Dilemma about LDS

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Long Island, NY
I am just about ready to purchase my BC and Reg set. I have done a lot of research and tried to rent/borrow a few different regulator sets and bc's.

The LDS where I have done all of my training (OW, AOW, Nitrox) pushes ScubaPro, and I am fine with that as far as the reg set goes. I have decided I want an MK25AF/S600/G380 setup, based on the regs I have rented. They are pushing however the ScubaPro S-Tek BC system for me as I have decided I want a back inflate system that will grow with my diving. Their selection of BP/Wings is very limited.

This is where the dilemma is, I have been unable to try the S-Tek system (my LDS does not rent it) and I like the looks of how streamlined a BP/Wing system is. Tomorrow I am going to rent a Halcyon BP/Wing with the Pioneer wing from another shop which is about 45 minutes from my house.

I really like the staff at my LDS as far as how helpful they are (with the exception of pushing the ScubaPro although I can understand why they push it as it is their main product line). I also like the way that they teach and plan on continuing my dive education there (I plan on taking a Rescue class at some point). My concern is that my LDS will give me a hard time for purchasing my BC elsewhere. It is not like I am planning on purchasing online it is just that the selection at my LDS is limited on the BC side.

What are your thoughts about this and have you had similar experiences?


i personally like scubapro as well. the MK25/S600 is a great config for your reg...top of the line. make sure you get the new 390, not the 380. it's exactly the same except that it has a cooler new design.

i would perfer to get a BP/Wing instead of S-Tec. for some odd reason, although it's a good BC, i dislike the S-Tec. it just looks ugly.

I use a Knighthawk. it's a very stable and a very comfortable BC. it's both streamlined and durable. i've used an halcyon before, but i don't like it. if i was to go with a tech BC, i would perfer an OMS.
But I am danged picky about how I get to spend my money! :$$: And we're not talking $30-50 for a divelight here; you're talking about spending some realy money.

This is the way I'd approach it:

(1) Make sure I'm talking to the owner or other decision maker. (I'm quiting one LDS I've tried to do business with over this, among otehr things, as the owner is never there, and the manager can't make decisions.)

(2) Explain: "I really like the staff at my LDS as far as how helpful they are (with the exception of pushing the ScubaPro although I can understand why they push it as it is their main product line). I also like the way that they teach and plan on continuing my dive education there (I plan on taking a Rescue class at some point). My concern is that my LDS will give me a hard time for purchasing my BC elsewhere. It is not like I am planning on purchasing online it is just that the selection at my LDS is limited on the BC side."
Just like you told us. :nod:

(3) Then, "I am going to buy what I want to buy, though, and I hope you will sell it to me at a reasonable price, or not be upset if I get it elsewhere." :tongewag:

If that won't work there, you'll do yourself a favor shopping for a new LDS. There are many there, right?

Go get 'em, tiger! don
I think Don must have been reading over my shoulder...

Give your LDS the opportunity to sell you what you want, with them knowing you will go elsewhere, if they can't or won't, then buy it somewhere else, it's not worth it to buy a BC you don't like just to make them happy. If they don't like it, find another LDS.

You wants come WAY before your LDS's


Edit: If you do buy it somewhere else, make sure they know it was because you could not get it through them, not because you found a better price, this should make it easier.
Ok, my sentiments are just like everyone else's. You have to be comfortable with what you buy. Don't let someone push you into something you dont want. Get the BP&W if thats what you really want to be diving. Frankly, I agree with that choice. If the LDS doesnt have any BP & W in stock, ask them what they think about them, and If they could get them in for you. That could make your decision for you. Then, let them know that you are going with a BP&W. You dont have to explain anything to them, but it might go over better if they know your reasons why you bought it elsewhere (because you said you might do con ed thru this shop...)
TTSkipper once bubbled...
This is where the dilemma is, I have been unable to try the S-Tek system (my LDS does not rent it) and I like the looks of how streamlined a BP/Wing system is.

Which wing are they suggesting? I'm not familiar with scubapro wings but the RECtec aircell looks like it has bunge cords simliar to the Dive Rite gusset cords. Personally I don't care for these.

I have a DR rec wing and I ended up removing the gusset cords. DR claims that they're supposed to help shape the wing for use with smaller tanks. The problem is that the cords cause the wing to fold over and trap air. It's not really a big deal but it makes it nearly impossible to get all the air out. If you take them off the wing is really big (probably too big for singles) and air tends to get trapped in the tips. You can get it out by sloshing back and forth but it's a little annoying. Basically the wing is too big and they solution to this is a bit of a kludge. If the shop continues to push the scubapro wing it would probably be a good idea to take a closer and more critical look at the wing.
You are the one who has to dive with the gear. Don't get sentimental about it, your LDS certainly won't. This is a business relationship for him/her and so should it be for you.
So select the gear that is best for you and then buy it from the store that offers the best value/service for your money.
Everyone is bang-on so far, I thought I may re-iterate the major points so far.

#1 is to talk to the shop (owner) and say this is what you want, I want to deal with you, what can YOU do for ME. If they say they can't, tell them you know a shop where they can get it... :wink:

#2 is buy what you WANT. Your hard-earned coin, you better get what the hell you want for it.

Those 2 points should help you make up your mind and solve your dilemma.
I agree, that you are the decision maker. However, find an individual that does the type of diving that you want to do,successfully, and emulate that. Without knowing more about your diving goals and style, that is as far as I am willing to go.
The MK25/S600 setup is an excellent choice. It will serve you well for a long time. The S-Tek BC your LDS is pushing has been a dog for ScubaPro. Even the ScubaPro reps don't push it. If you want to look at a BC, then the Knight Hawk is a good choice. If a BP/Wing Setup makes your socks go up and down, then look at Halycon or OxyCheq.
I don't believe an explanation is necessary to an LDS. If they ask, then explain your decisions so that they understand where you are coming from. If they get upset, then move on because they really didn't have a clue. No shop is going to put your best interests before theirs. In this world no one watches out for you, but you.
Dive Safe,

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