Is It Time For A DIR Forum???

Should There Be A DIR Forum ?

  • Yes, start a new DIR forum!

    Votes: 59 46.8%
  • Yes, start a Non DIR Forum

    Votes: 11 8.7%
  • No, leave things as they are!

    Votes: 32 25.4%
  • It really does not matter.

    Votes: 24 19.0%

  • Total voters

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domino22 once bubbled...
uncle pug. if you only could only start with one,and would dive warm water only. what would you buy first the trans pac II or the bp?
I really can't say too much about the trans pac as I have never used one.... but I would probably go with a backplate just because I personally like the minimalist approach.

Shoot... I can't say much about warm water either! :D
domino22 once bubbled...
uncle pug. if you only could only start with one,and would dive warm water only. what would you buy first the trans pac II or the bp?

Although this was addresed to UP, I am going to interject if I may.

As an owner of both a TPII and a backplate, if I had to do it over again I would go with the backplate.

Don't get me wrong, I like my TP and it has served me well. And although I really dont have much experience with the backplate yet, I have learned that it can do everything that my TP did, only cheaper.

There are a dizzying array of options out there as far as BC's or back inflation wings and back plates go. There is wisdom to having a simple system that is easily reconfigured or able to change with you as your diving skills and needs grow. Take it from someone who has been there.
are the calming peacemaking abilities of
the Lawman. Blessed are the peacemakers.

Although it was addressed to the Pugster, I would recommend that you go with a standard BC, and possibly a back inflated one, if the desired diving is warm water only as you stated. I own a BP & wings and use it to dive doubles. I use my Oceanic Chute II for singles. It's much more comfortable, standard, fits well, works perfect, gives great trim and does not require a dissertation for the masses when I use it.

I don't haul fertilizer with a car... I don't go on long trips with my truck. Different diving necessitates different gear. While the simplicity of a BP and wings has its merits, the convenience of a standard BC has many different benefits as well. Try out many different makes and models and choose the one that YOU think is right for YOU. Fit and comfort are high on my priority list.
NetDoc raises a valid point. However, I'm still of the opinion that a backplate is the single most comfortable BC I've ever worn. It distributes the weight of my tanks (singles or doubles ) across my entire back and over both hips. I find that my back is not sore even after a full day of doubles diving. With a BC, it is.

Whatever you decide, good luck
cave diver thanks for the responce I guess I wanted someone to say hey get the tp I look at the bp's and see a harness for a F16 and wonder how comfortable that could be. I need to try one some how I guess looks are decieving with all the pro's I have read about. Look when I got certified I used a U.S. divers horse collar, went to a hawiian sling and really liked that but I was a young pup out of college and living in maui and barely surviving and it was cheap and rode good on the gunwhale of our boat that should not have be on the water.Eventually I ended up with a seaquest bc that liked to ride around ear level and made me look like someone was giving me a wedgi, at depth I remember thinking this really sucks at least with the hawiian sling I relied on being 20 yoa and in great shape and I could always swim ashore or out swim my wrong decisions. I am no longer young but at least a little smarter!! And a little fatter!!
The BP setup works great and is comfortable for single tank, rec diving as well, which is all I do. I was lucky enough to see it shortly after I got my C-card and before I'd parted with any $$ on big ticket items. Really, the biggest reservation about it that I had was that I might be perceived as trying to look like or pass myself off as something I'm not -- a techie -- when I don't do any of that stuff. It's just a great piece of functional gear with not much to it that can go wrong. BTW, the guy who showed me the BP setup had a TransPac that he was hoping he could find a willing buyer for..... The regular BC may be just the ticket for some, but I sure do like the BP/wing setup a whole lot better for the weenie, single tank, recreational diving that I do.
we need a DIR monastery where the DIR/GUE
folks can gather....Our Lady of the Long Hose.
they can walk around the grounds in their
double tanks, plates and wings...being closer
to whatever. They would never speak to or
come in contact with 'weenies or strokes'.

Their feet would never stir the dust and their
hands would never touch a leaf. They would
be in harmony with the earth and sea.

They could sell flowers at the airport and
dance on streetcorners chanting..JJJJJJ

Yes, it would be the Right thing to do...
I believe they already have their own forum.

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