Why is spit such a good defogger?

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I'm with Walter.

I don't feel like having organisms growing in my mask. I've seen / heard of folks with fungus and other stuff growing in their masks after (around the edges and in the gasket).

I'm more than happy with a tiny dab of defogger.

Stuff growing in your mask has nothing to do with what you use to defog it, it's a consequence of packing the mask away before it and the strap have fully dried. The moisture around the mask inside a closed environment, like a mask box, provides an ideal grwoth environmnet for all sorts of micro-organisms.

I was told that it was pre-dominantly women that couldn't use spit.
Please don't shoot the messenger : just what I was told

Careful about stepping on the toes of the other sexes? Many subscribe to the politically correct, but wrong view that all creatures are equal. Recently on Buddhist forum the question was asked whether a woman can find enlightenment as easy as a man. My response is much too long to post here, if you want a copy write me direct. Here is a short snip from it. In any case, do not feel the need to apologize for the difference between a mail and female - that is what makes them unique and is part of natural law. Either something is true or not, that is the bottom line.

Snip from my earlier post on enlightenment versus the sexes;

(...) anonymous Buddhist writes:

"I do not like to seem sexist, but when I look around at all the obstacles women must contend with I wonder how they will ever find enlightenment? Maybe the Buddhist nuns have a chance, but I see little hope for those of the worldly persuasion who are not renunciates. What do you think?"

Yes, many, many gender specific peace disrupters for women to contend with who are not renunciates. My opinion is the average women will not be at peace (find enlightenment) just by paying it lip service unless she makes drastic changes in her life. Women, generally do not like hearing about this from men though. Most women have a chip on their shoulder...or should I say a chip on their breast concerning men. Women have a hubby on one breast, a kid on the other breast and the rest of the male population trying to get a piece / peace of them as well. So, who can blame women for carrying a grudge and being overly sensitive in this area after everyone is trying to grab at them. Besides a burning desire for most women to evolve spiritually, they also have a burning desire to be equal to a man. Men and women will never be equal, nor should they be. Many women say they can't understand men, just as many men say they can't understand women. In the bible it says that God's way is not man's way. Well, to further distill this we can say that God's way is not man's way and man's way is not woman's way. Every creature has it's way and when you can come to peace with this you will be on your own way to accepting life on life's terms and not your own. To start on your peace journey look for insight into the other creatures suffering and problems. Each sex has their strong and weak points just as the yin and yang dictates. To change this would be to change the underlying duties and essence of that creature.

Since this thread just took a weird turn....

I'm a girl...and I spit! Ok so there are probably better ways to get interest off the opposite sex than making loud howking noises on the boat but it works for me.

Must be something to do with the things I eat!

Nauticalbutnice :fruit:
The question about windshield defoggers gave me a new idea :lightbulb: Apple works as a defogger for the windshields. I haven't tried it on a mask yet. But it's natural and you can eat the rest of the apple after using a small slice :)
spit works for me when i do not have psi 500..... my thoughts have always been to use psi 500 and make sure i can enjoy my dive fog free hehehe .... at least we all can use what we want hehehe i am leaving to go to lake degray..... i hope to see you there...... clay
Spit doesn't work near as well if you dip you mask first. I see people do this all the time. They dip the mask, sort of wash it out and then spit in it while it's wet. Better to spit while it's bone dry. It'll work 10 times better.
Why is spit such a good defogger?


Has your mouth ever fogged up?

Spit doesn't work near as well if you dip you mask first. I see people do this all the time. They dip the mask, sort of wash it out and then spit in it while it's wet. Better to spit while it's bone dry. It'll work 10 times better.
Just don't spit and then rinse it the common mask bucket. Ewwwwwwww!
if you have a cold and stuff, and spit on your mask, do you see the rest
of the dive through a yellow filter?

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