Would/Do you loan out your gear?

Would/Do you loan out your gear?

  • Yes, always willing to help a fellow diver.

    Votes: 39 28.3%
  • No, my gear is my life...

    Votes: 55 39.9%
  • Not sure... depends how cute they are.

    Votes: 44 31.9%

  • Total voters

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MNScuba once bubbled...
OK, let's see where this goes... Here's the scenario:

You are at your dive destination and done diving for the day, someone you don't know or never dove with before asks if they can borrow a piece of your gear (dive light, fins, something like that).

Do you do it?

Anything they need. I'm a "be prepared" kinda guy, have spare fins and a reg among much else, but the things I tend to lend out most is hoods, lights, and booties.
Little stuff yes: mask, snorkel, fins, orings, straps, batteries etc..

But not BC, reg, computer.

Art chic, I agree, but if they bring him up, the gear will be taken to the local police. I might not get it back before going home. They might even keep it until after the lawsuit is resolved.;-0

Also as an instructor, the liability thing. You know, "duty to act, neglect of duty, damage resulting" stuff.

Can't be too careful these days..
I have enough extra gear to gear up another diver without using my regular gear I often provide the gear for some of my dive buddies when we go diving .but they arent going to use my gear and not take me along.
No one uses my personal gear but me, period. Masks and fins, I don't want to replace. Reg, BC, etc I don't want to rely on anyone not servicing them right. Don't touch my computer.

We do keep several sets of extra masks, fins, weights, etc to loan out to friends and family. What happens to those, I could care less.
Some may say this is selfish. Some may say unfair...........I've tried to be nice at times and it's cost me dearly. Lost and or dammaged gear, soured relations over return of, repayment or replacement of gear lent out! It's a reality this stuff is enormously expensive. Not everyone will take care of your stuff like you would. I am now a believer that if it means alot to you don't lend it. There are exceptions, two to be exact, but that's it. Sorry...
Onmy first dive trip, before I had bought my own gear, My father in law lent me his regs and computer.

It was a great experience to have my own gear while on my trip and I would lend my stuff to someone to give them the same experience.

Clearly during a trip lending a computer would cause problems with offgassing times and such so I wouldn't do it. However, I would lend any other pieve of gear I own to someone as long as I knew I could get it back and that they'd take care of it.

what are you afraid of? I guess my stuff isn't so expensive that I'd never be able to replace it. I guess the poor really are more generous. :)

HTH, Rice
Probably not to the guy/gal in the scenario, but...

I always pack a spare reg set (including computer), mask, dive light and usually about 10# more weight than I need. I also have a pretty complete save-a-dive kit as well. I leave the old BC & fins at home because they're too bulky to put in my gear bag. Besides if they aint got a BC that works & need an entire fin, not just a strap, they really weren't hellbent on diving anyway.
.........I'd loan to a stranger, as long as my local dive shop / club vouches for them and as long as I'm diving with them....I don't have to be along side him/her....as long as we're in the same group and my local dive shop owner has introduced us.

I've had good luck so far, and no bad experiences.....and it's a good way to break the ice and meet new people...after all, all my friends were once 'strangers' at one time.......plus it gives an opinionated know-it-all such as myself an opportunity to 'show-off' my cool gear and get them addicted to the 'good-stuff' before a bad experience with medeocre rental gear puts them off scuba diving for good. :)
If a total stranger walks up and ask for something.....I would lend out anything i would not be heart broken not to get back.
Anyone that I have previously met and did not get bad signals....I would lend anything.
My government has screwed my over...My employer has screwed me over...even members of my step family have screwed me over.
I just hope that I can find trust within this small community of bubble blowers.
Yes...I am a fool

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