Exclusive Forums - A Question For The Moderators

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Well Pete a couple weeks ago I went into the womens rest room with BabyDuck to help her with a very nasty diaper change on JKE. I was greatly relieved to see that the separate but equal doctrine has been successfully maintained and that the facilities did not include massage tables, hot tubs, wet bars or any of the other ammenities I always suspected given how much time some women seem to spend in there.

The perceived need for separate sex bathrooms to maintain a certain standard of modesty however has absolutely nothing to do with discrimination on the board. A callous, even if mildly humorous, diismissal of the issue sends a message you probably do not want to send. And it conveys an attitude that you clearly would not want to have to try to defend in court. It is simply put, a somewhat thoughtless response that you may want to reconsider.

You need to read up on Lester Maddox and his restaurant and what transpired in 1964. Neither the Civil rights act of 1964, as ammended nor the supreme court agree with you. In this country at least, the owner of a restaurant, or an internet board cannot arbitrarily decide to limit access based on sex, race, religion, etc.

I have posted in the womens forum on numerous occasions and to date have not been asked to leave so that is not my motive at all. The issue is bigger and more impprtant than just my personal treatment. I guess, like the Jewish lawyer who defended the **** party's right to protest in America, I feel it is important that even guys who are jerks have the right to post in the "Womens" forums. I'd also defend the rights of any women who may also happen to be sexist pigs to post in a "Mens" forum. I just won't defend the right of of a "Mens Only" or "Womens Only" forumn to exist.

As you point out, if a man posts something innapproapriate in the "Womens" forum that violates the TOS, any member can report the post and I and many others will gladly remove it if needed. That is a far better approach than banning men from participation.

What is the big deal? Why do you care what women are posting among themselves? I look at it this way: There are times I am at the bar sipping my beer and discussing the ways of the world with a friend. He and I share some commonality and I believe he will understand and can relate. I may even have a few things to say about my wife, kids, mother, mother-in-law, or certain politicians. That conversation would be different, and his answers would be different if any or all of those people were sitting next to me listening or commenting. It doesn't mean I can't or won't have that same conversation with them, but at least I don't have to.

I agree that it is a slippery slope btween being open and non-discriminatory versus individual rights. I just don't see this big deal for an internet forum.
Are male moderators allowed into the forum?

Or as a more general question, are non-DIR/Single/phillipino/whatever moderators allowed into the "exclusive" forums?

just wondering. . .
What is the big deal? Why do you care what women are posting among themselves? I look at it this way: There are times I am at the bar sipping my beer and discussing the ways of the world with a friend. He and I share some commonality and I believe he will understand and can relate. I may even have a few things to say about my wife, kids, mother, mother-in-law, or certain politicians. That conversation would be different, and his answers would be different if any or all of those people were sitting next to me listening or commenting. It doesn't mean I can't or won't have that same conversation with them, but at least I don't have to.

I agree that it is a slippery slope btween being open and non-discriminatory versus individual rights. I just don't see this big deal for an internet forum.

Again, I agree. Whether they have a opt-in or not, let guys post or just read, who really cares? This kind of thing does not even make the list of things I care about.

(And I'm telling Betsy!)
i agree with everybody! :D it *is* easy to hit 'new posts' and end up in a section unintentionally. i've done it going into dir threads (ones under the strict gue rules, whatever the forum name is now.) a sticky *doesn't* help if you come in by 'new posts'.

Yeah, watch out for that place. You might as well pop up in a KKK rally wearing your ACLU shirt.

no kidding. i just read a thread about zip ties & cave line, and you would have thought it was about pros & cons of killing folks with knives or guns... sheesh. it's just not that important, folks.
Maybe I am alone here, but I am not threatened by something just because I cannot be part of it.

Yeah you are not alone there. I popped in through the "New Post" and thought about posting (nothing inappropriate) but then decided not to. If I do not know what they are posting, I still seem to sleep each night.
no kidding. i just read a thread about zip ties & cave line, and you would have thought it was about pros & cons of killing folks with knives or guns... sheesh. it's just not that important, folks.
Depends on whether you have the knife or gun. :D
Until such time as we are forced to have unisex bathrooms, I have no problems with a portion of ScubaBoard to be utilized as "Women Only".
Obviously you support it. I am surprised, to a degree, but then it was a real struggle to get the Pub open so maybe not. Certainly, and I do not mean that facetiously, it is your board and IMO you can do what ever you want, it just seems, well, unenlightened.

The gender specific toilet facilities are an interesting example you present there Doc. I am all for public unisex bathrooms feeling it idiotic to not. But then I do little in a public bathroom than use the toilet and wash my hands. I see no reason not to share vs. wait in some stupid line because women seem to clog theirs up so often. Do people really think women do not fart in the Ladies Room and men do not primp in theirs?
But then, I have never been one to need company to use the toilet or titter with anyone in the process.

See, fully equipped and legally righteous to post in this special place, they would really dislike me. That's ok, I doubt it would bother me, or matter at all.

Tell ya what boyos. PM me what you want to post in the exclusive girls forum and I'll take care of it for you. Oh, but I have to get permission from the leader of the pack :shakehead: bet that ain't gonna happen. Might be worth a try and see just what criteria is required, or used to slam the door shut.

I don't give a hoot if some bunch of girls want to talk amongst themselves but cripes; hit the REPORT button because some MAN posted in MY FORUM (eek) we don't want no stinkin' penis talking to us, (eek.)

Get real people, grow up. It is not threatening, it is asinine. And indicative of the human beings this is soooo important to them. :rofl3:

a gender specific human :D
no kidding. i just read a thread about zip ties & cave line, and you would have thought it was about pros & cons of killing folks with knives or guns... sheesh. it's just not that important, folks.

Is to.

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