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14 year old Golden Retriever/chow mix
2 month old pug
large black cat
6 foot Columbian boa constrictor
3 foot Mexican black kingsnake
3 foot black tegu (lizard)
2 mali uromastyx (lizards)

I think that's all........

Willy the dog, a 9 year old Bichon, white curly haired, belives his place in life is to sleep on my new oversized arm chair, and nowhere else!

(OH, his AKC name is Prince William of Brookville Knowles.... Willy for short....)
I like this thread!!!
I was just wondering about pets the other day.
I love animals and was curious about divers - do they select similar pets. I now know the answer - NO

I have a 10 year old budgie that talks "Merry Christmas" and "excuse me" are his favourites, two finches that build nests all over the house, a hamster and a tank of fish. I want a dog desperately but my husband is allergic.

What is a beta?
What are maine coon tabbies?

I enjoyed checking out K9's photo.
I'd really like to see more if anyone has pictures. I'm definitely a visual person.
I have one very beautiful but obstinate Dalmatian with a particular interest in rotting, critter infested, foul, driftwood. He loves to ride in the 4x4 or boat with us but when we get to the beach he will refuse to play with anything other than the most disgusting piece of flotsam he can find. We love him, but he is very different from the German Shephards I am used to. This is my first dog that isn't German. He is great though, although I cant walk him without all the annoying kids in the neighborhood wanting to play with him.

We also have 4 Koi and several goldfish in our landscaped pond in the backyard. The pond has attracted several different kinds of frogs and toads that after evening rains keep us up at night. Thankfully there are some natural predators that feed on the frogs periodically. Did I mention my Dalmatian eats the pond plants and tries to catch the fish when we aren't watching?

1 Black Lab/Dalmatian Cross
1 Dalmatian (I thought they were German? maybe Austrian?)
1 Reef Aquarium
2 Sebae Clowns
1 Cinnamon Clown
1 Yellow Tang
12 or so Blue leg Hermits
75+ Asstd. Snails, Astrea, Cerith, nassarius, etc...
1 Giant Carpet Anemone
Yellow Star Polyps
Red/Purple/Green Mushrooms
Gold Crown Sarcophyton
Button Polyps
1 Open Brain Coral
2 Peppermint Shrimp
and so on.....

Maine Coons are a cat breed. They get very large and from my experience over the last 7 years with my boys, they tend to behave more like dogs than cats.

I think Betas are fish.
that my wife and I saved. One was left behind by its mother on our neighbor's doorstep, and the other one that was about to be put down at the animal shelter. Love 'em both like they were our kids. Cool cats, more like dogs than any other cats I've ever met.
1 AKC German Shephard female (4 years old)
1 Chihuahua/Pekinese mix female (12 years old)
1 (Demon-in-a-fur-coat) inside female cat (1 year old)
2 outside cats, female
1 Gerbil
3 fish
1 daughter (19 year old)
1 son (13 year old)
Had a Beautiful Yellow Canary but the Demon-in-fur-coat got it.
Son passed his Jr. OW this weekend (pigletdiver).

I unfortunately don't have the free-time available for a dog just yet, so it's cats...

I have 2 cats, 8 and 2. There's a few more that sometimes think they are mine, but they just hang out at my place.

[no good pics since Willy was a kitten]
Yes, a beta is a fish, aka a siamese fighting fish. The males will fight for territory to the death.

We have one big solid black Siamese cat. He rules the roost. It took a year before he was convinced I wasn't going away.

One big solid black dumber than a post domestic short hair cat. Hes actually bigger than the siamese but still loses the fights.

One AKC registered Lab. Hes mine. I rescued him from a bad home and he still shows the scars to prove the abuse. He lives to hunt, swim, and play ball. The siamese is still mad there is a dog in the back yard and hes been there for 4 years now. The dog has no desire to some inside due to getting beaten on the nose by a declawed cat.

I also have a 55gal fresh water aquarium I need to restock some day.


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