holding-

1) Actualy holding your breath, (like in snorkling when going down) actively with a use of a little muscle in you throat (that I can't really remebr it's name, not in english anyway). That's the danegerous breath holding, the one that when doing so you forcefully hold air inside your lungs.

2) Simply not moving air in or out of your lungs. Not by using any muscle, but in a way that you feel that the air passage is free. This is almost not danegerouse at all.

Now let's dig a bit more:
-When equalizing we hold breath.
-Let's face it, there is no danger in breath holding with empty lungs (unless you'r very deep and going up VERY fast).

I take it from your message that you'r an instructor. Therefor you'r suposed to know the basic mechanics of it, than I guess you can figure things yourself, without me saying some untraditional things here.

The issue of breath holding gets somewhat to much attention, but for new divers, that is how it should be. Profesionals can dig some more in it.

Oh yeah, with this said, I'll have to mention that I know of someone that got air embolism just becouse of sneezing very hard during a dive, so hey, dont hold your breath. :wink:
I would not quibble with any of the previous posts....all good information and techniques that can improve air consumption for everyone. However....

I have worked out and exercised "some" for a long time. Then I installed a workout room in my home I started doing something every day. In particular, I started running every other day on a treadmill. Within 6 months I noted a dramatic improvement in my air consumption....without any new "tricks" or techniques. I have concluded that regular aerobic exercise is the best prescription for low air consumption.

Running on a treadmill is BORING! So now when I need motivation and play mind games with myself to pass the time, I imagine I'm training for that emergency diving situation when you need to control your breathing even though you're paniced to death. When I'm starting to gas on the treadmill and want to start breathing hard, I imagine I'm caught in some lines inside a wreck and all I have to do to save myself is breath SLOWLY. Now I actually can do it no matter how bad my body wants me to start gasping for breath.

Works for me...and I do believe aerobic exercise is a real key to improving air consumption. I can kick like h@## against a current and still breath at a normal rate.
For a diver of average ability and experience (me), I think it would be difficult to follow a breathing techinque such as the above mentioned 6-3-6, and at the same time maintain total control over bouyancy. But, if you can do it, all the power to you!!

I have to agree with Beachman here,

Physical phitness training is the phinest way to get physically phit. Phinally, thum one hath just come out and thaid it! Iph you want to breathe leth, just exercise more! This is the core of my revolutionary E-L-E-M diet. The grocery stores have thuppressed this inphormation phor a long time! In short:

Eat Less, Exercise More!

There, you haph it! Now iph everyone reading this will thend three easy payments of $19.95 to NetDocs are us, then we can get on with our liphes!

BTW, thwimming is how I thtay physically phit! A mile freestyle and then a mile snorkleing. My knees can not handle too much impact, so cycling and thwimming are phor me. Many haph questioned just what shape I am in… Round is the answer!


BTW X2... semi-apneac diving is BAD for you. If you skip breathe you will be inviting a whopper of a CO2 headache. The turbulence of deep breathing keeps the CO2 surrounding your alveoli down to a minimum. If you have a headache after you dive, then you are probably not breathing deep enough... or you just hit your head on the boat during your ascent, but that’s another thread. Thufferin Thucotash!!! :tease: X2

Well, about the fitness-

Hell, I'm one of the people I know with worst fitness, and my air consumption is VERY good. It has to do with exparience much more than fitness. It has to do with being aware of every drop of air your body is using.
I have been the guardian of this secret for many years and it has been passed from Father to Son over many generations...Are you ready?
Iiiinnnnnn.......and .......Oooouuuuutttttt!!!
Iiiinnnnnn.......and .......Oooouuuuutttttt!!!
Iiiinnnnnn.......and .......Oooouuuuutttttt!!!

You must swear to me now that you will keep this secret and DO NOT pass it on to just anyone or they will all be doing it!!!!!!!

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?
A stick! Heheheh
Cheers Ears,
The Gasman.

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