Do you Drink and Dive?

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I'm with Fish. When I'm on vacation, I'll be doing some drinking in the evening, but stop around 8 or 9, then drink as much water as I can hold. Next morning, more water, light breakfast (oatmeal, toast, fruit and fruit juices) then out for the first dive of the morning. Sorry, no booze before a dive.
Anyway you look at it, drinking is rather an odd behaviour. That`s not to say that I don`t indulge sometimes, but I still find it odd and I don`t see what possible benifit you could get out of drinking before a dive.

In terms of risks, this is one that is best avoided.

I dove with a wicked hangover exactly one time. The whole time I was in the water, I thought this thread might come in handy:

Now that I understand the link between dehydration and DCS, I just use common sense and drink alot more water.
I've been on vacation and went diving after a beer (unplanned dive I was invited to do, while I was laying around enjoying that beer) I wasn't impaired on that 25fsw beach dive, but in the future I don't plan to willingly drink and dive. It's just not a smart thing to do before diving, and the reasons have been beat to death.

Now as far as drinking after diving is concerned, I know some will have their theories about not drinking post dive, due to higher DCS susseptability, but my answer to that is bottoms up. Many boats I've been on, guys bring a 6pk for the ride back to the dock. Plus there's nothing more relaxing than soaking in the hot tub with a cold brew after a day of diving. ( I know, I'm gonna get bent, but seriously, it's the best.)
Well, definately not a great idea to have drinks BEFORE dives on the same day due to the bodies ability to not off gass the nitrogen properly......I have never drank right before I dive, and don't recommend it...though I have known others to have 1 beer right before...not the greatest idea. I nearly almost drink the night before for my dive trips.....even one time had a HUGE hangover the next day, but believe it or not....despite how aweful I felt, I had my best dive that time cause I was so focused on being okay and not puking in my reg......funny, and Ironic....still not wise to drink right before....and as for AFTER.....I almost drink after as well....usually about at least an hour after though never immediatley. Also a good thing to remember if you are worried about drinking......for every drink you have have equal emounts in for example.....1 oz. of liquor equals 8 oz of water.......never fails!!!
Good luck!!! Stefanie:wink:
Not at all before, in moderation the night before - after of course.

Having said that I find that more than a single beer or glass of wine in the first hour afterwards goes right to my head. 2 beer feels like 4. Wonder if there is a reason for this?
On reflection I did dive once with a serious hangover, the dive was memorable for several reasons. It was January 1st and my buddy thought it would be a great hangover cure - kind of like the polar bear swims we have around here. It was so cold that there was ice from the ocean spray on the shore so we had to go down just to get warm. Not the worst dive ever, but ranks up there. Hangover, cold, my backplate broke so my tank was flopping around, we picked a poor site and then did I mention it was cold:D .
Well, definately not a great idea to have drinks BEFORE dives on the same day due to the bodies ability to not off gass the nitrogen properly......

Perhaps someone here could elaborate on this off-gassing business. How does your blood alcohol content affect your ability to off-gas? Does it stop it completely until your BAC% is below X? Or fill in the blanks, BAC of _____% will slow off-gassing by _____%?

I'm just looking for some ball park figures here. If a beer 30min before a dive slows off-gassing by 5% for the average 180 lbs male, then it's not a big deal imo, but if it doubles or triples the time one needs to off-gas then I'll definately stay away from alcoholic beverages prior to my dives.

Dehydration and mental impairment have also been mentioned. Any other reasons not to drink and dive?
Dehydration and mental impairment have also been mentioned. Any other reasons not to drink and dive?

Diving dry without a "P" Valve after a few beers can really suck.
So you've never been u/w and were dying to say something? :D This is when hand signals come in very handy. Also, if you knew me you might actually understand the propensity to talk.

I often have something to say, unfortunatly the hand signals always seen to come up short.

Thanks for the laugh, I have this picture of you underwater, jabbering away with your regulator spit out of your mouth :068: Until it is time to breath..... :11: Oh No:D

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