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I used to dive an At-Pac and would kit up in the water when boat diving. It's weight integrated. I used to laugh my *** off when people would pitch their kit without filling it first. The facial expressions and body language is priceless as they see their $1000 sinking. Having seen this happen enough, I was able to jump in fast enough to grab mine before it got too deep when my turn arrived. It doesn't count if no one sees it. :wink:
but you don't need impact wrenches and a spare boat.

But there have been a couple of dives where a spare boat would have been handy. Not so good when you're half an hour off the dock and one of the engines dies. And the other one starts struggling...

At least both engines are good as new now on that boat!

But to keep the post on topic:
Even experienced divers make the odd mistake - after all, we're all human. But the best way to not look a totally n00b on a boat is to be comfortable. Be comfortable with you gear. Be comfortable with your abilities. Be comfortable in the environment. If you are comfortable, you will look confident. And the only way to do that is to stick out the n00b appearance for a few dives and make it obvious that you are - others will be more willing to help, and you will slip into that confident comfort zone a lot quicker.
Not mistakes necessarily, but sometimes silly looking. Body adorned with many of the following: giant combat knife, slate, snorkle, extra pockets, colorful hose and tank protectors, retractors, flashlights, multicolored equipment, etc. Take what you are likely to need, and keep it simple.

GIANT COMBAT KNIFE....Wait just a darn minute...what happens when you are attacked by Champ!!!...:D

FYI: Champ is the nickname for Lake Champlain's version of the Loch Ness critter...:D
Arrrggghhhhh, matey !!!

Why, I'ze jest be spittin out me regurgulator, biten 'im in 'is scaly neck and be suckin the bluid richt outtun his veins !!! Arrrrrrrghhhhh, arrrrgggghhhh !!!!

. . .and with a face like mine, I can do it!!!

the Kraken
FYI: Champ is the nickname for Lake Champlain's version of the Loch Ness critter...:D
I don't know why everyone insists on calling him a monster. The poor beastie's just misunderstood. It's not like he wears a mask on his forehead or anything.
The Kraken:
Arrrggghhhhh, matey !!!

Why, I'ze jest be spittin out me regurgulator, biten 'im in 'is scaly neck and be suckin the bluid richt outtun his veins !!! Arrrrrrrghhhhh, arrrrgggghhhh !!!!

. . .and with a face like mine, I can do it!!!

the Kraken

Little early to be tappin the vino dontcha think?
Not mistakes necessarily, but sometimes silly looking. Body adorned with many of the following: giant combat knife, slate, snorkle, extra pockets, colorful hose and tank protectors, retractors, flashlights, multicolored equipment, etc. Take what you are likely to need, and keep it simple.

Whats wrong with colorful hose wraps? They do protect and lengthen the life of a hose, and do so without overcomplicating anything. I always use a retractor for my computer. It keeps it from draggin the bottom or on the reef, and makes it easy to check often. I dont much like the giant booie knifes (we call 'em pigstickers around here) either.
Yeah... We had to do that in Cozumel, too. I hated that. Trying to do the fin shuffle with 60lbs of gear on your back, being tossed around in the waves... Not good.

You could politely ask the DM if you could do a back roll off the boat. I did that last summer and they seemed surprised that anyone would prefer to do the back roll instead of a giant stride. I pointed out the B-R is the coolest part of diving. What's more fun that falling off the boat, bass-ackwards into the unknown? I mean, why not?
Whats wrong with colorful hose wraps? They do protect and lengthen the life of a hose, and do so without overcomplicating anything.

Hoses typically fail at the ends. Hose wraps can hide a failure in progress. They really don't add anything, but color.
Forgetting to inflate the BC on a boat entry.
why would anyone want air in the bc when doing a boat entry?????

I like to hit the water carrying the anchor my scooter, and video set up. Go in head first, on the bottom at 100' in less than 30 seconds. air in the bc would only slow me down.

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