Oceanic Atom 1.0 Looses Link

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Reaction score
Miami, Florida
# of dives
500 - 999

I recently purchased an Atom 1 computer and like very much the way it's configured and the info that it provides, and would like very much to continue to use it.

However...I have had one continuous problem from the onset, I've had 9 dives and in every dive it keeps loosing the link between the computer and the transmitter, sometimes even while on board before the dive, within just inches of the transmitter.

I contacted your tech support, they recommended replacing the transmitter battery and cleaning the contacts, which I did, however it continues to loose the link.

In two particular deep dives at 90-100 feet approx., towards the end of the dive, I've lost the link, as you can imagine, at a very inopportune moment, when I need to monitor it the most.

I've since returned the computer to the dealer and they're in the process of inspecting it, however my question to you, since this is the first hoseless computer which I've used, is this a common occurance, loosing the link as it does, venturing to guess, about a 1/4 of the time or more, while the dive progresses???

Thanking you in advance for your candid response, since it will help me decide whether to keep on with a hoseless computer or go to an air integrated hose model.

This is unusual for an Atom computer. I had an Atom 1.0 I purchased used and found a speck of dirt on the transmitter's battery contact was stopping the battery from making contact. Once the contact was clean no problems. I later upgraded to the Atom 2.0 no problems. I also have a VT3 I never had an issue with and my wife uses it without any issues. If it is under warranty send it back to Oceanic for service. If it isn't under warranty Oceanic offers a upgrade to a new Atom 2.0 w/ warranty for $150 but that won't solve your issue if it is the transmitter.
Thanks for the response...

As I had mentioned, I've returned it to the dealer and they're checking into it, hopefully they'll be able to resolve the issue with the transmitter...as I said, I really like the way it works and the info given...specially that it's hoseless, so I do hope that they can find the problem so I can have my puter back.

Thanks again,

It's most likely a weak battery. Atom 1s haven't been produced in several years, so even if you bought it new, the battery should be about dead by now.

Also, do you hold your arms in front of your chest while diving? My Atom 2 loses the link if I cross my arms over my chest while diving. But regaining the signal is so simple, I never worry about losing it.
Thanks for the input...

As I mentioned, I put in a brand new battery and it still lost the link, even while diving, I would raise my arm up over my left shoulder to be in direct line with the transmitter, only inches away...and it would not regain the link immediately...I usually had to wait and see a few minutes later, and then it would relink...as I said...it's a waiting game for me right now.

Thanks again,

This ia a case that the LDS can't really do anything except waste your time or send the computer to Oceanic. Don't wait. Either get your money back from the LDS or get the computer back and send it to Oceanic yourself!
Thank you all for your input...

Here is the latest to the problem...I returned to the dealer and they sent back the same computer, but with a new transmitter.

On my first outing, it only lost the link once while prepping up to dive so I felt that the problem may have had a solution with the new transmitter. While on the first dive, the Duane in Key Largo, the readings were going well, but...but...but...my buddy, who thankfully uses more air than I do, motioned that he had reached 1200 and we needed to find the line for our ascent, at that moment I checked my computer and it had lost the link, I'm at 100 ft and have no idea how much air I've got left, I remembered that the last check I had done I had 1600. We found the line went up, doing a 3 min stop at 15 ft, no link yet...finally got back on the boat and the link started up again showing that I had 900 left.

The next day, called up the dealer again, explained what had happened, and returned the computer for a credit refund which I used for purchasing a direct hose attached computer, the Sherwood Wisdom 2...sorry Oceanic.
I have the same problem with my VT Pro. At first I thought it was the strobe from my camera.Nope. Then I thought it might be my can light. Nope. New battery? Nope. Did two dives on Thursday and on the first dive I lost the link at least 8 times. On the second dive I didn't lose it at all.
Very frustrating!

I can only agree with your "Very Frustrating" sign off...it's a shame, because I really liked the way it was configured and the fact that I had gotten rid of a hose, however it's better to be safe than sorry.

However, just for your info, Oceanic and Sherwood are made by the same manufacturer and use the same algorythm, so I guess I've kept it to degree, all in the family.

Take care,

I have atom 1 too and have rarely problem with loosin link but I never dive without analog manometr too.

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