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I guess I'm anti-Hunley, but I like the map idea (sans Florida) and also the Confederate dive flag is pretty cool.
Then I guess it really was a Rebel State. Just made it in there by what... 16 years?


Might sound dumb at this point, but hell, welcome to the family, y'all... :D

So do YOU think we should include Florida in the Deep South Divers section of this site, even if Florida does have it's own section?
My 2 cents on the confed flag being used is all the controversary surrounding it today. WHile I was born in the north I just personally look at it as history and don't get offended but some do so has to make me wonder if it's a good thing to have associated with the group. Just because of the controversy others raise upon it.

OK off my soap box just wanted to bring that point up.
Next question is then are they needing to be added back or not with them having their own section? Just due to the section I would assume not but being southern unknown then :confused:
Finnatic once bubbled...
How about a Bullshark? We could name him Bubba, lol.

That's funny.

Let me get something straight here. We are talking the navy jack which was adopted as the confederate flag not the confederate battle flag which is similar. And, most people who are misusing or get offended by the confederate flag are not educated about the true history of the the flag. It doesn't stand for anything bad.

Just like the two misconceptions of the reason for the war... "And the two greatest lies ever perpetrated by history are number one that the South instigated the war and number two that it was fought by the North for the purpose of freeing the slaves! "

If you would like to read the "Truth about the Confederat Flag check out http://www.geocities.com/hylesjack/battleflag.htm OR http://www.rockbpubl.com/wwwboard/messages/1140.htm


The hands of our women made it,
Baptized in our mothers tears
And drenched with the blood of our kindred
With hope for those four long years,
Across vale and plain we watched it
While the tide of battle rolled,
And with streaming eyes have we followed
The wave of each soft silken fold.

As high over our hosts it floated,
Through dust and din of the fight,
We could catch the glint of spearhead
And the flash of crimson light;
While the blood of men who bore it
Flowed fast on the reddened plain,
And our cry went up in anguish
To our God for our martyred slain.

And we went and watched and waited
By our lonely household fire,
For the mother gave her firstborn
And the daughter gave her sire,
But the wife sent forth her husband
The maiden her lover sweet,
And hearts kept time in the silence
To the rhythmic tread of their feet.

As they marched o'er vale and mountains,
While our banners rose and fell,
Though victory often crowned it
As the Northern hosts can tell.
But the whole world was against us;
Our battle we fought alone,
Till the conquerors - want and famine -
Bade us lay our colors down.

Cold are the loved hands that bore it.
Stilled are the brave hearts and true,
Watching nor waiting can bring them,
Weeping is all we can do.
Light from our banner has faded,
We, in its shadow forlorn,
Have only our mem'ries left us,
And our battle flag drooping and torn.

No hand of vandal shall touch it.
'Tis shrined in our heart of hearts
With dearest, holiest mem'ries;
And the burning tear drops starts,
While laurel we weave and cypress
For the fair, the brave, the good;
The only stain on our banner
Is the stain of our heroes' blood.

This flag stands for far more than what some shollow individuals try to trivialize it as. Let's remember what it really stands for not the nasty falicy that people have claimed. R

Now. No more North vs South or bologna about the flag. OK R
Hey Raven,

I agree with you about the historical misrepresentation of the confederate flag, but history is often misinterpreted and it's the reality of the present we must look upon.

Right know, misguided or not, a large percentage of people do feel threaten or angered over what the flag means to them.

Since I live in Columbia and I use to work on Main St I got to witness the whole anti-flag, pro-flag debate.

At first, I was all for the flag staying because of it historical significance but after seeing how emotionally disturbed people were by what they felt the flag meant to them, I came to the conclusion that if it offends such a large group so deeply and personally we should let it fade into history....

just my thoughts

You have a good point. I just wish that people would educate themselves instead of not.

I also like the fact that the flag we put together is not the "confederate flag" it is a dive flag with the traditional colors of the south.

There have only been positive comments and a couple questioning would some be offended.

Would those of you who are offended feel free to post so or PM me? I do not want our group to have a negative representation. I personally don't see who the southern dive flag would offened but my view is my own. :) R
i'm all for it, i LOVE that flag but being a redneck from Bama, i would. LOL

Two things here. First of all, I like number one flag idea SeaJay. Secondly, and this isn't really important, but the reason that Charleston Illustrated link wasn't working was because Charleston was misspelled. It was something like, chareslton. :) Just thought I'd let everyone know what was up with that link originally. I like the #1 idea for the flag and I kinda like, "The South Will Dive Again". There's my two cents. :)

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