night dive tips

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Why would you need a tank beacon or glow stick, assuming you all have a dive light?
A bit of reality, at least for me and the divers I night dive (and day dive) with, waving the light back and forth quickly isn't really just "something is wrong" as much as "HEY!" Most of the time it's something we found and want to share, lobster, octo, whatever.
In addition to shining your light on your hand when you're talking, don't blind your budding by shining the light in their face while they're talking. (Divemastr beat me to this one... will have to type quicker next time. :p )
Another good trick. If you loose your buddies, cover you light with your hand for a few seconds. Sometimes if they get far enough away, you can't see their light unless you cover yours. But only do it for a few seconds, they may be doing the same thing. :)

Night diving is fun though. I love it.

Now if I ever get back in the water it would be nice......

Nah, you just typed more than I did, not slower.. Nobody is slower than me.. ;>) Just so you and your buddy agree and go over the signals you intend to use. Also if there is a DM that will lead the group, they should go over the signals they expect you to use as a part of the dive briefing. If they do not, be sure to ask.

Why would you need a tank beacon or glow stick, assuming you all have a dive light?
In case your light goes out. Its kind of a fool proof way to keep track of each other. You can even use different colored glow sticks to help identify each other
Why would you need a tank beacon or glow stick, assuming you all have a dive light?

In addition to being a redundant backup the tank becon allows you to quickly spot your parter(s) without having to move your light around. As someone said earlier, you want to avoid shinning your light directly at people. The tank becon allows you to do a quick check and you can still keep your light pointed where you need it to be.

Anouther trick I started doing a while back was a strip of reflective tape on Tanks and any item of gear that I may end up droping, such as lights, knifes, etc... It can make spoting divers that wear darker dive gear, such as myself easier since it reflects the light as I pan my flashlight around. And it makes finding dropped dive gear easier too.
Why would you need a tank beacon or glow stick, assuming you all have a dive light?

Also helpful if the diver is turned away from you and not pointing their light at something that will help you locate them. In our water though Jim, it reflects off the crap (read particulate matter) in the water so there's plenty of light. I also find them helpful once you surface. Many divers go without though, stupid beacons flood so often...

Reflective tape.... Very good idea.....
I like the idea of the coloured glow sticks for your buddy team. At night, everybody looks the same and it's a lot easier to loose your buddy, if you all have the same coloured sticks then you will spot your members that much faster.

And come on people, you forgot the most important reason for glow sticks!!! They are cool, look cool and are neat to play with before and after the dive.

Some of my most enjoyable dives were at night, there is just something about the eerie darkness that makes it that much more rewarding and cool!
Glow sticks are great too when you go camping. I hang them from the apex of the tent inside and if (when) I have to get in the middle of the night to pee, I have light.

(I'm getting a lot of work done today huh?)
Why would you need a tank beacon or glow stick, assuming you all have a dive light?
You'd be suprised how a diver's body can block their dive light when pointed away from you. Sometimes, all you can see of your buddy IS the glow stick/beacon. Beacons are really nice, and easier to see, but as another posted, using different colored sticks for your dive buddies makes ID easy (assuming you are not in a big bunch of divers).

I'll second the idea of snuffing your light against your BC to see the bioluminesence... really cool to wave you hand and have the water glow like pixie dust.

good idea on the reflective tape!

night diving is OUTSTANDING.

Keep it coming - these are GREAT tips. Wow.
Someone should make a sticky called Night Diving and keep all this good info there permanently. (and then do the same for Wreck, Deep, Navigation, etc.)

Never thought about the glo-sticks being banned certain places.
Definitely have to get a tank beacon.

Currently, even during daytime diving, it's easy to confuse the other divers.
Most suits are black, and most gear looks the same.
So I took colored electrical tape and put racing stripes on the sides of my tank.
And I put X's on my buddie's.
Now, at a glance, we can pick each other out.
:star: reflective tape -- outstanding idea

:star: color coded glow stick swim brigade -- outstanding idea

night time is the right time for these >> :eek:ctopus:

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