Exclusive Forums - A Question For The Moderators

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geokr- you must be single. If you were married you'd welcome a separate forum for women to talk among themselves, rather than explaining to us why we are wrong. :rofl3:

Seriously, I am all for free speech and personal rights. However, I also think that this business of everyone deserves everything all the time has gone too far. What's wrong with marking a forum "Women's" and expecting to have only women involved? Or a geographical area? Whi cares what some guy in Cleveland thinks about dive conditions in L.A.? And yes, in order to protect that some have been made opt in. But what about some common sense and courtesy to stay out of a forum that obviously is not interested in your input?
This is a privately owned forum. There are no rights proffered other than those I provide within the framework of MY forum. :D When I come into YOUR forum, I will be sure to abide by the customs and rules therein. While you are in mine, I expect no less from you.

I hope this clarifies reality for you a bit.

And that's exactly it - I'm trying to understand the rules within your forum. If they are clear and universally applied, then this former Marine understands them quite well. If they are muddled and applied subjectively then you have me and, I'm sure, many others wondering. This whole thread has been solely about that - not about the right of women to have their own place but about the right to express yourself in the same fashion everywhere. About rules that are applied evenly. If you cannot express clearly, and more, enforce standards that are applied equally to all, then you have no forum, rather, a clique.

I didn't join to enter debates like this. I came here for many reasons, mainly to discuss and help make some decisions about underwater videography equipment and I have received much valuable advice from many experts here that has shaped and guided me. None of this has been subject to the scrutiny of my response to this topic I got sucked into, this nonsense about what I'm free to say, where and when it suits some people. Look - if you want to ban me - fine. I suggest to you that if you apply your rules unevenly or without clarity you won't have a future in this business. This topic of mine has been, at the root, about your rules. You need to make them clear and apply them equally. And with that, I'm finished.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Above the poll question is a clear statement that "this is a public poll".
Public poll refers to the fact that who voted what is visible for everyone. It has no meaning for who is or is not supposed to vote in it.
Final change? We are asking that men stay OUT. This should be the last post by any man (except for maybe Mod Posts) in this forum! This means that I won't be checking your forum. If there are any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to PM me or to pose those issues in Site Support! BTW, if you see a post by any man, just hit the
Bad Post button that's on the bottom left of every single post! Our moderators will take it from there.

I think the above explains the problem. Maybe worth a try to not have gender on profile and post away claiming to be a female if it is that important to post there.

BTW, even as a female the wording, We are asking that men stay OUT. rankles me. I suspect I would be hard pressed to not anger women who feel the need for such gender segrated space.
Take our Instructor's Forum. You have to be a Dive Master or higher to get in there. This way our instructors can talk about their students with little chance of bruising their already fragile egos

This may have been fixed already, but it used (2-3 months ago?) to be that you could view threads in the I2I forum via New Posts - I know because I once found myself in there without realising it, until I tried to post a reply
This may have been fixed already, but it used (2-3 months ago?) to be that you could view threads in the I2I forum via New Posts - I know because I once found myself in there without realising it, until I tried to post a reply

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

There have been no recent changes in that period regarding the forum permissions. Could you be talking about this forum? It is accessible for all members but only Instructors can post.
I suggest to you that if you apply your rules unevenly or without clarity you won't have a future in this business.
I am quite certain that we are doomed to failure and will implode at any moment.

This is not the Marine Corp. We don't operate like a platoon. Please use common courtesy, respect and sense while reading/posting.
BTW, even as a female the wording, We are asking that men stay OUT. rankles me. I suspect I would be hard pressed to not anger women who feel the need for such gender segrated space.
I wonder what the reponse would be if there were a "Whites Only" Forum?

We can talk about how great it is to have private forums where one class of people can just talk about their issues without having to be "bothered" by diverse opinions expressed by individuals from other classes of individuals if any of us really believe that. But I doubt that is truly the case if people consider what they are really saying.

If we cannot insert any class of people (ie: whites, blacks, christians, jews, gays, heterosexuals, etc) into the phrase "_______ Only" and expect it to sound equally acceptable to all and have it be equally inoffensive to all, we need to seriously consider whether it is in fact discriminatory. One could argue that having a "Womens Only" forum where men are denied access and whose posts/opinions are removed clearly shows discriminatory intent.

The fact that a majority of opinion may tolerate or even encourage a particular form of discrimination because for some odd reason they see it as acceptable does not change the underlying discriminatory aspect of it nor does it lessen the harm imposed on those who are discriminated against. Now, we can argue how important it may be for women to have their own exclusive club to hang out in and how grossly unfair it would be for them to be denied the oppotunity to maintain exclusionary membership limits based soley on gender - about as successfully as we can argue that those poor long suffering white/racist country club members in the 1960's south deserved the same right to have a place they could hang out in free from the presence and opinions of black members. Predjudice is Predjudice even when you dress it up with feminism.

Similarly saying the board is privately owned and can do what it wants does not work either. There is a lunch counter from a southern diner in the Museum of American History that is there because someone made that point abundantly clear in the 1960's.

Title II of the Civil Rights Act requires that restaurants, hotels, theaters, sales or rental services, health care providers, transportation hubs, and other service venues afford to all persons full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, [and] facilities without discrimination or segregation.

Personally as a male, disregarding my status as a male with a MS in Counseling, I am offended and harmed by the implication that my opinions and apparently gender based lack of sensitivity would in some way damage the discussion in a "Womens Only" forum just because I have a penis and must therefore be like every other person with a penis. Sounds like predjudice and discrimination to me.

Can we get our heads out of our collective asses now? (An orifice possessed by both sexes, by the way, making neither sex immune from having their head up it.) Having a "Womens" forum is fine and announcing the fact to all that he or she is in the "Womens" forum is a great idea in order to let any visitors know that a degree of sensitivity to womens issues may be approriate. However banning or discouraging males from partcipating, or treating their threads and posts differently or with less courtesy or respect in that forum is clearly sexist and discriminatory and cannot be tolerated as all members of this board deserve and are entitled to equal access and protection in all of the forums.
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Personally as a male, disregarding my status as a male with a MS in Counseling, I am offended and harmed by the implication that my opinions and apparently gender based lack of sensitivity would in some way damage the discussion in a "Womens Only" forum just because I have a penis and must therefore be like every other person with a penis. Sounds like predjudice and discrimination to me.
As an extension of your angst, I would suggest that you use the "ladies room" instead of the "men's room" in earnest protest. The Supreme Court has yet to decide that these female only areas within any establishment are discriminatory in nature and constitute an infringement of your rights as a male. Until such time as we are forced to have unisex bathrooms, I have no problems with a portion of ScubaBoard to be utilized as "Women Only".
I dont see the connection that DA points out to be so clear cut .. but I don't see why not just having it in the Womans Views forum is not enough
.. do I read posts there or have I posted there? yep .. but I am respectful of where I am at the time .. I think most people are .. but bad attitudes and spite are not gender specific, excluding one does make you safe from anything

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