The "other" end of the DIR question

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Actually, it seems to breed resentment.

It's a name. If people are so hung up over the name that they refuse to learn about the principles involved, they need to get some therapy.

Sure, explain that to the National Aquatic Zoology Institute.
The original question was
"The question I have to the non-DIR divers is why haven't YOU taken up DIR? "

Why has this turned into a pro DIR thread surely the DIR forum is for posing that side of the story, i have been 'told off' for posting non DIR comments in DIR forum, surely the same works here, can we get back on thread or simply, can we possibly have NO DIR forum to go with the DIR forum.

Right I dont dive DIR because
1) I dont like GI3 drivel, actually it makes great reading if only for how much nonsence can be spouted by someone who obviously knows his stuff but puts down everyone else with vitriolic fervour
2) The zealotry of some of the DIR crowd, who cant explain their answers to questions IE they are spouting the party line without knowing why.
3) I dont agree with some of the configuration features, some of which i have questioned in various forums and not received an answer which i felt explained the layout (see 2) above)
4) I find the connection between GUE and Halcyon a conflict of interests (dont flame me I know a Fred T plate, oxycheq wings can still be DIR)
5) The sycophantic whining of DIR wannabees, "Oh is this piece of equipment DIR", "what does DIR recomend for wiping my ass" if you are so keen to be DIR go and talk to an instructor and take the course.
6) Lastly some of the posts concerning what happened during the DIR-f course as if you magicallly turned water into wine. I have recently been having a good laugh looking at the Fith dimension website where the guy is demonstrating filling an SMB and practically launches it under himself!!!

Dont get me wrong DIR is good for some people and i'm sure if I took the course I would be humbled on some of the skills, but cmon guys lay off the preaching, some of you sound like the moonies!!!!!!!!!

oh and have a nice day.
Why has this turned into a pro DIR thread

Because the majority of people who post with reasons of why they chose not to go DIR
1) have never taken the class
2) have misconceptions about what it means
3) are offended with the name. (Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? :D)
4) are spouting mindless drivel they have HEARD about DIR....see #1 and 2

surely the DIR forum is for posing that side of the story, i have been 'told off' for posting non DIR comments in DIR forum, surely the same works here, can we get back on thread or simply, can we possibly have NO DIR forum to go with the DIR forum.

There is a NO DIR forum. If you want to use it, go ahead. So far, no one has posted there.

Right I dont dive DIR because
1) I dont like GI3 drivel, actually it makes great reading if only for how much nonsence can be spouted by someone who obviously knows his stuff but puts down everyone else with vitriolic fervour

Funny, GI3 wasn't mentioned once during my DIRF class. Nor was he quoted. If you don't want to read his drivel, don't read Quest.

2) The zealotry of some of the DIR crowd, who cant explain their answers to questions IE they are spouting the party line without knowing why.

Hmmm....we seem to all know the reasons behind things. Do you have examples to support this? If there is something *you* don't understand, perhaps you should ask a DIR instructor or take a class.

3) I dont agree with some of the configuration features, some of which i have questioned in various forums and not received an answer which i felt explained the layout (see 2) above)

Hey, that's fine. If you don't like it because you have analysed the system and think you can do it better, go ahead. This is the only reason

4) I find the connection between GUE and Halcyon a conflict of interests (dont flame me I know a Fred T plate, oxycheq wings can still be DIR)

Thanks for proving yourself wrong. It saves me the time.

5) The sycophantic whining of DIR wannabees, "Oh is this piece of equipment DIR", "what does DIR recomend for wiping my ass" if you are so keen to be DIR go and talk to an instructor and take the course.

Perhaps you should take your own advice and take a class if you want to argue against a system you don't understand, as you said in number 3 above.

6) Lastly some of the posts concerning what happened during the DIR-f course as if you magicallly turned water into wine. I have recently been having a good laugh looking at the Fith dimension website where the guy is demonstrating filling an SMB and practically launches it under himself!!!

No wine, but they do a good job showing you where skills are lacking and showing that, even seasoned divers (especially seasoned divers) tend to *think* they have skills, but when the video is played, everyone is on a level playing field....basically, very few people can do the skills as required.

If you are talking about the skills videos, you are nuts and I'd like to see you shoot a bag while hovering motionless and horizontal any better than that. The bag is shot at arms length. I'm not sure how that is underneath him.

Have a nice day! :D
The original question was
I have recently been having a good laugh looking at the Fith dimension website where the guy is demonstrating filling an SMB and practically launches it under himself!!!
I could not find this on the Fifth D site. Please provide a link so I can see what you are talking about.
6) Lastly some of the posts concerning what happened during the DIR-f course as if you magicallly turned water into wine. I have recently been having a good laugh looking at the Fith dimension website where the guy is demonstrating filling an SMB and practically launches it under himself!!!

Can you explain how nearly everyone who takes this class sings of it's virtues? Is this a fluke, or can you come up with a reasonable explanation of why even the most vocal anti-DIR students who take the class feel this way?

Secondly, the SMB video, while not perfect, is certainly not "practically launching it under himself". You had to really stretch for that one, didn't you?
There is a NO DIR forum. If you want to use it, go ahead. So far, no one has posted there.
LOL. Are you talking about the DIR Free Zone? No-one has posted there because no-one can! It was only put there as a joke. I should imagine it would get a lot of use if people could use it. It is strange though that an awful lot of DIR folk just hate any anti-DIR comments and try their hardest to subvert each and every thread that is DIR critical. This often includes personal attacks on other posters who they disagree with. I often wonder why they bother - isn't simply knowing yourself that you are a better diver than you were before GUE training enough? The sometimes super sensitive defensiveness doesn't seem to help.
It's mostly because the anti-DIR comments are usually mis or underinformed that annoys me. People make assumptions, yet they have never met or seen a DIR diver, not to mention never taken a class.
For better or worse there seem to be quite a lot of people who develop an interest in DIR because of what they learn on SB - so I suppose that not all the comments are incorrect? People have opinions on all sorts of things that they know absolutely nothing about - isn't it often simpler to ignore them?
I think that the Pro' and Con's of DIR have been gone into many times on SB already - most people should be able to work out what's true and what's rubbish for themselves. On top of that, the links to GUE's own site - and other sites - have been readily available for people to find accurate information.
Sometimes I think that DIR divers would probably do themselves more of a service to rise above it and not bite every time!

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