Anti-DIR reg instructions

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Wendy, Thanks for the breath of fresh air (no pun intended).
You expressed a feeling a lot of people have about this DIR/Anti-DIR BS.
doole once bubbled...
I was just reading the donating the primary/disease transmission thread and it made me think of a kind of amusing line in the instruction manual that came with my reg.

Why do you care what the instruction manual says? You are the one that has to dive it, not them.
Wendy once bubbled...
You know what is it getting on my last nerve?....the people that feel that it is necessary to include DIR into every single discussion whether it is DIR or not. What the H*LL does DIR have to do with donating the reg from your mouth to an OOA diver? Nothing that I see. Instructors from some agencies have been teachng this long before DIR was even a glimer in JJ and GI3's eyes. I was taught to donate my primary reg and switch to a back up in my NAUI ow class, and I have seen several other do the same, even those that don't have the slightest clue what DIR is.

I find it quite ironic that one of the most common criticisms of DIR is that they didn't come up with anything original yet people seem to forget this when it's convenient for their purposes. I take that back, it's not ironic -- it down right hypocritical!

I've been accused of being a DIR **** (something I find unbelievably insulting) and a lemming. I've been told that I've had too much koolaid to be able to think for myself anymore. Yet, despite my strong DIR leaning, my opinions are not passed down from GI3 and I've never had any koolaid. Like Wendy I was taught to pass my primary off by NAUI. Later, an NSS-CDS cavern class introduced me to long hoses. I quickly realized that even though all my diving is plain vanilla non-overhead recreational stuff that a long hose would be beneficial. My instructor had me stuff the hose down along side my BC but it didn't take very long for me to realize that I didn't like this idea. I learned about buoyancy & trim and how to frog kick. My first dives after cavern class were in St. Lucia. Where anti-silting techniques important down there? Hell no. But the same techniques kept me from accidently kicking the reef -- something that people with significantly more experience the me did several times. Now that I've returned to the murky of the Mid-atlantic I the same techniques are far more important. I don't stir up (as much :wink:) silt and the dives are far more enjoyable. So there it is, a bunch of DIR rhetoric and no koolaid.

There are many other things I do which are attributed do DIR but these don't come from drinking koolaid either. When I talk about them I try very hard not to mention DIR, GUE, GI3, etc because of the inevitable crap that follows. I just wish the people that don't like DIR would keep their mouths shut and stop bringing it up.

Just because you may be anti-DIR or non-DIR or could give a sh$t about DIR doesn't mean that anything you see differently needs to include DIR in it.

Despite doole's claims to the contrary, I believe this thread was a very blatant troll. If you don't believe me look some of his previous posts. He has expressed strong anti-DIR sentiment. His low number of posts combined with his recent registration make is motives even more suspect. Please stop feeding this troll and stop trying to legitimize this thread.

Its diving people plan and simple and we are not going to all agree and we never are and we can continue to have stupid discussions day in and day out, I mean my god it's amazing Karl hasn't jumped in on this yet and spouted off some "wisdom" on the subject for us. Bottom line is we are going to each dive how we want and with who we want and if you don't like how I do things, fine, I don't care, don't dive with me, its not like you are the only dive buddy in the world.

When it comes to diving there are only a few things I care about. Mainly I want to make sure people are aware of their options. Before I got involved with cyberdiving my LDS was the be all and end all of knowledge for me. I would like people to beware of what is out there. I don't like bull**** and I don't like ignorance. I could care less what people do provided they are acting in a well informed manner.

Why can't we stop the bickering and actually discuss topics like adults
Did somebody say ad hominem? :D
doole once bubbled...

Based on your quote we do not know the context of this statement and therefore must guess. My guess is that this statement is not intended to address an OOA emergency. However, if it does I submit that it is very bad advice should you run out of air. As a result of following this advice you are likely to drown as you will not be unable to breath from your buddy’s octo or donated primary if you “KEEP *YOR* REG IN *YOUR* MOUTH!”

With that being said, I believe that other than when transitioning between them, keeping a reg or snorkel in your mouth at all times is a good idea. Like keeping your seatbelt fastened on the plain any time your in your seat. But if you are uncomfortable switching between regulators, as many new divers are, I suggest you practice it on each and every dive till you are comfortable.

Why do we have to discuss this people enjoy walking out to a field where there is nothing left of the horse we already pummeled the ever living life out of and continue to pummel....seriously...leave the carcus alone and back away

I have given my view of the which octo to donate in other threads...

As for the manual, the new honda accord manual says to change your oil every 10,000 miles, yep that's right, 10K...oh yeah, the manual that came with my mower and other power tools said to use safety know I like living life on the goggles for me.

Manuals are good to have for 1 thing...that is the customer-no-service number on the back...other than that, they take up a lot of space in a filing cabinet.
I gotta do something.

I haven't been able to crawl through the mud, sucking air from a *long* hose for too long.
BTW *Long* hose is 50' or more.

I need to do something to stay in shape.:D

Besides, it looks like dead horse beating will be an olympic sport in a few years. Finally a sport where we old farts have a chance.
>> Despite doole's claims to the contrary, I believe this thread was a very blatant troll <<

Bully for you.

Just because I don't dive completely DIR doesn't mean I have "anti-DIR sentiments".

This was NOT a troll, regardless of what you say, and to prove it, this is my very last post to this thread.

The people who turned this into DIR vs anti-DIR are nut jobs.
doole once bubbled...
The people who turned this into DIR vs anti-DIR are nut jobs.
Dude...any time you start a thread with "Anti-DIR" in the title, you are asking for a flame throwing, horse pummeling debate.

I mean it would be like starting a thread with the title of "Anti-Military Action" and then being pissed off when people write something about supporting the military....

Your comment is just plain ignorant.

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