I Hurt Myself Today

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Dang Mary, i'm so sorry about that! Just relax, lay on the beach and enjoy your vacation as much as possible now! Glad you got some diving in before the injury!

Hope it isn't too painful and you recover quickly!

Well darn...Chalk this up to unfortunate twists. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Sorry to read about your accident.
As the others have said, it's time to find out what non-divers do in Coz.
Enjoy the rest of your trip as much as possible.
Here's hoping for a full and speedy recovery.
hello all you wonderful scuba boarders. i cannot tell you how much your encouragement means. I am feeling preety poorly right now. feel like a truck hit me. all four of my fingers,no thumb, are very swollen, and i must have hit my knees as well.

to top it off, not sure how to put this delicately, i was sick throwing up last night and going potty last night. not sure if it is from food or pills. i haven't had a meal since yesterday at lunch. I have been in bed all day. than god i have a stocked mini fridge.(hotel stocks it) ate ritz crackers and sprite last night. maybe i will lose all the weight i gained in cozumel. my only adventure i will take today is getting to the pharmacy for antibiotic cream, guaze, ace wrap. doctor wanted me to wear a sling to keep arem elevated. by golly I want to stay and get better and do all the suggestions everyone has given me.
BTW i am at the hacienda paradise in downtown playa. most hellacious bag drag i ever encountered but the locals were very nice and helpful.
thanks again. mary
Oh Jeez Mary!!!! That sucks bullets!!! I am glad we got to hit the water before you hit the bricks. Leslie fell today on the tile steps here. She said she didn't land hard, but it jarred her neck. So much for yesterday's massage.

I recommend hammock racing. You get in the hammock and see who can relax most, fastest. I am so sorry you trashed your hand - and have lovely knees to deal with, too!

My first Yucatan trip, I was running in the dark, R.U.I., hit a brick wall and trashed my right calf. Still have the scars - 1988. Managed to have a big time despite. Plenty of ice, plenty of cerveza y tequila. That's what Dr. Sal orders.
Hope you feel like having some fun and discovering the non-diving playtime!!
Get well soon.
Hi Mary,
Sorry to hear about the accident outside SCC and now your latest situation. I hope you are feeling better soon!
Where outside of SCC did you fall. I remember those sidewalks being very "irregular" to say the least.
How much longer before you get back home? I'm guessing you are really wishing to be there now.
Don't know if this applies in your case, but DAN Diving Insurance provides non-diving accident coverage when you are out of the U.S. (up to $10K) if you're at the Preferred (highest) level. For that reason alone, I upped ours to "Preferred" last time around. Best part is you don't even have to be on a scuba trip according to the person on the phone with whom I spoke.
Poor Baby....Sux to be hurt on vacation
Man...Don't let Don find out what you were wearing when you fell..

Shhhhh!! I don't offer Mary suggestions. :eek: I strike some people the wrong way, and at my age - I try to learn when to shut up. She's from Hawaii where they all wear those, certainly able to select her own foot wear, and a nurse; I'm sure she's been in contact with her home docs and would be headed home if she felt she should.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip even without diving or swimming.
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